16700+ entries in 0.028s
mod6: lemme take a look.
mod6: so that's not the only thing that needed to change.
mod6: http://dpaste.com/1AVK5ZP.txt ☟︎☟︎
mod6: ahh, and then there is this now -- when compiling with alf's fix incorporated:
mod6: make sense?
mod6: i can't even take the time to jump down that rabbit hole right now.
mod6: it's not hurting anyone, and its not going in the release.
mod6: like i said, lets just hold off on that.
mod6: so ben_vulpes, understand that there is like a jumble of different things he submitted, and if the wrong ones are incorporated, it might puke.
mod6: i kinda have to turn a deaf ear to a lot of this stuff until the new month starts, and even then, i gotta keep my eye on the prize - dispite any other problems on the periphery.
mod6: lets not worry about that for now. that thing is in its infancy.
mod6: just had to stick his stuff into patches and .seals. but in all honesty, im not even sure if the patches & seals I'm using are what is indended at this point.
mod6: i was able to press all of that out just fine.
mod6: yeah, no clue what you did there.
mod6: oh yeah.
mod6: i might need a reminder. i did go through a bunch of your comments though.
mod6: hmm.
mod6: im gonna test this revised patch, if works, send it, then get that SoBA in ship-shape.
mod6: ben_vulpes: how we lookin' bud?
mod6: bbs.
mod6: I'm going to build with this and live test it before I submit to the mailing list.
mod6: so... i've integrated asciilifeform's fix into a new patch that will replace the old one: http://dpaste.com/2KCXN8A.txt
mod6: ok
mod6: i'll be afk for a bit.
mod6: i'll fix all of this stuff.
mod6: i wanted a whole replacement for asciilifeform-programmable-versionstring.vpatch, not just the fix.
mod6: should I do mine first? then you can make your changes.
mod6: just imagine that they don't exist, now we need to reimplement those changes.
mod6: then recode all this stuff.
mod6: start without this patch : asciilifeform_malleus_mikehearnificarum.vpatchasciilifeform-programmable-versionstring.vpatch, or th mod6_der_high_low_s.vpatch
mod6: so what i want to do
mod6: ok, anyway.. lemme take a look at this.
mod6: not 3b61e200efe4b17a7f5384e13ab2a1a5e0a74fce0a097802d5e32bb5d74f88fa6e018f56c36ca9198d726a3a78168f87a6181d498cb7a388bc1f3adefa7cd93f
mod6: your patch should have antecedent: bc602bfbc512259fbb6c01f2c1633ff142966bf0752612e9a488cee8a95da7921b98abe646e2f7002243f1981939372e0b53948646398e40525ed442c377f449
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/serialize.h 3b61e200efe4b17a7f5384e13ab2a1a5e0a74fce0a097802d5e32bb5d74f88fa6e018f56c36ca9198d726a3a78168f87a6181d498cb7a388bc1f3adefa7cd93f
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/serialize.h bc602bfbc512259fbb6c01f2c1633ff142966bf0752612e9a488cee8a95da7921b98abe646e2f7002243f1981939372e0b53948646398e40525ed442c377f449
mod6: diff -uNr a/bitcoin/src/serialize.h b/bitcoin/src/serialize.h
mod6: ignore those last two, this from serialize.h
mod6: damnit
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/patches/asciilifeform-programmable-versionstring.vpatch
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 0ccb0c29c0a3217d57f9bc72d87b497e64116a9f79e69277408750ee3dc95738ce52a70afece7a1054314100d84f93f6525ab514b8abd8ce78ab8ebd50e599a2
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 02ccc72e42939509fc180861db7ffec50563a84869f35671fcf720090f9782674edcc89c4174175691566fac7277f1ebe0f50253d1e4a995eb960f5b43cce2a3
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 0ccb0c29c0a3217d57f9bc72d87b497e64116a9f79e69277408750ee3dc95738ce52a70afece7a1054314100d84f93f6525ab514b8abd8ce78ab8ebd50e599a2
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/main.cpp 02ccc72e42939509fc180861db7ffec50563a84869f35671fcf720090f9782674edcc89c4174175691566fac7277f1ebe0f50253d1e4a995eb960f5b43cce2a3
mod6: +++ b/bitcoin/src/serialize.h ef93153b01fdf024a0ab2ce0f992ea9af50d3423baa147c395bba4cc90575bda0d832c0313428bbbc837c99d549c4ba787b94fad5b871870397a410ba59ea0e9
mod6: --- a/bitcoin/src/serialize.h 3b61e200efe4b17a7f5384e13ab2a1a5e0a74fce0a097802d5e32bb5d74f88fa6e018f56c36ca9198d726a3a78168f87a6181d498cb7a388bc1f3adefa7cd93f
mod6: this patch just comes after the original
mod6: ok unpacked ur tarball. verified the sigs.
mod6: hey uh...
mod6: asciilifeform: what was interesting on these ones is that not only idn't they contain *.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig -- they were: *.vpatch.asc
mod6: thats how i tested and built the stuff yesterday at phf's behest.
mod6: nothing, i did this.
mod6: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2016#1390252 ☝︎
mod6: and next time, let's do this sort of testing before i ship ☟︎
mod6: this will have to be fixed for next time.
mod6: ben_vulpes: ok, yeah, you through something into patches that it didn't die gracefully on: http://dpaste.com/1GJP2X4.txt
mod6: did you see my comments from yesterday about your re-bake?
mod6: yeah, : http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/patches
mod6: gpg --verify buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.sign
mod6: <+mod6> <+ben_vulpes> "gpg: WARNING: not a detached signature; file `buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz' was NOT verified!"? << i've just run this again myselfand logged output here: http://dpaste.com/0P2QXYG.txt I'm not sure how what you saw happened there. :/ << im wondering if this could be related to a GPG version thing or something? because the line of code that is executed here is this:
mod6: furthermore ...
mod6: so if you see activity in that direction, ask for a test bundle or test code, whatever. good to catch any things like this before I send itout.
mod6: testing really helps at any time, but especially ~before~ we bundle up and release
mod6: ben_vulpes: thanks for testing V. i appreciate that.
mod6: s/Y//
mod6: danielpbarron: hey there Sir, wanna update the wiki & test the steps from a newb standpoint when you get a moment? Y^ ☟︎
mod6: looks good. matches mine exactly.
mod6: trinque: thanks for deedbotting
mod6: take your time.
mod6: ok no rush here.
mod6: something in shiva breaks it up eh?
mod6: or 3
mod6: 1
mod6: <+trinque> mod6: ah yep, I saw that doing the makefiles << umm.. thats bad. because that means it doens't happen to me, but apparently it happens "in the field" from time to time?
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 https://7chan.org/pr/src/The_Little_Schemer_4th_2.pdf << a real joy of a b00k, i taught a gurl scheme once from it << hey thanks!
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> ;;later tell mod6 i believe i have a bug for you: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/8d9ad794-4b47-407e-9db4-a9a8cb2c70b4/ << lol, what did you do to this poor thing!
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> ;;later tell mod6 stick a random file with .html suffix in the patches dir to reproduce the stale gnupg dir big << this is what I'll test with.
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> ;;later tell mod6 i got v.pl into a weird place where it didn't clean up its gnupg tempdir. perhaps consider using an "exit_gracefully" function where you're currently simply "die"-ing. << this basically /shouldn't/ happen. i'll follow your steps here and try to see what went wrong.
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> unrelatedly, while we're ripping the rug out from under mod6, is there a good reason to continue with the inconsistent directory structure of `./.seals' and `./patches'? << this was in alf's original POC. i think it can stay. especially because you *can* name the dirs whatever you wish.
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> "gpg: WARNING: not a detached signature; file `buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz' was NOT verified!"? << i've just run this again myselfand logged output here: http://dpaste.com/0P2QXYG.txt I'm not sure how what you saw happened there. :/
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> yo mod6 what does it mean in perl to do my $var = "string" . \n "otherstring" is the period a linebreak escape in perl, and the variable implicitly a concatenation of the two strings << where do you see this? this is not a thing. that would fail to compile/pass-interpreter-smell-test. ☟︎
mod6: time to answer some questions
mod6: no rush anyway, im gonna pick this stuff back up tomorrow.
mod6: i apprecaite your efforts here.
mod6: good catch though!
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> wait shouldn't shiva 2 be restated instead ? << this is probably a better. and its not even in the mirror at this point anyway.
mod6: maybe i'll try to debug it a bit, see if i can get it to work.
mod6: asciilifeform: totally up to you in that respect.
mod6: since this one is new, and its not in a release, its not horrible. i'd prefer just to fix whatever might be wrong in there and resubmit & regrind high/low
mod6: we cant exactly rewrite history there.
mod6: and... its maybe slightly different since the first patch was inclued in the first release.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> we did it for the db locks fix << this is fair. would have to had to regrind everything after last march :/
mod6: <+asciilifeform> i'd much prefer antimatter << this imho sets kindof an nasty precedent: just adding anitmatter patches, bloat for the tree. a hundred years from now there might be more anti-matter than matter patches!
mod6: (since its antecedent is PVS)
mod6: and i'll also have to "re-grind" my high/low S patch
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> ver 99999 is fine by me << yeah, this is fine. but the fact that it doesn't do what it should do isn't. i'll pull the patch tomorrow.
mod6: yeah, i'm curious here.
mod6: need to read more first heheh.
mod6: phf: ahh, very cool though. as im sitting here reading sicp im thinking that maybe how i can learn scheme is by writing V in it -- at some point.
mod6: !up asciilifeform