14600+ entries in 0.042s
mod6: shinohai: ok thats an interesting test case
mod6: so thats good
mod6: i just tried dumping a priv key from an invalid bitcoin address, error says: 'error {"code":-5,"message":"Invalid bitcoin address"}'
mod6: so that works.
mod6: it says: 'error: {"code":-5,"message":"Invalid private key"}
mod6: Ok i just tried to import an invalid private key
mod6: :D
mod6: today is not that day
mod6: some day im gonna have to write a boatload more cucumber tests for this shit
mod6: so that works
mod6: "Private key for address 1ABitcoinAddyBlahBlah is not known"
mod6: i just tested trying to dump a key from an address not in the wallet and it says:
mod6: heh, that's a good thing (tm)
mod6: does it error out properly?
mod6: what about invalid keys?
mod6: does it work everytime as long as the privkey is valid?
mod6: oh. hm. we better test the shit out of importing priv keys
mod6: :]
mod6: cool
mod6: private key dumped is valid
mod6: not the end of the world. the whole thing needs a rewrite anyway.
mod6: i tried to reimport that same key - it gave me an error, which, it probably should, but it's a bit non-descript.
mod6: ok so this thing dumped out a privkey just fine.
mod6: anyway shoot me an addy, and i'll throw you some digits
mod6: thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/tickets.html
mod6: ticket id 1
mod6: it's a bug though. gotta dig into it. we have a ticket for it.
mod6: ok, truth be told, im not sure what its malfunction is.
mod6: gotta test with real numbers
mod6: shinohai: oh its showing way more than i actually have in the wallet. it's re-adding the change to the overall balance.
mod6: u need some hacker tokens?
mod6: gotta fix that
mod6: this friggin bogus account balance.
mod6: alright, i'll try out some of this stuff.
mod6: getting blocks...
mod6: cool man
mod6: 'tail: /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin/debug.log: file truncated' :D
mod6: start up
mod6: ok compiled just fine
mod6 builds trb with key tools
mod6: (its been running for /a while/)
mod6: yeah my bitcoind logfile
mod6: haha
mod6: i think i'll take this chance to truncate this 22G log file too
mod6: ok lemme see if i can build this thing
mod6: anyway, just as illustration
mod6: shinohai: since we're talkin about it... looks like 'funken_prikey_tools.vpatch' had key.h based off genesis, instead of mod6_der_high_low_s.vpatch : http://dpaste.com/0DWTN8S.txt
mod6: nice to know v does stuff that works
mod6: if I use the raw patch from the deal press pukes on an unmatched hash. (a new feature! lol)
mod6: no worries, just demonstrating with that paste that I was able to rebase the patch, drop it into my 'patches' dir (notice the WILD annotation), and press cleanly.
mod6: and then if that works, I'll hand it off to you to see if you can go through the same motions
mod6: shinohai: that dpaste above was for you, should be good to go, need to recompile the orchastra with this included and test a bit...
mod6: im not sure I follow.
mod6: how or why did you 'cut down' the antecedents?
mod6: thanks!
mod6: oh ok that works :]
mod6: instead of the ? = stuff
mod6: or btcbase.org/trb
mod6: is there a base link to this page? should be something like trb.btcbase.org or something
mod6: you know what is cool though? that you have it so you can change graphs depending on the input -- "experimental" etc
mod6: ?
mod6: but yah, otherwise that "stable" looks ok. tahnks for taking the time to check.
mod6: this is because i pin leafs to the top of the graph
mod6: b: your link with patchset=stable looks correct at a glance. your chart is a bit different than mine
mod6: and that seems like it makes sense from where this funken_prikey_tools.vpatch was branched.
mod6: alright. so, a: i was looking at whatever was listed at btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/
mod6: phf: lemme see here...
mod6: http://dpaste.com/1ABFB3E.txt
mod6: no worries.
mod6: that'll get me a good review of the code changes anyway.
mod6: i'll do that. it's fine.
mod6: you would have to have had all the latest pressed out, then patch the code in by hand
mod6: anyway, that's not the end of the world or anything.
mod6: im looking at btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/file
mod6: so yeah, funks patch needs to be rebased.
mod6: ;;later tell trinque your thoughts on this are much appreciated. hit me up when you get a chance to think on it.
mod6: ;;later tell trinque so how can shinohai help build out wiki.deedbot.org? is there some web-code he can write? or perhaps just preparing articles?
mod6: <+j-dawg> yo <<< hahahah yes!
mod6: have fun, bbl.
mod6: ok :]
mod6 looks
mod6: trinque: have fun. let's try to regroup later :]
mod6: shinohai: ha, that guy made a mint for that.
mod6: i'll be back in a bit
mod6: alright Gentlemen, i gotta run to do this yard trimmings here for a bit.
mod6: hahaha
mod6 laughs
mod6: im sure j-dawg can get you setup
mod6: then we can continue to round out that stuff as we go on.
mod6: nothing that has to get all accomplished today, or next week. but it'd be great to have something workable there by say. 9 weeks from now.
mod6: heck, i'll even make tickets for it if we need to.
mod6: yeah. maybe if we run into trinque this weekend we can all discuss what some next things are there.
mod6: ah
mod6: it's still in the ground breaking phase, with the wiki, but there's async work that could be done from time to time when you have it.
mod6: my goal is to move the good things off of the ba wiki and start getting our own setup.
mod6: (are you still looking for tmsr~ side project?)
mod6: shinohai: how'd you like to be integral into helping us round out the newly built deedbot wiki?
mod6: > a bit
mod6: oh wow.
mod6: pm worked for me yesterday when i got booted from 'sandstorm' or whatever. i have noticed from time to time though, it just takes a bit to respond.