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nicoleci: should be
a fun demonstration for everyone at the store
nicoleci: should probably try for
a raw lamb next time
nicoleci: mircea_popescu, fetlife never disappoints. the best part of it is how he gave an explanation on why he thought that for
a whole second and posted the comment
diana_coman: ehm, from personal experience I can tell you that precisely at that age there is basically
a massive handicap all of
a sudden; and quite visible too
mircea_popescu: but, for some reason (which i suspect -- only in part cultural, and besides, why would
a girl believe her mother) they tend to not want to earnestly try.
mircea_popescu: well, which brings us full circle : girls seemed to prefer that way rather than this, notwithstanding that they ~could~ have earned
a decent spot on the rooster if earnestly tried.
mircea_popescu: i have nfi how she found the room for such kicking, but, the fact remains -- very much ~could~,
a good half of all males are not worth the chickenfeed.
mircea_popescu: so the year's sometime in the golden 90s, and some super-duper karate trainer guy who happens to also be
a friend of the family is visiting.
☟︎ diana_coman: that might be, sure; doesn't change much though yes, strictly speaking "can" aka
a qualified can
mircea_popescu: the distinction generally matches their gender, too. girls tend to end up in the amateur-player groups. not so much climbing and activities with sticks that are wont to show one how inadequate human life is in
a contest with sheer reality ;
diana_coman: I suppose it's
a matter of how broad is broad enough basically: i.e. e o ureche si nici n-aude bine
mircea_popescu: diana_coman "retarded" is
a term for ~broad~ failure. narrow failure, ie one that can be described on
a single node, doesn't seem to meet it.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, the amateur, as
a category, is very much
a 19th century late-protestantism invention, along with such greats as "altruism" etcetera. they have little anchoring in reality, being as they are the waste byproducts of
a specific stage of industrial society.
diana_coman: really? so what, if you notice an amateur making at some point ALSO
a childish mistake then...it's not an amateur anymore?
a111: Logged on 2018-12-01 21:21 mircea_popescu: "the notion that airplanes could reproduce through laying eggs is merely
a naive extension, in the vein of 'object
A has properties
a and b ; object B shares property
a and therefore it is reasonable ~~~on
a first approximation~~~ to expect it exhibit proerty b'. nevertheless, artifacts differ from nature in that one fundamental aspect, that they're inefficient, and therefore to achieve same ends end up heavy, and in the case
mircea_popescu: Mocky calling
a woman sexy, also in jest, term reserved for prepubescent girls and boys of all ages ?
Mocky: well child-like is not the term, but I do think childish only applies to adults. calling
a child childish would be in jest
Mocky: if
a child is doing it, it's not childish, it's child-like. it's only childish for an adult
diana_coman: hm, so amateur is the childish use of adult brain capacity i.e.
a mismatch essentially?
mircea_popescu: tbh, the carnegie hall may be
a fine example -- florence jenkins played in what ~everone deemed
a "how cute, they made copy out of hut!" item.
mircea_popescu: (to briefly revisit the dilettante issue : the other problem is that dilettante delights in ~consuming the end product~, ie, listening to music. the amateur trombonist and the dilettante jazzist may be
a match made in heaven, however, they're not the same thing -- much like the narcissist and his borderline-sleeve gf aren't.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, sleeper becomes sleepwalker when starts walking ; mp's amateur becomes
a nuisance when similarily.
mircea_popescu: i also didn't set on fire la paz wooden house, notwithstanding it is
a reconstruction.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-30 18:35 mircea_popescu: consider though -- am i an AMATEUR writer ? and who's
a professional, everyone on the nytimes list ? really ?
mircea_popescu: "when i discovered the universe was artificial i withdrew into amateurship, because you can't commit to following
a universe that's broken"
Mocky: the proposed meaning describes
a mindset or attitude only, with no consideration of actual ability
mircea_popescu: in
a film in which we see
a nurse passing herself for
a doctor because whatever in-universe reasons, we have under our eyes an expert amateur doctor!
Mocky: I got paid to do some development for
a game, but still would say amateur game developer
mircea_popescu: consider though -- am i an AMATEUR writer ? and who's
a professional, everyone on the nytimes list ? really ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: everyone has
a conception of "how world should be", constructed essentially out of Mother in the positive and some "expectations" from personal history.
mircea_popescu: if i take
a seat next to you in your car, the large cost is my sitting, the small cost is the money.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform quackery is the particular word for amateur medicine. high time for amateur engineering to get
a specific word too, but not the end of ther world to wait for it.
mircea_popescu: and if i hire douchebag to douchebag for
a while, he's still an amateur.
mircea_popescu: (i think it makes
a rather subtle point, so discussion particularly welcome)
a111: Logged on 2019-01-16 16:05 mircea_popescu: it's
a pretty sweet item, except for one point : its twin engines together less power than bartholomew.
mircea_popescu: tru. also, contemporary engine would have been
a piece of art in 1940s, irreproducible with current tech
a man ~fired~ that thing while being driven around. and some exceptional teams even arose, much like ye olde man-horse dualities of the red skins or parthians
mircea_popescu: and all-terain in
a war thorn europe means some shit re artillery holes and such
mircea_popescu: that nobody happened to visit the facts of life re the latter upon her sorry ass is
a particularly harmful coincidence : way the fuck cheaper to not rape some random walflower, being awkward in
a corner. way WAY the fuck more expensive to keep large integers from laughing at kock.
Mocky: bullshit, no one used
a bike that can't turn right for anything except ridicule. it was used with
a proper side car!
Mocky: asciilifeform re zundapp, leaving aside that it dun look much like
a classic blitzkrieg bike to me, I'm commenting on the massive side car that makes the pictured item factually unusable, even with windshield removed
a111: Logged on 2019-01-30 12:55 diana_coman: so to put this straight: are you saying that the model you describe (proxies directly wired to the order processing backed) would be
a liability for CoinBr or what?
diana_coman: sure, log in is
a liability,fine; so no login, but it doesn't follow no online
jurov: yes, the way I built it (webinterface where you log in) became
a liability
diana_coman: so to put this straight: are you saying that the model you describe (proxies directly wired to the order processing backed) would be
a liability for CoinBr or what?
☟︎ diana_coman: it's anyway
a realtime-without-guarantees afaik: it eats your order online, sure, but it processes it when it gets to it
diana_coman: I got that part; my surprise was re why is "accepting gpg-signed orders online"
a problem for coinbr given the working model of mpex
diana_coman: jurov, admittedly I never used CoinBr so don't know much of its previous online presence but I always thought "online" for such
a thing meant mpex-style i.e. anyway gpg-based , no?
BingoBoingo: Anyways, some ESL leftists picked up something
a Uruguayo "scientific historian"/"national systems" professor wrote in an English translation. It's being chopped up for blog.
mircea_popescu: it's constantly
a "man, i must just not know where the society gathers / parties are / nightlife happens" etc.
mircea_popescu: it's hard to imagine you're in
a 20mn strong stockyards sprawling 2-3x the surface area of new york
mircea_popescu: but no, gotta talk around the bush, "how should
a streetwalker to her make-up to improve her marriage prospects."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that was right next to
a "high value" site of pomposity further north ; in truth there's
a LOT of these in the city of "nightlife" that dun exist and "university professors" with the socks bought on credit.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-29 18:16 asciilifeform: re argintines, somehow i entirely escaped finding out about 'villa-31' (
http://ru-ar.ru/villa31 notbad www re subj ) , rio-style favela right inside b-
a mod6: im building
a cuntoo right now.
spyked: apologies for the feedbot join-part spam. the latest outage has helped me discover
a subtle bug in pm message delivery; feedbot checks whether
a nick is online using the ison irc command, and it didn't handle the corner case when the ison response is empty.
BingoBoingo: On this side of the river they keep the streets labeled while doing 100% pinched mains current. At least until the police do one of their post-dawn raids on
a local "boca de pasta" and the electricity police accompany to "regularize" the pinched mains.
BingoBoingo: My chunk of the Rio de la Plata has
a problem which is the bane of retention ponds and small creeks back in old country
A lot of the current Uruguayo malaise is being blamed on Mujica/RaulSendic/Kircher/Macri Kirchner and Macri can flip places, but that's roughly the order of blame assignment
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Given Argentina's long sink into irrelevancy, the locals tend to think of Argentina as
a diseased extension of Uruguay.
mod6: I think something like `grep -v "^$"` will give you all the non-empty lines from
a file.