1119 entries in 0.131s
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i was not aware a) registering is possible b) registering is desirable for me. so what do i get out of it and if i want to do it, how?
erlehmann: really, 3 to 4 months. some immediately get it, but others do it after that timeframe.
erlehmann: but it works. turns out that if you tell people in code reviews for 3 months straight that they should define a grammar and check their inputs, they start to do that.
erlehmann: i am the guy at my workplace who always rants about grammars, but i think i am the only one who actually did philosophy in university
erlehmann: so i can show it to people who just want to know what to do
erlehmann: the seven turrets of babel is a TL;DR for langsec. it collects antipatterns (in section III) and remedies (in section IV)
erlehmann: i told all my coworkers to read it. when i told maradydd, she was like “well, that's like the intended purpose”
erlehmann: > The Seven Turrets of Babel: A Taxonomy of LangSec Errors and How to Expunge Them, Falcon Darkstar Momot, Sergey Bratus, Sven M. Hallberg, Meredith L. Patterson
erlehmann: are you aware of the seven towers of babel?
erlehmann: sane software would have rejected everything not conforming to the grammar
erlehmann: which is the only thing that makes vdiff possible
erlehmann: well, i get that GNU diff does not actually verify that there is a timestamp
erlehmann: full recognition before processing, as they say