15100+ entries in 0.351s
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792296 << oh don't be silly. i now concur with alf, this is no indication of anything yet. get it to do it systematically, in reaction to something you control, THEN you have maybe something. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792286 << i very well fucking don't. jesus christ, 1mn+ lines/day, god help me. i catgrep the item now and again, but the odds of me noticing something in there are pretty slim. ☝︎
lobbes: Re: douchebag's recent wget payload: I can confirm that it most likely wasn't my archivebot. The bot doesn't download links directly, it stores list of urls found in chan and forwards them to the archive.is submit form
asciilifeform: ... but in this case, wasn't mine. and, interestingly, apparently not trinque either
mircea_popescu: (they, self-importantly, didn't want to give self up to #b-a, because of course http://trilema.com/and-in-todays-lulz-the-obnoxious-cocksucker )
trinque: shinohai: weren't you running a bot?
shinohai: I mean, i still can't play eulora because minigame.bz/ hasn't a server, but i certainly didn't negrate the lot of the #pizarro folks.
shinohai: I don't see join/parts
douchebag: well it isn't deedbots IP
mircea_popescu: and in case anyone is missing the usagi era of bitcoin, it didn't end, it just moved on : http://behindmlm.com/companies/empower-network/david-wood-claims-he-can-heal-cancer-herpes-hiv-aids-diabetes/ ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, "Hey! I'm Ashley. I'm an 18 year old girl living in Houston, TX who's in a bit of a financial bind at the moment. I'm a senior in high school. I don't even have my drivers license or a ride to work so it's not like I can get a normal job at the moment."
douchebag1: it doesn't look like wget though
trinque: but as dianan_coman observed, the outside world moved, while the thing hadn't yet eaten enough of the outside world.
trinque: this'd be why I didn't use the floopy lisp for the math (yes, could've done the checks in floopy lisp, but.)
trinque: and wtf, pay negative, you think I didn't handle that?
phf: mircea_popescu: it doesn't now, there's no reason why it can't, diffing binaries is a different beast from text diffing, so it's about adding a new kind of hunk/header formats that say "this here follows a binary diff"
mircea_popescu: i don't remember what you said when i asked if your new diff diffs binaries ?
asciilifeform: it's an alternative to the idjit unix multifile diff that doesn't let you move files without barfing megs of liquishit into the diff.
asciilifeform: it isn't an alternative, imho we really gotta have the chronicles.
mircea_popescu: hanbot atm phf is re-grinding his vdiff to include histfile and afaik you didn't have hosting ? did that meanwhile resolve ?
trinque: just remove whatever your body didn't want there, and that's that
mircea_popescu: the usg employee that told the truth hasn't been seen this decade.
mircea_popescu: oh, wait, being an annoying bitch doesn't work ?!?! ONOES!! WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED!
mircea_popescu: honestly i don't recall being as infuriated with computers hence.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and the idea is to keep a spare there in any case, even if we don't use it for anything, "to make up for lost time", live a little as it were ?
mircea_popescu: "but mp, I ~know~ the source" "no you fucking don't. what's discussed here is knowledge in the strong sense ; your lack of ability to know anything due to http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-ideal-social-systems-reprint/ and http://trilema.com/2011/semiologia-semantica-si-viata/ type issues does not permit you to now claim knowledge out of the void.
asciilifeform: or, how it is taught to young children, 'don't eat things picked up off the ground?' 'but what if they're delish' 'but consider'
mircea_popescu: "oh, but how does one know something's random noise afore the fact ? isn't that begging the question ?" you can't establish something is random ~after the fact~, nitwit, randomness is not a property of the string ~but of the method that produced it~. therefore, it's random noise because it comes out of an unknown source, duh!
lobbes: Or did you mean you want me to mirror everything in, say, http://www.kibo.com/rawdata/ like I did with Uncle Al writings? Either way, I'll go ahead and mirror the stuff in /rawdata/; shouldn't take long at all
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/heres-what-hasnt-changed/ << Trilema - Here's what hasn't changed
BingoBoingo: I am rather surprised this place isn't more popular with the alt-alt white Pepe set. No good reason Dixie can't move further South.
BingoBoingo: Last Sunday I had the priviledge of seeing one of the little monsters dive into the foot of a male probably relative (can't tell if cuck or father) and got himself good and kicked in the head while tripping the victim.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-01#1791878 << On this point the Northern Latinas, Venezolanas y Peruanas (And Chileñas though they aren't too much more Northern) know what they are doing. As long as the response is playful they remain worshipful. Uruguayas and it seems most Argentinas... whatever triggers their Laughs-Estrogen-Fun cycle seems to be broken. Deeply. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: you can't possibly take more than that to get the thing up and running. now get to it.
trinque: mostly because it doesn't want to be one
trinque still doesn't mind TX, could be wrong
douchebag: Awesome, can't wait to try it man. You really don't understand how happy this makes me to know I'll be out of this shithole
mircea_popescu: they actually had a great pirogi place in gdansk but i don't remember it now. somewhere downtown.
douchebag: Can't wait to try some of the foods - and my girlfriend is a great cook and loves cooking for me
douchebag: Yeah I can't wait
douchebag: Fucked up thing about my situation, a week prior I was at a different gas station and bullets went flying there. Didn't get hit
douchebag: I don't know a single person who doesn't use drugs here. Whether it be weed or shotting heroin up your arm
trinque: crack's there, where other things aren't
mircea_popescu: yes, and good for you if you manage but don't be surprised when most don't. that's the nature of statistics.
douchebag: However, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get by and it doesn't have to involve robbing people or selling crack
douchebag: Well, every job I have ever applied to - I got the job. It doesn't seem to be a lack of jobs, it's a lack of will to work like a normal person
mircea_popescu: douchebag the "no jobs -- nothing useful for normie to do" is a statistical argument, can't be invalidated by example.
trinque: you're in chiraq aren't you?
mircea_popescu: well, net access compressed the space of perceived possibility. 1949 people read about a murder done for 50k and thought it made sense. today's kids think a job that doesn't pay 1mn a year isn't really worth getting out of bed ; let alone good enough to commit murder.
douchebag: Just not happy here anymore, haven't been for a long time. It's not a good sight to see everything going to hell and there's nothing I can do about it except leave
douchebag: so I wasn't there to explain what the hell to do
mircea_popescu: precious little ELSE it does, but then again my screwdriver also doesn't juice oranges.
mircea_popescu: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awb/linux.history.html << early history of linux is probably important since we're doing so many start-of-world things. note how it was never intended to be an os, it was intended to be a "a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones" in order to... "it was a project to teach me about the 386".
mircea_popescu: https://twitter.com/robotwisdom linked for drama ; apparently brain fell down exact same hole as http://trilema.com/2011/ahahahahahaaaaa/ (paul goma was a big deal briefly in the 60s ; but it didn't take).
mircea_popescu: or they despise themselves so much (as the direct and also necessary result of spending all their time involved with absolutely nothing else) that they automatically discount anything that happens to them by like 99.9999999%. because, as the wise timuruc once said, "if you were a millionaire you wouldn't be talking to me"
mircea_popescu: imagine the waitresses of today. loose hundred dollar bills and trips to costa rica are such a common everyday occurence in their lives, they don't even have to go chasing. let opportunity chase after the broad instead, is it postmodernism or innit?!?!?!
phf: mircea_popescu: a111 doesn't read anything from bots, i can disable it but that will obviously create a mutually recursive loop of flood
phf: ben_vulpes: mimisbrunnr perhaps needs a list of fellow bots, so that it ignores links from bot quotes. i remember we had conversations about how to handle it long time ago, but i don't remember what the resolution was. a111 maintains a list of all bots, which is just manually updated
mircea_popescu: (for the young reader : xojane was some bullshit wanna-be "platform" for imaginary "cimmunities" that got bought by the suckers (time warner) in 2015 and frozen in 2016. because myspace wasn';t enough or something. and huffington post, well, need i even point out, it was exactly the same thing, ran by a nigger somewhat more dextrous still. adriana made out ok from the swindle.)
mircea_popescu: nevermind the "my lawyer advised me not to comment on the pending case" ; rather instead "sorry your honor, that won't look good on my blog"
mircea_popescu: "maybe i don't have much to say ; and maybe what i have to say isn't even that interesting ; but at least i give it my best shot, and i am aware there's nothing else that's me."
mircea_popescu: so if he doesn't care, why would i ?
mircea_popescu: i ain't fucking quitting.
mod6: lol derp, this for some reason didn't occur to me lastnight. aight nevermind.
mircea_popescu: god damned it was actually on trilema, not on trilema, which is why logsearch didn't turn it up. here, for all time : http://trilema.com/2014/a-conceit-or-the-importance-of-blogging/#selection-67.0-73.452
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-21#1788411 << so in the end, this thread wasn't ever found was it ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: don't burn too much time on this item, mod6 , it is strictly for vtronology.
asciilifeform: and yes there is a typo in readme, 't.xtal' should be 'test.xtal' .
mircea_popescu: phf i don't get it, why would we adapt the way we do things to what'd be convenient for the machines ?
phf: asciilifeform: it very briefly worked with polarbeard's patches, but that was around active reground time, so the result wasn't particularly interesting. but you could press to experimental head with or without pb's additions, based on whether or not he was in your wot
phf: asciilifeform: i didn't say barf, but if you were to remove, say, makefiles, press to malleus_mikehearnificarum, you lose mod6_der_high_low_s
mircea_popescu: can you turn around and say, "fg tree shows people didn't at the time understand v isn't married to the underlying format" or something ?
mircea_popescu: or possibly everyone regarded trb as a messy pile which isn't properly v-ified even today. like mpi, or like gentoo
phf: well, cutting "makefiles" from trb and going up the graph demonstrates many places where full press wouldn't happen with current behavior, but will still happen with the "buggy" one. so either there was a shared understanding that has changed, or else people who claim that that was shared understanding haven't looked at the trb tree at the time to observe the buggy behavior themselves.
mircea_popescu: there's no dispute that understanding of v has evolved ; but i don't happen to see the uncertainity.
phf: mircea_popescu: i don't agree that the "in the sense" is correct. trb patchset relied on pressing the lateral trees behavior up until recent nailing down of graph, which was a result of elaboration from clearer understanding. i think the understanding of v has evolved, and things of which there was much uncertainty and hand waving in the past are now much more obvious. i don't think it's the case that "the behavior was always that way" in an accidental
mircea_popescu: so, the fact that an always is becoming a sometimes isn't a point of concern in the hard sense of http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-3-30#322868 (which is otherwise broadly correct)
trinque: using it as an exercise to sign all the patches I haven't, too.
phf: ultimately it doesn't matter what's inside manifest, as long as its hash is unique, e.g. it's append only log that requires >1 byte of change in each vpatch
trinque: I don't have a pet proposal to solve it, but it's definitely never getting solved without more eyes on that the problem exists
phf: trinque: didn't you accuse me of projecting before, ~where did i refuse to acknowledge this problem~
trinque: if returning to "press everything, don't specify HEAD" I don't see that there can be multiple lines of history (branches)
trinque: phf: where are you at on the practical problem of "trinque wants to redo portage in V" and I don't want people giving me patches that include unrelated ebuilds?
trinque: phf: it isn't.
phf: though a manifest could be used as a kind of assert during press, as long as it doesn't rely on filenames. (i believe the idea of putting antecedent vpatch's hashes into manifest floated around)
phf: mod6: would you mind uploading that test tree somewhere? i want to throw it at btcbase. fwiw, vpatch/vdiff doesn't care about press tree, as long as the hashes work out in the end
mod6: Can do this if needed, didn't take long.
phf: but i don't think i could've implemented ~patch equivalent~ differ in reasonable time. vpatch already ballooned out because of an unfamiliar development environment, and it's much less heuristic based.
mircea_popescu: i have no issue with it, can be added now without any serious loss. the only thing not clear to me is whether you don't want to add it, can't add it yet or haven't gotten around to adding it yet.
mircea_popescu: the reason the list of firm targets doesn't include the soft "well, i'm curious what he does about X" is precisely because... how hard am i gonna push it ? that's kinda the constraint, on one hand death by vagueness & ambiguity, on the other death by insufferable overbearingness.
phf: i'm not even through the list of target items yet, any one of them can be picked up as an example of "didn't bother to implement any solution for"
mircea_popescu: now, from the evaluation late march, it seems to me i was correct in thinking back mid dec that you understood what the problems are, but that you didn't bother to implement any solution for one of them ? or what am i missing ?
mircea_popescu: well, the vdiff new tree was originally the most promising point for such a sample. i did say something in the vein of "i'm not going to keep trinque mothballed forever if you don't do it" recently, but anyways.
phf: this doesn't require a new codebase, trb is there, can be reground
phf: i don't understand the solution. i've spent significant amount of time writing various graph walking algorithms to feel like without an set of experimental patches it's hard to have a solution that actual address the underlying complexity. what i wanted to see from trinque or whoever's attempting to solve this problem, is an actual attempt to construct a press tree with a manifest file that does what they want, to ensure that the approach actual solves
mircea_popescu: but "it's for the reader" is a very weak answer, because if patch 3 touching a and b is written so as to include patch 2, whereas patch 3` touching a alone is written so as not to include patch 2, "the reader" will have a most terrible time deciding which to use and why the fuck his build don't work.
mircea_popescu: his patch is a loose leaf, because it doesn't touch any of the files ?
mircea_popescu: nono. i don't mean the direct, i mean the meta.
phf: mircea_popescu: i've seen that problem before, but i haven't tried solving it myself yet, because i've not ran into it. i've not had a chance to attempt spyke's problem/solution yet