13700+ entries in 0.008s
diana_coman: well, some lines in the sand are perhaps even sane to have; but there doesn't seem to be any re-evaluation or anything, extremely rigid in weird places.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, the fissure axis seems to be "who's in charge". came here tarabostes wasn't about to walk away knight. reminds me of douchebag dood also
mp_en_viaje: you see it in rando cuntlets too, "this is not how i stated i wish to be used".
diana_coman: what boggles the mind though is that he'd go to the trouble of coming here for 1 hour or even more if asked; but he would turn down several colo boxes rather than set a guy to do !!withdraw
mp_en_viaje: or if not, because internet age has dawned this solispsistc, single-player-WoWoW thing, "we shall make some statements and proclaiments and expect THE WHOLE WORLD to submit".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:25:55 asciilifeform: lobbes: afaik the only promising parking atm.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1942033 << maybe. nfi why people are so married to their ad-hocisms, but as a factual matter -- they are.
diana_coman goes back to searching for isp
maxim_mivo: OK, it was a pleasure to talk to you. Have a nice day.
mp_en_viaje: i don't think so, nope.
maxim_mivo: Is there anything more i can help you with ?
mp_en_viaje: thanks for your time.
maxim_mivo: I don't think that's possible.
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, specifically what i'm asking is if you'll do it here rather than have me load some website.
mp_en_viaje: it also has built-in accounting (!!ledger) etc. it's quite useful, and in any case better than some website whatever.
maxim_mivo: When paying the invoice, you'll see a BTC address where you have to transfer the payment.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log-search?q=!!withdraw&chan=trilema << looks like that.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: yes, it does; you can withdraw the funds to any btc address; ie you receive it in your own deedbot wallet and then you can !!withdraw to anywhere
maxim_mivo: Does your wallet support to transfer funds to a BTC address ? (i saw on the link you provided it transfers to nicknames).
mp_en_viaje: http://trinque.org/wp-content/themes/trinque/style.css << i see the problem now. your browser prolly hangs on this diana_coman ; i have ly set to just ignore
maxim_mivo: Sorry, guys. I don't have time to read all your WoT things (no offense).
diana_coman: so then it's only me, ok.
diana_coman: that one yes; the help though not.
diana_coman: I thought he wasn't but atm I can't access trinque.org nor http://deedbot.org/help.html
mp_en_viaje: i recall him not wanting to eggbasket
mp_en_viaje: was trinque in uy too ?!
diana_coman: ofc the help page is on trinque.org that seems also down, ugh.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: deedbot does more than just voice in chan; specifically here, it provides a wallet service for people in the wot; ie you can deposit/withdraw bitcoin from/to any address you want + you can invoice & pay invoices between wallets directly for any amount.
mp_en_viaje: never thought i'd live to see the day speaking romanian's a bar to anything o.O
mp_en_viaje: all payment in bitcoin, it looks like this : http://logs.ossasepia.com/log-search?q=!!pay&chan=trilema
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, wouldn't be remote, he'd move there. speaks english an' spanish.
maxim_mivo: 2. We don't hire remote workers. Plus every our employee must speak english, russian and romanian. Basicaly every IT man here in Moldova speaks that languages. I assume your doesn't.
maxim_mivo: 1. We can host them. You'll have to send them to our business address (i'll provide it), declare the customs price and pay the taxes for our customs. The colo price includes 100mbps internet with unlimited bandwidth.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, will you want the boxes shipped over to you first to inspect seals and so on ?
mp_en_viaje: 3. will you be able to invoice me via deedbot's sytem ? do you understand what the wot is and how it works etc ?
mp_en_viaje: 2. do you want another employee ? he's hardworking and learns fast if not particularly well versed right now ; some kind of apprenticeship is probably on the table.
mp_en_viaje: 1. boxes take ~250W peak iirc, and are 1U form. there's prolly gonna be 3-4 to start with. can you host these, how do you need to receive them (fedex to whom/where specifically ?), what sorta pipe can you plug into them and for what costs.
mp_en_viaje: now, for the sake of saving time, let's dump questions :
maxim_mivo: OK, got it, we can colocate them.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: the fg is a hardware rng and it can be connected to any USB port but for colocated machines it will most likely be inside already ie not an external thing
mp_en_viaje: all sorta shit people do / need / built over time.
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, all sorta thing, there's a mmorpg game server, there's a bunch of complciated math machines (ever heard of phuctor ?), there's blogs, irc loggers,
mp_en_viaje: nsa, short for No Such lAbs, is the republic's electronic mfg.
maxim_mivo: Should we know what that boxes do ?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo there's at least the pic lol http://trilema.com/2017/fuckgoats-unboxing-of/
mp_en_viaje: it's a hardware rng. i'd link you the specsheet / pics etc but atm its site is down
mp_en_viaje: so let's get to them in order : we have specific boxes configurations, including custom-made hardware such as the fg. i understand you can actually colocate these ?
mp_en_viaje: so the questions to you will come on three lines. 1 as to colocation and related ; 2 as to human resources and related, and 3 as to interoperation with republican systems and practices.
mp_en_viaje: as it happens the republic ran an isp out of a datacenter in uruguay, which recently imploded. this means we have a bunch of boxes that need a new home, and some people who possibly need a new job.
mp_en_viaje: this is its forum, the people-who-matter meet here to discuss things-that-matter. like say the parliament of romania.
mp_en_viaje: the top node is the most serene republic, which is a sovereign. like say the country of romania.
mp_en_viaje: alight, let's make it short then.
maxim_mivo: I have 20 more minutes to stay with you here guys.
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, you're not required to ad-hoc research lol, if you say "no" i'll just give you a summary you can fill out later if/when
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: kind of how it goes, ~always; there's more actual history accumulated, after all.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, apparently my questions get ever better in terms of wtf factor as time goes by huh.
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, i mean, you're here. where is "here" ? you're talking to some people. who are they ? that sort of thing.
diana_coman would really rather not talk data centre stuff in Latin
maxim_mivo: mp_en_viaje: so do you have any idea what ~any of this is or notrly ? What do you mean ?
mp_en_viaje: yes, lots of people read it. and good for you, i also speak romanian. and spanish. and well.. a few langs. testament of an active intelligence.
maxim_mivo: FIY: i speak romanian, but if other people read this, it's ok to continue in english.
mp_en_viaje: so do you have any idea what ~any of this is or notrly ?
mp_en_viaje: hi maxim_mivo , thanks for showing up.
diana_coman waves to mp_en_viaje
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: do they have any separate net pipes? or is it basically the same if I get a server in Iasi or in Chisinau?
diana_coman: ok; so you have the infrastructure in Chisinau only; correct?
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: but do you have infrastructure there ?
diana_coman: mivocloud.com seems to say moscow & oregon too - is that outdated ?
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: do you offer colo in Chisinau only or in Romania too or where?
maxim_mivo: Diana, thanks, done.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: you can !!up with deedbot yourself and then it's permanent rather than in 30min slots
diana_coman: email sent, will continue reading the logs
diana_coman is still eating the logs
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 20:24:24 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, come to think about it, see if guy is avail for a conf tomorrow morning say 10 to 11 osterreich time ?
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1941886 - I'll fire him an email in a bit; thing is I'll be at console some 10 minutes past the austrian-10am
asciilifeform: 'on each camel god will put his own sort of load and a straw to break his back' or how did it go.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: At least you don't have the children burden that seems to have claimed so many.
lobbes: bot going down for a few seconds to apply latest two patchen... stand by
asciilifeform: i still think that e.g. lobbes could escape.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: fwiw piz was to be also asciilifeform's escape tunnel, but dug not even 1% of it, so is the smallest loss.
asciilifeform: the big ortho cathedral in timis had a proper pauperty. oddly, no paupers tho.
BingoBoingo: Have yet to encounter a distinctly orthodox presenting church in the city.
BingoBoingo: Here they have Catholic, Anglican, Several different kinds of jew, Mormon, the "Christ Scientists" have a giant one...
asciilifeform: the churchgoers were expected to put coin into designated paupers.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: slavic / orthodox church thing.
BingoBoingo: Of the the places in Uruguay that could draw urban campers... Churchfronts tend not to.
asciilifeform: apparently false cognate tho, the eng is from the latin.
BingoBoingo: Or on a church the stoople
asciilifeform: паперть is the roofed spot in front of church.
BingoBoingo: Back when england was a thing they tried to keep those from accumulating.
asciilifeform: y'know, the designated spot where a pauper paups.
asciilifeform: how the fuck do i even say pauperty in eng
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: cuz i cannot in good conscience try to peddle a chunk of a colo to which some derp has the keys and i'm 10,000km away.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: If you want to do a slow growth thing and try to recoup some Bitcoin, I don't see what is keeping you from finishing your second RK plant and finding it a lower cost basis/better value pipe eurocolo.
asciilifeform: imho castle mpstein would be a proper home for the remaining FG's, asciilifeform does not know how long has 'until sepsis' .
asciilifeform: snsa bought its share of piz for FG crate + 2 boxen ( the very smg boxen in fact ) , perhaps mp will accept these back .
lobbes: interesting. I would entertain the idea of buying the rk I am renting (depending on cost of course)
asciilifeform: nuffin should be left to the orcs if it can be helped.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-08 01:46:08 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-10-07#1941897 << S.MG was to buy the two machines through payment of machines in kind
asciilifeform: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942089 << if neither mod6 nor mp ( the other shareholders ) disagree , i'd like all of the piz irons to be sold for modest cost to the current tenants, who can then use .