▁▁▁▁⏐︎▁▁▁ 10758
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17677 @ 0.00077015 = 13.6139 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2812 @ 0.00077014 = 2.1656 BTC [-]
dub: so can someone explain what ziggap does
aethero: Get endlessly trolled
aethero: ziggap does direct bitcoin sales
dub: so its an exchange?
dub: or it cold calls you in the middle fo teh night/shows up at your door with a vacume cleaner
mircea_popescu: it doesn't buy does it
dub: presumably its buying some fiat currency
aethero: We're like fastcash4bitcoins except in reverse.
aethero: Are they an exchange?
dub: I don't know what that is
ThickAsThieves: thx for the article mp, good stuff
aethero: https://fastcash4bitcoins.com/about.aspx
aethero: FastCash4Bitcoins is a service of Tangible Cryptography LLC. We are not an exchange; we are a direct buyer of bitcoins. In keeping with the bitcoin philosophy of limited third party trust we don't hold client's balances (bitcoins or dollars), instead we only accept a sale when we can promptly pay it
aethero: We're the same. In reverse.
aethero: We're not an exchange. We are a direct seller of Bitcoins.
ThickAsThieves: like he said, you buy fiat
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: sell btc/buy fiat, exchange fiat for btc, pay divs, right?
SpNg: mircea_popescu: good article. I like your analysis.
Bugpowder_: wow... SP500 tanked
mircea_popescu: SpNg ;)
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder_ aww, quantitatively quantitative easing fizzled again ?
SpNg: mircea_popescu: i recently found your exchange and blog. It's been a good read. Just getting into BTC, but I like this S.DICE investment. I have been wanting to ask you, how does one purchase shares with your exchange?
pigeons: echo '|gpg --clearsign|gpg --encrypt --armor -r F1B69921
dub: one does not simply walk into mpex
ThickAsThieves: http://mpex.co/faq.html#3
Bugpowder_: step 1 ) purchase a 6 pack of your favorite beer.
SpNg: ThickAsThieves: I see. That FAQ is what I have been looking for.
ThickAsThieves: cool cool
ThickAsThieves: if that's too geeky for you, shares are also sold through brokers on other exchanges
ThickAsThieves: but you give up 5% of your sdice dividends
ThickAsThieves: the exchanges are listed when you log into this channel
SpNg: <-- Software dev. loves the geeky stuff.
ThickAsThieves: word
SpNg: so it's 30 BTC fee + 5% of the dividend payout?
Bowjob: no
SpNg: Bowjob: I just re read, I c
mircea_popescu: SpNg well, you issue an order
SpNg: mircea_popescu: I was trying to figure out how to get an account. ThickAsThieves pointed me to the FAQ. Exactly what I was looking for. ;-)
mircea_popescu: a cool!
jurov: coinbr.com does NOT rob you of 5% of dividends ;)
mircea_popescu: oh lovely, huffpoo has opinion pieces on cash now ?!
mircea_popescu: what's next, i'm going to read theosophy on somethingbawful ?
jurov: AUSTERITY COUNTDOWN: 4 DAYS TIL PAIN . Bitcoin users not affected.
Bowjob: whats in 4 days?
thestringpuller: ;;asks 31
gribble: There are currently 7358.0245 bitcoins offered at or under 31.0 USD, worth 225943.062008 USD in total.
Bugpowder: S.DICE div
Bugpowder: ?
thestringpuller: ;;bids
gribble: (bids [--under] <pricetarget>) -- Calculate the amount of bitcoin demanded at or over <pricetarget>. If '--under' option is given, find coins or at or under <pricetarget>.
jurov: Bowjob, go to huff.to
thestringpuller: ;;bids 30
gribble: There are currently 930.16598 bitcoins demanded at or over 30.0 USD, worth 27935.0288526 USD in total.
jurov: some fearmongering
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 30.13001, Best ask: 30.14999, Bid-ask spread: 0.01998, Last trade: 30.14999, 24 hour volume: 26135.40088171, 24 hour low: 29.50001, 24 hour high: 30.40000, 24 hour vwap: 30.05456
thestringpuller: ;;calc 30.12
gribble: 30.12
jurov: i guess in 4 days a peculiar platinum coin will be unveiled
thestringpuller: ;;calc 30.12 * .012
gribble: 0.36144
thestringpuller: ;;bids 29
gribble: There are currently 8834.2843 bitcoins demanded at or over 29.0 USD, worth 259243.946894 USD in total.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00077013 = 7.1622 BTC [-]
jurov: ...a top administration official warned that the nation's borders would be less secure. oh my
jurov: <Bugpowder> S.DICE div? lmao somebody should tell obama to buy shares to save the US budget
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00076119 = 12.179 BTC [-]
jurov: or put a trillion on "lessthan 1"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15478 @ 0.00076118 = 11.7815 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2464 @ 0.00075891 = 1.87 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11962 @ 0.00075883 = 9.0771 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17987 @ 0.00075864 = 13.6457 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36100 @ 0.00075743 = 27.3432 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14767 @ 0.00075619 = 11.1667 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.00075518 = 5.3618 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00075418 = 5.958 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00075343 = 4.6713 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00075335 = 20.1144 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16853 @ 0.00075204 = 12.6741 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: there she pops
mircea_popescu: jurov is a trillion more than 0.01 btc yet ?
Namworld: mircea: it's always been. I'd exchange 0.01 BTC for a trillion anytime
mircea_popescu: :p
Namworld: Buy myself a few thousand gold bars and some companies...
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P750T] 530 @ 1.49949501 = 794.7324 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: better off buying tungsten bars
jurov: should have sold moar at 77740.. but good :)
Namworld: Oh, I'm fine with buying tons of bars of every metal.
Namworld: Many large multinationals have a market cap uner 1 billion... I could buy myself a thousand multinationals at least
Bowjob: itd be nice if mr whale can bump dice to before pre erkik dump levels
jurov: seriously, when USG issues btc bonds, what interest rate would you ask?
jurov: i wouldn't go below 10% monthly
Namworld: I'd charge them royalties on the name BTC-BOND
dub: call me when its a palladium coin
thestringpuller: capital expenses
mircea_popescu: jurov why 10% ?!
thestringpuller: wow that put is deep in the money
Bugpowder_: shorting
Bugpowder_: its the fourth big short position added in the last 3 days
jurov: MPBOR+5% ... but should prolly ask more
Bowjob: you can lose from mpbor, right?
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder_ short put = long btc
jurov: mpbor itself is always positive... only the end result of mpoe can be negative, that's different thing
Bugpowder_: mircea_popescu: Thank you for today's lesson
mircea_popescu: lol
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: the whale lives!
mircea_popescu: o?
Namworld: jurov: MPBOR can be negative...
Namworld: no?
thestringpuller: no mircea eats the losses
jurov: look on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlhB0UHVxS67dGpBc2Rub3FtLTdHZ3ZPb09DY2pHWlE
jurov: the "net result" can be negative
jurov: but mpbor was always positive (it's not there explicitly)
jurov: but you can compute it as interest paid out/raised capital
jurov: only when exercises + interest paid out > earnings from sales of options, then net result = mpbor
jurov: derp
jurov: only when exercises + interest paid out < earnings from sales of options, then net result = mpbor
Namworld: right
Namworld: still, MPBOR could be a big loser on a very bad month
Namworld: Although quite good history
thestringpuller: no
Bugpowder_: yes
thestringpuller: nooo! thats impossible
dub: maybe
mircea_popescu: has happened.
Namworld: MPBOR is funds lent for options? As such, losses by the options bot would be taken from MPBOR deposits nay?
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu usually ends up putting up capital in those scenarios
Bugpowder_: thestringpuller: you don't know what you are talking about
Bugpowder_: MPBOR is high risk, limited reward
jurov: yes but in the end the proportional part is taken from all bonds
Bugpowder_: Not attractive IMHO
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder_ it's only risk if it meets your desired reward.
Bugpowder_: what IS attractive is owning 85% of S.MPOE and collecting all the cream off the top
thestringpuller: lol
thestringpuller: expensive endeavor :P
jurov: Bugpowder_ that was last feasible in April
Bugpowder_: start your own MPOE
Bugpowder_: or at least an MPOE bot
thestringpuller: smickles tried that
thestringpuller: it lost money
Bugpowder_: the collateral requirements will kill you though
Bugpowder_: I am shocked
Bugpowder_: he kept buying high and selling low
thestringpuller: SOE bot didnt do so well :/
Bugpowder_: or buying high and not selling actually
jurov: after MPBPT will get psychologically entrenched, we'll see ;)
jurov: it may cease being a passthrough
Namworld: didn't do too well eh...
jurov: but i prefer to run it as is now
Bugpowder_: I think you need minimum 10,000 BTC nut to run an options bot effectively
thestringpuller: maybe 5,000 btc...
mircea_popescu: you need infinite capital (tm)
thestringpuller: lol
mircea_popescu: srsly.
thestringpuller: ideally
Namworld: make a bot which keeps outbidding MPOE bot by 1 satoshi, and undercutting ask by 1 satoshi.
mircea_popescu: lol
Namworld: guaranteed win on others' algorythm without any of the work!
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 97 @ 0.00075 = 0.0728 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 5963 @ 0.00075 = 4.4723 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1000 @ 0.00075 = 0.75 BTC [+]
jurov: Namworld, that bot still needs equal capital to most mpoe bondholders
Namworld: nah, not necessarily. Just make smaller amount both sides.
jurov: i had more devious idea... there are periods when mpoe bot is thinking and no offers are listed
jurov: was thinking to put some rotten apples there inbetween
jurov: but dunno how successfult would that be
Namworld: hmkay... probably not a lot considering the short timeframe
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 44 @ 0.00599 = 0.2636 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 967 @ 0.006 = 5.802 BTC [+]
jurov: actually i remembered i did the frontrunning on options few months ago but stopped
jurov: i had to tie the bitcoins on multiple calls/puts and wait for weeks for some order to come
jurov: better to focus on frontrunning one or two most traded things
jurov: sigh...now if my bots weren't caught like deer in headlights on last spike
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.3499 = 1.7495 BTC [-]
jurov: but let them stay KISS... can't optimize for everything anyway
Bugpowder_: Namworld: Acutally that bot needs MORE capital since it does not appear that the MPOE bot counts created but non-sold options against the total capital
Bugpowder_: which dilutes the returns
jurov: the collateral for unsold options returns to you
Bugpowder_: yeah
Bugpowder_: but its not available for other offers
jurov: ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2547 @ 0.00075204 = 1.9154 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4111 @ 0.00075113 = 3.0879 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 15 @ 0.00609 = 0.0914 BTC [+]
jurov: if you do SPLIT/MKFUT, you DO get collateral - exercises back
jurov: in the end of month
Bugpowder_: ;;calc 1000*75*2
gribble: 150000
Bugpowder_: you need 150,000 BTC to offer up what the MPOE bot offers.
Bugpowder_: BEFORE anything gets sold
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 60 @ 0.0061 = 0.366 BTC [+]
jurov: it's 75 of them? not less? but you do have a point.
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 3905 @ 0.00075 = 2.9288 BTC [+]
jurov: ;;calc 100185337*0.00075/2
gribble: 37569.501375
jurov: 100million s.mpoe could have sold for 30-40k ... yea, nowhere near > 100k requried for collateral
Bugpowder_: It's a huge competitive advantage.
Bugpowder_: Other people basically are limited to placing bids and hoping someone shorts into them so they can then resell higher
jurov: there will be other options exchange soon, i'm interesting how they will solve this.
jurov: *interested
assbot: [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 39 @ 0.58 = 22.62 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 12 @ 0.58 = 6.96 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1843 @ 0.0062 = 11.4266 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: what crawled up this guy's ass? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=145510.msg1559409#msg1559409
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 940 @ 0.0061 = 5.734 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1000 @ 0.0061 = 6.1 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00619 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1000 @ 0.0062 = 6.2 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 994 @ 0.00623 = 6.1926 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 7000 @ 0.0063 = 44.1 BTC [+]
Namworld: Thick: He's saying "Blocking SD directly is the only known viable method of Bitcoin surviving this attack." and I think he's almost alone in that...
pigeons: i don't think he is
Namworld: Close to alone...
pigeons: i dont agree with him, i think fees need to go a lot higher
Namworld: Just doesn't fit Bitcoin's to start saying what is or what is not allowed.
Namworld: Only way to have a block against SD is if all miners simply exclude those transactions.
iz: pigeons: transactions relay to all nodes, regardless of the transaction fee
ThickAsThieves: fees will have to go higher if traffic slows
ThickAsThieves: right?
iz: the fees won't fix anything
iz: at least not with regard to SD
ThickAsThieves: if there's mass bitcoin adoption, people won't want to wait
ThickAsThieves: so paying fee is the only way to expedite
pigeons: iz: yes but if fees are higher people will be rewarded for their work, and spammers will be disincentivized
ThickAsThieves: and miners prioritize by value right?
iz: everyone relays transactions, even if they don't pickup the transaction and regardless of the fees
iz: pigeons: SD will still spam the network, regardless of the fees
ThickAsThieves: but the network seems to be doing fine, no?
iz: no
iz: have you seen how much the blockchain is growing?
ThickAsThieves: i have
ThickAsThieves: but all my transactions go thru quickly
ThickAsThieves: or, quick enough
jurov: oh not this again....
iz: basically we are recording all SD transaction history in the blockchain forever
iz: that everyone downloads
ThickAsThieves: theyd dont have to
ThickAsThieves: they can use web-based wallets
Namworld: iz: so what?
jurov: the blockchain is fine. I'll happily accept 1TB per month if that enables btc to be widely used
iz: transaction fees won't make a difference until we start hitting the max blocksize
Bowjob: if you didnt pay the tx fee, how long will it take?
ThickAsThieves: i mean really, the wait time to let qt sync was too long for the average person a while ago
iz: i'm just saying it's not a non-problem, not that it's an insurmountable one
ThickAsThieves: word
ThickAsThieves: i wasnt trying to kick up the debate
ThickAsThieves: just amused that the guy thinks he can lean so far in one direction and not fall over
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] 1 @ 0.00196487 BTC [-]
Ukto: evening Namworld
Ukto: somehow I didnt see you talking earlier. hehe
Namworld: eh
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 910 @ 0.0022 = 2.002 BTC [+]
dub: jurov: how many nodes will be running under a +1tb/month scenario?
jurov: any business with some employees can afford that
dub: jurov: how much confidence will people have in bitcoin if there are only 7 nodes
jurov: let's say it will happen in 2 years
jurov: there will be 10TB hard drives
jurov: for the same prices as 2Tb today
dub: the reality is SD exploits a weakness in bitcoin
jurov: don't tell me only 7 nodes can afford buying one harddrive per year
iz: how many would care enough to?
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 3 @ 0.0022 = 0.0066 BTC [+]
iz: maybe in 2 years there is something else that doesn't have the same flaws being actively exploited to the detriment of everyone else..
jurov: anyone who wants to accept transactions
dub: it spreads teh cost of its spam attack to idiots already willing to throw money away
dub: what SD does can be achieved in a scalable way easily
iz: just because the problem can be solved by stupidly throwing money at it, doesn't mean it's not a problem that could have a more elegant solution
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] 498 @ 0.00196487 = 0.9785 BTC [-]
maximian: SD just amplifies that weakness. and if it wasn't SD it'd be someone else. The problem has to be solved, and it can't be solved by banning. It's a fundamental architectural problem.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] 457 @ 0.00196488 = 0.898 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.BBET] 45 @ 0.001965 = 0.0884 BTC [+]
dub: maximian: the weakness was always there, the cost for one person to attack was prohibitive, SD works aroudn that
jurov: so maybe you should stop alienating evoorhees and make that easier for him to do that way?
maximian: because of zero confs?
dub: jurov: wat
jurov: and my 2cents... if bitcoin will be centralized, it will not be because of blocksize, but because of asics
dub: my 2c.. I could run a bitcoin node on 1990's hardware before SD
jurov: as asicminer handily proved
dub: how long before we can't run one on 2012 hardware?
iz: yeah, everyone is a node, even if they aren't mining
iz: this is a problem with bitcoin p2p, not really just with bitcoin mining
jurov: miners' pipe dreams... bitcoins should be forever limited to 7tx/second. because obviously having $50 tx fees will give power to teh people
dub: and btw the '90s hardware problem is processing not disk
jurov: 99% people will not ever see a bitcoin in whole life, but they will be able to run full node, that's the ideal
dub: i have no idea what you just said
jurov: i'll try again. how many businesses own a car?
jurov: why wouldn't they pay much less for a full node that can deal with 1TB/month to enable them access to bitcoin system?
iz: lol
iz: you failed on that try
jurov: why not?
dub: typically I would say that a high end server is more expensive for a business than a car
OneMiner: 7tx/sec = 604,800/day. Not nearly enough.
iz: jurov: because credit card payment processing is cheaper than that.
jurov: 1. that does not need hig end server
jurov: 2. credit cards are *expensive* for merchants
iz: why would a business pay more for bitcoin processing, when they could just do "expensive" credit card processing that is accepted by way more clients?
jurov: so they shouldn't use bitcoin, you say?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7168 @ 0.00075677 = 5.4245 BTC [+]
jurov: with 604,800 txs/day they will not, indeed
iz: you're basically trying to say that credit card processing is too expensive out of one side of your mouth, while saying any business that wants to use bitcoin should be have plenty of money to blow
jurov: only banks and govts will use bitcoin in the end
iz: anyway.. i'm gonna head home now.. peace all
dub: jurov: I don;t hink anyone is arguing against that, if adoption is successful
dub: don't think*
jurov: if you insist accepting 1TB/mon means blowing tons of money....
jurov: be it so
jurov: i can do it chepaer
jurov: peace
OneMiner: More transactions is better than less. In the future we won't have 2012 hardware, we'll have future hardware.
dub: do you know how much 1TB costs businesses?
dub: its a LOT more than it costs you
Bowjob: the tx is still unconfirmed wtf
jurov: if they have to back the terabyte up, then yeah
dub: talk to a SAN guy
Bowjob: http://blockchain.info/tx-index/56416802/e70e54774c58101e7a6de4bcc5a04a9f3091cee4022965aebc264a705cb3c732
dub: proper storage is not cheap
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 10 @ 0.0841 = 0.841 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 20 @ 0.0841 = 1.682 BTC [-]
jurov: blockchain doesn't need to be stored properly. you just buy commoditized server with it preinstalled and backup only the wallet. it breaks? buy another one
jurov: or copy it from guy next door
dub: businesses don't do that
jurov: okay, you say so
jurov: i was admin too, saw how things are done
jurov: just in other part of the world
OneMiner: Ya, the blockchain isn't going to be lost for long if it is lost. I don't think they'd need anything fancy for it.
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-MINING] 4 @ 0.38 = 1.52 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [LTC-MINING] 26 @ 0.393 = 10.218 BTC [+]
dub: the issue is that you need to get critical mass before all the businesses are going to look after the network for you
dub: if you make it prohibitive for Joe Asshat to do it for you until then, then you never get there
jurov: how you want to get critical mass when it can't handle even one casino???
dub: you get that casino to keep its own database
jurov: errr...it can handle it finely, just some peeps fear it irrationally
dub: instead of using yours that isn't designed for that
iz: casinos usually use chips, and don't have their clients bet using credit card payments
OneMiner: It's how that casino is doing it's business. You don't go up and change money after every bet when you are in a casino, do you?
dub: OneMiner: good analogy
jurov: now imagine million supermarkers/car dealers/etc. in the place of that casino]
dub: imagine a supermarket where you can only pay for one item at a time
jurov: they do need to charge money every time
iz: one item at a time though?
mircea_popescu: i can't believe this debate still exists.
dub: I don't think its going away
mircea_popescu: the jesuscrazy people were defeated already. forget about it.
assbot: [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 50 @ 0.1 = 5 BTC [+]
OneMiner: jurov With SD a single person can place many bets with a small amount of coins. Each bet = two transactions. If it was a supermarket, they'd have to be making a seperate transaction for each product, overcharging you by a little and sending you a satoshi back. THEN it would be similar.
dub: either SD changes or bitcoin does
mircea_popescu: it's like arguing the peace of westfalia.
jurov: you will kill bitcoin together with sd, then. at least prevent the mass adoption you are dreaming about.
dub: equally you will kill it if nobody can run a node
OneMiner: Not at all! I'd argue that the network is handling it very well.
mircea_popescu: look! it's really simple! bitcoin was designed to do 1mb blocks. if it can't do 1mb blocks it sucks, dies, we move to solidcoin.
iz: someone just needs to make a better version of SD that works in harmony with bitcoin
mircea_popescu: if it can do 1mb blocks and they get filled, tx fees increase
jurov: it was not designed to do 1mb blocks. it was just some limit to try with
mircea_popescu: right.
mircea_popescu: if it can't do EVEN THAT then forget it.
mircea_popescu: iz no.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin needs to be able to stfu and suck this cock.
mircea_popescu: suck it well, ask for seconds.
mircea_popescu: then maybe it gets seconds.
jurov: iz, you're going to cripple the whole system just because of political reason, don't you see that?
dub: its not political its technical
dub: SD does not scale
iz: jurov: how would my proposal of creating a better version of SD going to cripple the whole system?
mircea_popescu: sigh.
iz: what do you even think would "cripple the whole system"?
mircea_popescu: iz you do not get to tell people how to use it.
ThickAsThieves: because it doesnt stop someone else from making the same problem in a new way
mircea_popescu: why is this so difficult to grasp ?
dub: iz: making rules, you know like the evil state
iz: i'm not telling people how to use it, i just suggested making a better alternative that people could choose to use
mircea_popescu: so make it.
iz: the problem is that there isn't an alternative
dub: it breaks teh very libertarianality of bitcoin!!!!
jurov: iz, preventing bitcoin to actually accept enough transactions to be really used
OneMiner: SD is doing it wrong. But it's up to miners to increase the TX fee and price them out of business. But it's democratic. Each miner will have to choose to allow 0.0005BTC fees or not.
OneMiner: I've set my fee one unit higher personally.
mircea_popescu: OneMiner except it's already been argued to death.
mircea_popescu: as it is, if miners tried it sd would just make its own miner drive the other miners out of business.
jurov: if it was anything other "more useful" that SD would you accept raising the limit?
OneMiner: That'll continue, it's up to them.
jurov: if yes, then it is political indeed
ThickAsThieves: make an alt coin for every bulky service
iz: mircea_popescu: i'm still afraid of the legal implications of running a gambling business
jcpham: if cgminer had a "no sd" flag, i'd set it
ThickAsThieves: if cryptocurrency is widely adopted, it's probly what will happen anyway
iz: that's why i'm not doing it
jcpham: otherwise my pools include sd blocks
ThickAsThieves: alt coin for every gov
jcpham: faik
iz: but SD is braindead simple to make a clone of
mircea_popescu: sigh.
iz: it's just rolling dice
OneMiner: jcpham do you pool mine?
mircea_popescu: i guess every coder has to be humiliated individually to get it.
jcpham: yes
OneMiner: jcpham Then the best you can do is mine in a pool that blocks those transactions.
jcpham: i mine at hashpower.com
jcpham: you can lease me
OneMiner: And it's not a scalpel, it's a grenade. You'd block all TXs with SDs fee or lower.
jcpham: see what i did there
OneMiner: jcpham I was too. Now I'm on p2pool.
OneMiner: I can make my own choices now. I'm independent. :)
jcpham: i think i just mined a bajillion freicon last week
jcpham: *freicoin
Bowjob: i got like 1500 friecoin.. whats the exchange rate now
OneMiner: haha, I've been trying to get merged mining going with p2pool. I think I messed it up somehow. :(
jcpham: no clue
jcpham: i solo mined.....
jcpham: 36 blocks/sec
jcpham: i swear
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00075677 = 10.065 BTC [+]
Guest36719: iz : no miner has the initiative not to accept 1 satoshi fee tx
kakobreklaa: except for the stupid ones
jcpham: i mine for profit...whoever pays the most
dub: you just stick your mining cock in any hole that comes along
Bowjob: if you dont pay the tx fee.. how long will it take to confirm?
dub: you don't decide what tx get through
kakobreklaa: moving old coins is free
Bowjob: e70e54774c58101e7a6de4bcc5a04a9f3091cee4022965aebc264a705cb3c732
OneMiner: Bowjob If my miner was the only one in the world, it wouldn't go through.
Bowjob: the guy didnt put a tx. -_- still waiting for it to confirm
OneMiner: How cheap.... The fee is almost nothing.
Bowjob: I clicked on "Relayed by IP"..
Bowjob: a bunch of ips appeared.. is taht a good thing orr..
kakobreklaa: its ok
OneMiner: Means that those nodes broadcasted the TX.
kakobreklaa: are you making your first btc tx?
OneMiner: The network has seen it.
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 4035 @ 0.00075 = 3.0263 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 3 @ 0.65 = 1.95 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 14 @ 0.635 = 8.89 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 30.25402, Best ask: 30.35001, Bid-ask spread: 0.09599, Last trade: 30.38000, 24 hour volume: 26226.94641198, 24 hour low: 29.60000, 24 hour high: 30.40000, 24 hour vwap: 30.10472
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 35 @ 1 = 35 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P330T] 750 @ 0.34699613 = 260.2471 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P310T] 1000 @ 0.29393728 = 293.9373 BTC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00075113 = 1.8778 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 25 @ 0.3499 = 8.7475 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 25 @ 0.33311 = 8.3278 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.34 = 1.02 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.3331 = 1.9986 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: whoa less than 2!
kakobreklaa: the what?
mircea_popescu: Guest00001
swhitt: $36k payout
mircea_popescu: hit it!
mircea_popescu: there's kinda insufficient drama, if this keeps up bitcoin will tank
swhitt: manufacture some
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 15.9 = 31.8 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: nah it'd be too easy
mircea_popescu: http://www.par-anoia.net/releases2013.html
swhitt: has there ever been a >2 part of the chain orphaned?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 16 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: im pretty sure
mircea_popescu: 50+ was the record iirc
ThickAsThieves: https://forums.butterflylabs.com/announcements/692-bfl-asic-status-2.html#post16043
ThickAsThieves: i suppose that makes the bitbet pretty much resolved...
mircea_popescu: The simple fact of the matter is there hasn't been any solid updates to offer.
mircea_popescu: myeah
mircea_popescu: a well.
mircea_popescu: "As I've written in previous posts, we are dealing with such an accelerated time scale that all of these facilities simply aren't used to dealing with."
mircea_popescu: le lol.
ThickAsThieves: that's american industry for you i guess
ThickAsThieves: shoulda made em in china
mircea_popescu: We expect at least some of the chips to be on their way to Chicago by Tuesday, where they will be mounted and sent out to our engineers and KC for testing and final MCU programming.
mircea_popescu: yup, he's not making march 1st.
ThickAsThieves: i'm no engineer, but it sounds so ghetto to be wasting 1000 chips to do a macguyver test
mircea_popescu: Right now, I'm planning on a week from Friday to be the day
mircea_popescu: way ghetto.
mircea_popescu: this is never delivering.
pigeons: never we think they'll next tuesday, always we think they'll be on the way to another step by next tuesday
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.0763 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: well, as it turns out that 1500 btc on bitbet will be the most btc anyone makes out of bfl
ThickAsThieves: lol
Bowjob: hahah
Bowjob: mp have you actually bet on it?
mircea_popescu: yes.
ThickAsThieves: although, what if he's baiting the bet
Bowjob: you're the 200 BTC no?
ThickAsThieves: unlikely
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves it's closed already, so what can it do ?
ThickAsThieves: but a big mess if he did
ThickAsThieves: i meant if it resolved
Bowjob: theres this 500 BTC bet on yes
Bowjob: that hurts like a bitch
ThickAsThieves: before the 1st
Bowjob: josh could have come clean and tell us he couldnt ship by 1st
mircea_popescu: 16-02-13 01:27 No
Bowjob: but instead he said "its close"
mircea_popescu: i like that string of no
mircea_popescu: like 20+ bets lol
ThickAsThieves: a 50btc bet at 710 weight
ThickAsThieves: does that even make any profit?
mircea_popescu: you always make a profit.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.35 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 710 * 50 / 60000000 * 800
gribble: 0.473333333333
Bowjob: theres only like 3 big YES votes on the side
mircea_popescu: aaactually... i think you're right, he owes .5 to the house and makes .473
Bowjob: 500, 100, and 115
mircea_popescu: net loss
ThickAsThieves: sad
Bowjob: was the 50 btc you?
ThickAsThieves: nah
ThickAsThieves: i didnt bet in that one
Bowjob: so they lose money on it.. even if they won?
mircea_popescu: yeah like 0.03 btc
ThickAsThieves: the huge bets just felt like something fishy was going on
ThickAsThieves: so i stayed out of it
Bowjob: https://forums.butterflylabs.com/announcements/692-bfl-asic-status-2.html#post16043
mircea_popescu: only fair, bets on the 21st that bfl won't deliver by 1st
Bowjob: delicious update delay again
mircea_popescu: Bowjob at least they beat all other vendors.
Bowjob: huh
Bowjob: how
mircea_popescu: also "everyone knows" bfl is worth more than mpex
mircea_popescu: Bowjob : /sarcasm
Bowjob: lol
mircea_popescu: that dude was such a lolcow i'll be sad to see him go
Bowjob: shits about to hit the fan.. bfl customers who used to defend josh are getting pissed
mircea_popescu: then again this is bitcoin, he'll prolly be making status updates in like... may.
Bowjob: if they werent already
ThickAsThieves: mp wanted drama
Bowjob: id have to ask josh to fuck up on this one, till my avalon arrives
mircea_popescu: ya, ty bitcoin goddess, satisfactory dramadelivery.
ThickAsThieves: does bfl allow refunds?
Bowjob: looks like i wont have to lol
Bowjob: yeah, they do
ThickAsThieves: ouch
Bowjob: but people who ordered way back then
Bowjob: would not get their btc back
mircea_popescu: they only allow refunds after jan 1st.
Bowjob: oh even worse lol
Bowjob: its like a stop loss order..
ThickAsThieves: so if you ordered in 2013 you can get your money back
mircea_popescu: well ya, you sent 500 btc in october, you get 200 btc back today.
ThickAsThieves: ick
Bowjob: ^ 300 btc for bfl free
Bowjob: lol
mircea_popescu: nice biz huh.
kakobreklaa: those low-weight no-ers on BFL bet will be pissed.
mircea_popescu: kakobreklaa they thought they were smart :D
Bowjob: its better to take a refund and take the loss.. before btc rallies up again
Bowjob: rather than go all or nothing
Bowjob: but they prolly wont do it.
mircea_popescu: Bowjob nobody sensible has any money left with them anyway
ThickAsThieves: this is such a huge idiot trap
mircea_popescu: a few hardocre believers aka idiots, who got burned in any scam available.
mircea_popescu: starting with p[irate.
mircea_popescu: some people just aren't made to handle money is all.
Bowjob: i dodged all bullets so far lol
ThickAsThieves: like smarter people will get refunds
ThickAsThieves: and then BFL will sell to people
ThickAsThieves: and theyll all be late to the party
ThickAsThieves: making .0003 btc/day
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves actually asic is only mining what, 4-5 th ?
ThickAsThieves: true
mircea_popescu: and avalon is still in limboland
Namworld: .0003 BTC might be a bit exaggerated... but yeah
ThickAsThieves: asicminer is pretty behind it seems
ThickAsThieves: they said 12TH by the 1st i thought
mircea_popescu: everyone's behind everyone else, this is like the asic olympics
kakobreklaa: lol
mircea_popescu: i tell you, if asics were girls i'd be damned worried
mircea_popescu: everyone's late.
mod6: haha
mircea_popescu: "dude, i took my girlfriends to this party
mircea_popescu: and now three weeks later everyone's late
mircea_popescu: i dunno what we did there"
mod6: *grin*
ThickAsThieves: i wonder how many people are submitting return requests tonight
kakobreklaa: assbot would say, they are more fucked than whores at closin time
mircea_popescu: lol
Bowjob: josh says 1 week..(1 month) for this to be done
dub: do we know if people who won the BFL order number lottery have been contacted?
dub: ie, those that will get a 1st round unit
ThickAsThieves: doubtful, i think the first sign things are shipping is when they ask for people to send their trade-ins
ThickAsThieves: which is absent from this update
dub: cool, I guess there is still a chance of sprinkles on this shit sandwich
Bowjob: I managed to sell 50k XRP for 1 BTC
dub: wat is xrp
Bowjob: I don't know if I did something smart or stupid
Bowjob: ripple credits
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8355 @ 0.00075113 = 6.2757 BTC [-]
Namworld: There's 100 billion XRP created right off the bat
dub: at this point suppose knowing what ripple is might help
Namworld: Making XRP worth 2,000,000 BTC at that price
Namworld: So you sold them for a LOT
Namworld: XRP is super easily available
ThickAsThieves: is xrp unlimited?
ThickAsThieves: or just that 100bil only?
Bowjob: 100 bill, as money get sent around theres a small fee
Bowjob: less than a cent
Namworld: I love how my ripple address ends by Sir N
ThickAsThieves: another lol for you https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=146826.msg1558001#msg1558001
ThickAsThieves: "Ill pay you 1BTC to buy the goldbar so I dont lose it"
Namworld: Hmm, I'll buy 10 million XRP for a BTC. Anyone? =P
Bowjob: nam ill buy 50k xrp for .2 btc
Bowjob: deal? :p
Namworld: nay =/
Namworld: looks like it's overpriced right now
Namworld: I'll sell and wait to buy back
Namworld: What's your ripple name?
Bowjob: rwAUfq4CjYut43iY8vut3KwujqFSGR1j5o
Bowjob: ninjafruit
Bowjob: im still trying to figure out how this thing works
Bowjob: how do I view the ordebook
Namworld: yeah, I don't understand that either
Bowjob: i'll just sit it out. i have 50k left
Bowjob: lets see if this goes somewhere
Bowjob: I want to see 1 XRP = 1 dollar
Namworld: good luck... would need market cap to reach 100 billion
grubles: selling 50k ripples
ThickAsThieves: seems to be a firm ceiling at 30.40 at mtgox
Namworld: Ok, I don't know how it works at all...
Namworld: How do we get other currencies?
Bowjob: well the rocket is simply refueling
Bowjob: just wait
Namworld: I think I get it...
ThickAsThieves: arent ripples just IOUs mixed with otc ratings?
ThickAsThieves: or something
Namworld: People must assign trust to "gateways" which I think are like exchangers
Namworld: and these gateways assign currencies like USD/BTC/AUD/GBP/etc to users... and they can send it around if they trust the gateway...
ThickAsThieves: and people will treat it like Facebook Likes
ThickAsThieves: trust me and i'll trust you back
Namworld: So one has to deposit funds to a gateway to deposit it and withdraw from a gateway.
Namworld: I don't think it works like that Thick...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 16.9 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5132 @ 0.00075677 = 3.8837 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4468 @ 0.00076936 = 3.4375 BTC [+]
Bowjob: Holee schitt
Bowjob: Havelockkkkkkkk
Bowjob: I remember when it was 12 BTCs
ThickAsThieves: i'm not sure how it works either, i just saw some people talking about that as one of the weaknesses
Bowjob: and they released at 4.6 BTC per share
Bowjob: jezzus
Namworld: aye
Namworld: Well BitPride/Ziggap going fast it seems =/
dub: is ripple solidcoin 3?
Namworld: ripple isn't supposed to be a currency you trade for money
Namworld: they're supposed to be preminted token used to create orders in the system upon which they're destroyed.
Namworld: People are supposed to trade in a peer to peer fashion other currencies, like BTC/USD or stuff...
Namworld: or something like that I think
ThickAsThieves: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/197h9g/namecheap_considering_bitcoin/
ThickAsThieves: top comment says they are gonna do it
Namworld: Good for them
BitHub: i'm down for the AUD end
BitHub: i was thinking about that other day Nam, i was even offering people access to the australian market in exchange for access to their countries market
BitHub: need to build a very trusted network
BitHub: while also taken care of the accountanting, tax side
BitHub: i'll also be working on peso next year, but doing AUD market for now.
Ukto: which peso?
Ukto: there are like 20 diff kinds
BitHub: ;)
Ukto: columbian?
Ukto: :P
BitHub: why do you think i said peso hehe
BitHub: of course i will share that infomation later on :)
BitHub: i dislike this whole cashing back out for fiat tho
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1 BTC [+]
BitHub: nothing personal, just complicated things.
BitHub: s
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1875 @ 0.0061 = 11.4375 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 3000 @ 0.006 = 18 BTC [-]
dub: http://i.imgur.com/CaiOJXo.png wtf is this? 90k btc for 11k xrp?
Bowjob: Hey I'll take that offer
Bowjob: is that a fat finger or??
Namworld: Do you trust the guy? No? Then don't accept the trade...
Namworld: Ripple doesn't hold any currency, the user does.
Namworld: I think it's supposed to be working with Gateways.
Namworld: Trusted gateways give you money on Ripple. You trust the gateway. The gateway give funds to the guy, who sells it to you. You withdraw at the gateway. Or from the guy if it's not issued by a gateway and you trust the person.
Bowjob: whats a gateway
Namworld: I think it works basically with users issue BTC/USD/etc themselves
Namworld: and you trust money issued by certain users
Namworld: A gateway would be a trust user
BitHub: aka bitcoin agent
BitHub: broker
BitHub: etc
Namworld: ask Joel Katz on the forum, or something like that. Or look for it on the forum. I don't know much about how Ripple works exactly.
Namworld: Basically the thing is way too complicated for me to even want to mess around with it.
Bowjob: bitcoin is already confusing to the general public
Bowjob: now theres XRPs too
Bowjob: lol
Namworld: I need to build a network of contact to find trade offers and have to find gateways I trust as a source to accept funds
Namworld: not that the concept is bad... but building itthe network from the grounds up would be considerable work...
BitHub: gateways taken offers at market price?
BitHub: what country are you in nam?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3450 @ 0.00076936 = 2.6543 BTC [+]
Namworld: Canada
BitHub: hmm
BitHub: are you buying and selling btc within canada atm?
Namworld: On occasions, yes
Namworld: mircea_popescu: sorry to be dicking around like that and asking already for a withdrawal just after depositing, but my funds are once again needed elsewhere.
Namworld: Sheesh, with all the BitVPS shares, S.DICE and other stuff I have, I don't have much capital laying around
Namworld: Also I placed 5120 S.DICE-PT for sal at 0.0062 if someone wanted to load up before the dividend.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 16.95 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.675 = 4.05 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.675 = 2.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 17 BTC [+]
Bowjob: Just wtf is going on at Havelock lol
ThickAsThieves: ;;bc;stats
gribble: Error: "bc;stats" is not a valid command.
ThickAsThieves: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 223169 | Current Difficulty: 3651011.630693214 | Next Difficulty At Block: 223775 | Next Difficulty In: 606 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 1 hour, 27 minutes, and 16 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 4373609.64927 | Estimated Percent Change: 19.79172
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.678 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 4373609.64927 based on data since last change | 4587789.77324 based on data for last three days
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.678 BTC [+]
Namworld: Havelock... the overpriced market...
Namworld: I want to arbitrage that =/
ThickAsThieves: can say the same about mpex too this week
Namworld: aight
Namworld: Thank you mircea
Namworld: MPEx probably has the fastest withdrawal/deposit time for manual processing.
mircea_popescu: <Bowjob> Just wtf is going on at Havelock lol << what ?
Bowjob: the HIM fund just went up crazy
mircea_popescu: what's that even
Namworld: BitVPS is on BTCT.co, Ziggap is on BitFunder
Eduard_Munteanu: Namworld: I'm not sure I get it, is 30BTC a fee, or do you get to use it after registering?
Namworld: It's a fee
mircea_popescu: Eduard_Munteanu it's a fee.
Namworld: It goes into profits for the exchange and fees are distributed to MPOE holders
Eduard_Munteanu: I see.
mircea_popescu: also, are you romanian ?
Eduard_Munteanu: mircea_popescu: yes :)
mircea_popescu: haha cool.
mircea_popescu: you're like the first i think..
Eduard_Munteanu: Interesting. I think I got PMed by another one on #bitcoin.
Eduard_Munteanu: I don't remember the nick unfortunately.
mircea_popescu: not in bitcoin, on mpex.
Eduard_Munteanu: Ah.
Eduard_Munteanu: I'm rather new to BTC as well.
mircea_popescu: cool.
Namworld: (mircea is romanian too as you might have guessed by the name and happen to be MPEx's owner)
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 31.40001, Best ask: 31.40100, Bid-ask spread: 0.00099, Last trade: 31.40100, 24 hour volume: 33370.91437260, 24 hour low: 30.07000, 24 hour high: 31.60000, 24 hour vwap: 30.66622
Namworld: In case that wasn't clear.
Bowjob: rally bitche
Bowjob: s
Eduard_Munteanu: Yeah, I figured. :)
mircea_popescu: Bowjob where's bugpowder's graphlines when you need them!
Eduard_Munteanu: mircea_popescu: I think I've seen you around #haskell lately? Not sure.
mircea_popescu: possibly, for some values of lately.
Bowjob: BFL fans developing Stockholm syndrome, its delicious
mircea_popescu: lol quote
mircea_popescu: anyway Eduard_Munteanu, you're like one of the few that can read this natively :
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2012/sa-ne-jucam-de-a-investitiile-n-bitcoini/
Eduard_Munteanu: mircea_popescu: yep... pretty cool business you got there. Are you from Bucharest?
mircea_popescu: no. cluj originally, but i reside in timisoara.
mircea_popescu: okay, queue flushed and i shall be back later. take care all.
Eduard_Munteanu: I was considering buying/selling some bitcoins locally, the spreads seem pretty high.
Namworld: The best way to get market rate is bank transfer to an exchange
Eduard_Munteanu: Namworld: ah, no, I'm interested in making money :)
Bicknellski: Hehehe
Namworld: trade locally, buy low, sell high
Bicknellski: Yup
Bicknellski: especially if people are in need of fiat
Eduard_Munteanu: Anyway, I need to sell quite a few Pecunix to get some BTCs first.
Bicknellski: What is that Eduard?
Bicknellski: local ecurrency?
Eduard_Munteanu: Bicknellski: no, an ecurrency equivalent to a gram of gold
Bicknellski: I googled it
Bicknellski: thanks..
Namworld: Eduard: be wary however.
Eduard_Munteanu: Namworld: of local trading?
Namworld: No, the BTC price raised by over 100% in the last two months
Namworld: It might not keep it's worth for long. BTC is volatile.
Eduard_Munteanu: Yeah, I know. I'd like to wait a bit and see if it crashes.
Namworld: It goes up and down wildly with news.
Namworld: other than that, the global picture is a slow and steady raise.
Eduard_Munteanu: The demand might be gone after the ASICs are sold.
Bicknellski: same here... but the bubble seems to be more of a new normal
Namworld: Also be wary, many BTC stocks end up being scams or perform poorly.
Bicknellski: there is a lot more money in than the last time when it tanked
Bicknellski: But I think you are right local trading is a very good way to go
Bicknellski: just finding BTC locally is a hard one
Namworld: Lots of investigation required. There's occasional opportunities that open, usually best flipping it right back.
Bicknellski: at least for me anyhow
Eduard_Munteanu: The spreads are huge, the only ones selling are doing it for $37/BTC.
Namworld: ouch
TomServo: Anyone ever heard of a local trade 'gone wrong'?
Chaang-Noi: id sell at 37 $ :)
Namworld: I didn't... but that might have happened.
Chaang-Noi: no, but i bet people will get mugged over it one of these days
Chaang-Noi: make sure to meet in a bank loby or something, lol
Eduard_Munteanu: Good thing we don't carry BTCs around in our wallets.
kakobrekla: i do
Eduard_Munteanu: kakobrekla: cool, some BTC-denominated card?
kakobrekla: cas coin and some home made priv keys printed as bank note
Eduard_Munteanu: Interesting.
Eduard_Munteanu: That's one way to print your own notes.
Eduard_Munteanu: BTC rules.
Eduard_Munteanu: Namworld: do you have fancier stuff like options or shorting?
Namworld: No, unfortunatly. Not easy to set up.
Eduard_Munteanu: Yeah. Also I suppose shorting is risky for the lender.
Namworld: I can broker options manually on request.
Namworld: Yes, I don't lend my assets.
kakobrekla: Yes, I don't lend my ass.
DeadWeasel: selfish lovers
Chaang-Noi: ;;asks 32
gribble: There are currently 11216.171 bitcoins offered at or under 32.0 USD, worth 357926.122005 USD in total.
Namworld: We'll break the all time high at this rate...
DeadWeasel: what psychological impact will that have? I would guess short term dumping by a steady rise, if the dumps aren't maintained
DeadWeasel: followed by*
DeadWeasel: would like to see a dump around 32.69ish, then buy back in a few dollars cheaper if possible.
Namworld: I'd be more for extreme frenzy of old followed by a steep decline.
DeadWeasel: so impossible to know
DeadWeasel: frenzy of old?
Namworld: in 2011
Namworld: Where for a short time it really skyrocketed.
DeadWeasel: this rise has been slightly more metered.
Namworld: perhaps...
Chaang-Noi: anyone know the odds for this site? http://kingco.in/
Chaang-Noi: i dont mind us staying under it for a month, then i giant break out to $50
kakobrekla: yeah well
kakobrekla: a lot of people is saying that
abracadabra: the odds are not in your favor
abracadabra: ;)
kakobrekla: lucky theres always dubasses that dump
Chaang-Noi: abra, im sure, but im up 120% just testing it
Namworld: I think the dumbasses are the ones mass buying currently.
kakobrekla: sell all you have then
Namworld: I'm not selling. On the very long term, I'm long. But in the short term, I'm short after such a large rise.
Eduard_Munteanu: I wish I could short BTC right now.
Namworld: I got BTC placed in USD based income businesses.
kakobrekla: lol
kakobrekla: bfl bet rehashed
kakobrekla: http://bitbet.us/bet/261/bfl-will-deliver-asic-devices-before-march-15th/
kakobrekla: this time im not the author tho
kakobrekla: belivers went quiet?
ThickAsThieves: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21589128 Bank Of England considering negative interest rates
ThickAsThieves: we don't want your money
Eduard_Munteanu: ThickAsThieves: I'm cool with that as long as they don't lend my money
Chaang-Noi: someone was here a while ago saying they bought on credit cards
Bicknellski: Man I have to buy some BTC soon no matter what yuk!
Eduard_Munteanu: That's how full reserve should work. Otherwise, no way, GTFO. :)
Eduard_Munteanu: If the interest rate doesn't cover the inflation, you're probably better off keeping your money in a warehouse, safe deposit box, full reserve bank, some other currency etc.
Bicknellski: Bank Of England considering negative interest rates (Freicoin)
Bicknellski: :)
Bicknellski: BFL is so fubar
Diablo-D3: negative interest rates? lol
Bicknellski: Awesome right
Bicknellski: spread the wealth people...
jurov: lol if banks don't know what to do with money, why not fund long term infrastructure/scientific development..
jurov: ...but that doesn't look good on quarterly report, yeah
Bicknellski: The money is broken
Bicknellski: ;)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00076482 = 6.0421 BTC [-]
DeadWeasel: the money is broken, lol.
DeadWeasel: very broken
Bicknellski: Yup
Bicknellski: ... hahaha
Eduard_Munteanu: Who needs banks when you have BITCOIN! :)
Namworld: You said you were new but seem to already have catched the Bitcoin bug.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1084 @ 0.00076482 = 0.8291 BTC [-]
Eduard_Munteanu: Namworld: indeed, quite fun
thestringpuller: Namworld:
thestringpuller: yt?
Namworld: hmm... what's yt?
ThickAsThieves: you there?
ThickAsThieves: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 223218 | Current Difficulty: 3651011.630693214 | Next Difficulty At Block: 223775 | Next Difficulty In: 557 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 6 hours, 38 minutes, and 7 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 4316094.45818 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.2164
Namworld: ah. Well obviously since I talked two minutes ago.
Namworld: Eduard: then you might appreciate this tool I've made: http://namcdn.com/btcalarm/
Bicknellski: 4316094.45818 vs 3651011.630693214
Namworld: I use it to wake up when price moves on MtGox
Eduard_Munteanu: Hm, interesting, thanks.
Namworld: thestringpuller, what did you want?
Bicknellski: Doctor SP.
thestringpuller: a vps and a new domain name
thestringpuller: for another project
Namworld: Ah, I see.
Namworld: You will need to wait for Arij or Phungus to be around to set up a VPS.
thestringpuller: when would that bd
thestringpuller: be*
Namworld: You have an order up on bitvps.com?
Namworld: Should be set somewhere this afternoon/evening then.
Namworld: Hmm, nothing else?
Namworld: I'm off for now.
thestringpuller: !ticker m O.BTCUSD.C310T
assbot: [MPEX:O.BTCUSD.C310T] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.25778105 / 0.25819404 / 0.28103279 (563 shares, 145.36 BTC), 30D: 0.25778105 / 0.25819404 / 0.28103279 (563 shares, 145.36 BTC)
thestringpuller: !ticker m O.BTCUSD.C350T
assbot: [MPEX:O.BTCUSD.C350T] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.2057493 / 0.2057493 / 0.2057493 (916 shares, 188.47 BTC), 30D: 0.2057493 / 0.2057493 / 0.2057493 (916 shares, 188.47 BTC)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.68 = 1.36 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1816 @ 0.00076391 = 1.3873 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6645 @ 0.00076935 = 5.1123 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17489 @ 0.00076936 = 13.4553 BTC [+]
DeadWeasel: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 31.01298, Best ask: 31.03999, Bid-ask spread: 0.02701, Last trade: 31.03999, 24 hour volume: 39955.84230975, 24 hour low: 30.11000, 24 hour high: 31.69900, 24 hour vwap: 30.85183
DeadWeasel: ;;bc,24prc
gribble: Error: "bc,24prc" is not a valid command.
DeadWeasel: ;;bc,24hprc
gribble: 30.80
aethero: Updated volume and profit statements for ZIGGAP released on it's BitFunder description page
ThickAsThieves: thx
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00629175 = 6.2918 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 700 @ 0.00629176 = 4.4042 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1000 @ 0.00071 = 0.71 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1055 @ 0.0007 = 0.7385 BTC [-]
topace: anyone used php's gpg extensiosn? when i gnupg_verify, i get a "validity" field in the result, that seems to be 0 for failed, or 4 for valid... but i have no clue what the 4 means, or if i should accept 1,2,3,4,etc as valid as well?
mod6: On success, this function returns information about the signature. On failure, this function returns FALSE.
mod6: so maybe any integer returned is ok
mod6: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gnupg-verify.php
topace: failure doesnt mean signature invalid
topace: an invalid signature still returns the array of information about the sig
mod6: ahh, well too bad its not like perl where you can just look in the PM to find what's what.
topace: {"fingerprint":"8DDE8C2B4DE2278A95C3D65B9214FC6BF1B69921","validity":4,"timestamp":1361385050,"status":0,"summary":3}
topace: it returns things like that
topace: i have no clue what status, summary, or validity values are
mod6: what does it say if you make it fail
topace: {"fingerprint":"9214FC6BF1B69921","validity":0,"timestamp":0,"status":117440520,"summary":4}
mod6: hmm. so if validity is > 0 you're ok?
topace: thats what i'd like to really be sure of.. not really something i can ASSUME
mod6: fair enough
topace: im making a way to automatically push assets from MPEX to Havelock, simply by pasting in a PUSH receipt
mod6: i remember you saying this before.
mod6: i don't know how one does that. In my mind, person A owns 1 share of XYZ and he can push to another key on the MPEx keyring (weather it exists on the keyring or not) ... but how does one push this to a remote keyring?
mod6: i would think that i'd have to be different to discern who person A is on the remote system and just dump the 1 XYZ in there, while keeping the 1 XYZ in holdings on MPEx
mod6: s/i'd/it'd/
topace: yes, you would push it from your mpex account to the havelock mpex account
topace: then paste the push receipt into the havelock website, which would verify 6 things:
mod6: but how? i mean, on mpex its just like "PUSH|MPSIC|LONGKEYFINGERPRINT|QTY"
mod6: how do you specify a destination?
mod6: OH
mod6: ok... so with the receipt you just parse that on the remote end and use that to verify.
topace: //1 valid signature
topace: //2 that its actually from mpex (fingerprint?)
topace: //3 that its a receipt we have not processed already
topace: //4 that its a push receipt to havelock account
topace: //5 that we recognize what was pushed
topace: //6 that the quantity if what was pushed is ok
mod6: yeah, this could get hairy dude.
topace: its actually very straightforward
topace: and secure
mod6: good luck :)
topace: as long as one can trust and properly interpret the result from gnupg_verify()
mod6: yeah, seems like if you could know for certain about 1-6 it could work pretty good. could reek havoc though if there was any problems.
topace: when i launch it, it'll go through a manual approval step for the first little while, just to make sure :)
topace: but from my understanding, it should work just fine, i ran it by mp too and he seemed to think it should work well
mod6: yeah it seems like it could work out decent. doing it manually in tandom for a while would be good to ensure that the correct values get to the correct accounts, etc.
mod6: its shitty when neat-o libraries don't define their return statements, nor can they be correlated to a given spec.
assbot: [BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 1 @ 0.64798 BTC [+]
mod6: at least not easily found or whatever :/
mod6: back to the first statement: On success, this function returns information about the signature. On failure, this function returns FALSE.
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 25 @ 0.01 = 0.25 BTC [+]
mod6: i'd be nice to know what {1,2,3,4...} are for! lol
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.33 BTC [+]
mod6: hahaha
mod6: If verification fails, the gnupg_verify() returns the key's id instead of fingerprint . It does not return FALSE as stated above (PHP4, have not tested PHP5). You can compare it with result of keyinfo:
mod6: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gnupg-verify.php#89192
mod6: so much for returning FALSE
topace: yea
topace: thats what i said, it always returns an array
topace: unless the function itself completely fails for some reason
topace: its just checking the values from the returned array (esp the "validity" field) that i need to be 100% sure about
mod6: yeah, i see.
mod6: this seems like it could work pretty good with some testing
topace: not sure how much demand there would be... its possible now, for free, just manaually processed, and nobody has taken advantage of it yet
topace: but for the naysayers that think im "hogging all the arbitrage" as i add more units to havelock.. it'll satisfy them at least (give them the opportunity to do the same arbitrage)
assbot: [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.3449 BTC [+]
mod6: topace: yeah, seems like it would be some good arbitrage oppertunities -- im sure with this automated demand would pick up over time.
mod6: :]
mod6: <bernakazi> We're not engaged in a currency war.
mod6: o rly?
mod6: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?play=1&video=3000150533
ThickAsThieves: top, i didnt know you did that
ThickAsThieves: facilitate buys from mpex
ThickAsThieves: so i used other exchanges in the past
ThickAsThieves: i started on havelock
ThickAsThieves: but to be fair, I didn't know anyone did it til Deadterra
ThickAsThieves: why wouldn't you just hog all the arbitrage if you have the ability?
topace: ThickAsThieves: yea havelock launched teh SDICE passthru beginning of January
topace: and we allow users to push existing holdings from mpex to havelock, or from havelock back to mpex
topace: ThickAsThieves: i dont mind hogging all the arbitrage at all, but its kind of a conflict of interest since i run the site... if my goal is simply arbitrage at least... which it hasnt been since we launched.. my goal has been to grow the sdice holdings on havelock, and the only way to do that is to buy on mpex and sell the units on havelcok, so the arbitrage is a added side-benifit to me.
topace: i move things at break-even often, so no profit from the arbitrage at all
topace: just to get more units onto havelock
ThickAsThieves: the 5% cut being plenty
ThickAsThieves: make sense
topace: but the more liquid the better, so if its easier for others to do the arbitrage as well, im all for that
topace: thus, why i want to setup this automatic push system
topace: instead of having to manually process push requests
ThickAsThieves: but this would only be for people who have an mpex account right
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2000 @ 0.00634999 = 12.7 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 3000 @ 0.00635 = 19.05 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: the feature you are developing, I mean
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 24 @ 0.640001 = 15.36 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.64000002 = 1.28 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 15 @ 0.64000001 = 9.6 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 9 @ 0.64 = 5.76 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: i need to just get an mpex account already
topace: yea exactly, it would only work if you also had an mpex account
topace: or, had someone with an mpex account willing to purchase/push on you rbehalf (others here have made that offer to people before i've seen)
ThickAsThieves: ah, thats what I was referring to with deadterra
ThickAsThieves: buying on mpex for me and pushing to BF
topace: yea.. i'd do that for havelock users too, if im around
topace: but im not here 24/7, and often when the good arbitrage opportunities come up, you have to act quickly
ThickAsThieves: right
ThickAsThieves: several us have had urges to cream into your bids for sdice in recent weeks
ThickAsThieves: of
topace: yea, im amazed at the demand for sdice on havelock
topace: and it just keeps growing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.DICE] 5000 @ 0.00635 = 31.75 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 8 @ 0.64 = 5.12 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 15 @ 0.639 = 9.585 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 13 @ 0.63200001 = 8.216 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 14 @ 0.632 = 8.848 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: would this be something that could be integrated with coinbr
topace: ^ there, i actually LOST bitcoins doing that arbigrage, just to move another 5000 shares to havelock
ThickAsThieves: but thats only beneficial for YOU ;)
topace: indeed :)
topace: 1,050,000 SDICE shares now on havelock
topace: not sure about integrating with coinbr, anything is possible though
topace: if coinbr gives you PUSH receipts from mpex, then it would work
jurov: coinbr does push completely manually, i can give you the receipt if needed
topace: do users get the receipt?
jurov: yes if they ask
topace: well, let me get automatic mpex<-->havelock setup first, then lets talk about setting up coinbr<-->havelock :)
jurov: anyway i did it only once so far... with your offering this may get requested more and be the impetus do do it better
jurov: but i'm very wary of any automatic moving of stuff to/from mpex
jurov: not easy to fix afterwards, you know
pigeons: you'll have to sue the proprieotr in his own court if you make an error
topace: heh yea
jurov: if there's a know proprietor, ofc
jurov: *known
topace: the 'automatic' is going to have a final approval button for me to click for the first little while
topace: just to make sure
topace: but realistically, it should work perfectly
topace: and im always in favour of automating things
topace: i like residual income, not income i have to work for!
jurov: if there's only one fixed address involved it's doable
jurov: but the thought of supporting automatic transfers to anywhere makes my hair stand up
jurov: maybe i'll have to use extra account for that, move the user's stuff there
jurov: and then in separate step move it out
jurov: and accepting incoming transfers likewise on other direction
jurov: so that neither coinbr's core addy gets known nor successful attack of frontend enable attacker to push stuff onto his account
topace: heh you must not trust your own security then :p
jurov: i don't have to trust the filthy bitvps machine, that's all
topace: ah
topace: own all my physical servers
topace: and they're locked in my own cage at the data center
jurov: i prefer to have frontend and backed physically separated
jurov: i also expect ddos, it will make it handling easier if backend is completely elsewhere
jurov: bootstrapping it completely, has to do things as lean as possible
jurov: can't expect any investor in this situation "okay, now tell me more about this mircea popescu" lol
jurov: even if i paint him in rosy colors, then they come around trilema blog and MPOE-PR haha
jurov: whatever. i'm used to doing things in this fashion.
jurov: alone
thestringpuller: jurov mircea_popescu will likely be your first big investor
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 7 @ 0.00636 = 0.0445 BTC [+]
assbot: [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 93 @ 0.00636 = 0.5915 BTC [+]
jurov: he is not interested in doing noob interface.
jurov: maybe we can do some other project like he did with kakobrekla if i come around interesting idea
thestringpuller: bitbet is going to grow rather slow
jurov: but hockey stick curve for bitbet is possible, if it becomes as popular as sdice
jurov: i decided to dampen things in coinbr by asking monthly fee... after several months i can say i did it right
jurov: the issues i had would be unsolvable with 10-100x higher volume
swhitt: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 223259 | Current Difficulty: 3651011.630693214 | Next Difficulty At Block: 223775 | Next Difficulty In: 516 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 2 hours, 9 minutes, and 20 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 4336419.58974 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.7731
swhitt: ,,bc,stats
swhitt: bleh
topace: !ticker h sdice
assbot: [HAVELOCK:SDICE] 1D: 0.63000000 / 0.6383501 / 0.68000000 (240 shares, 153.20402432 BTC), 7D: 0.60000000 / 0.65789684 / 0.74399999 (1300 shares, 855.26589784 BTC), 30D: 0.52100000 / 0.6659979 / 0.89000000 (11030 shares, 7345.95684524 BTC)
jurov: ;;calc 4336419 * 1.5
gribble: 6504628.5
jurov: how likely is the diff to go up by 50% around March 14?
jurov: with no signs of fpga progress... maybe i can sell some more iDiff-Os at 0.07
ThickAsThieves: looking less and less likely
ThickAsThieves: not one asic provider is meeting their projections
assbot: [BTCTC] [GOLD] 1 @ 0.5008 BTC [-]
DeadWeasel: ;;ticker
gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 30.96001, Best ask: 30.99000, Bid-ask spread: 0.02999, Last trade: 30.88007, 24 hour volume: 42692.62675683, 24 hour low: 30.11000, 24 hour high: 31.69900, 24 hour vwap: 30.92679
swhitt: I bet BFL won't ship until the end of march
DeadWeasel: end of april, if at all
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.00991 = 0.0991 BTC [-]
assbot: [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 38 @ 0.0099 = 0.3762 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2800 @ 0.00076 = 2.128 BTC [-]
DeadWeasel: ;;slap balls
mod6: yikes
mod6: 7.62x39 to the ball bag != good day
DeadWeasel: nope. i just want to go home.
DeadWeasel: fucking jobs and the money they pay me.
DeadWeasel: jerks
mod6: ahh werd
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 10 @ 1 = 10 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: sup bitches'
deadweasel: ;;slap balls
deadweasel: ballsacks
deadweasel: that's what
deadweasel: sup witch u kako?
deadweasel: mah brudda?!?!
kakobrekla: :D
deadweasel: srsly, I just don't give a fuck about working anymore.
deadweasel: i gotta get out of here.
kakobrekla: all good, been a long day which is just about to start really
kakobrekla: yes, stop wroking.
kakobrekla: working
kakobrekla: its silly!
deadweasel: bugpowder, you're here! and kakobrekla ! you can watch my apathy grow!
kakobrekla: show us what u got
deadweasel: it's thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big.
deadweasel: 1 million strong, and groooooowing
deadweasel: i'm closing this ssh session. these people want to offer me a permament position, I should pretend to work the last 10 minutes i'm here.
deadweasel: adios
jurov: doing things over ssh = not working? strange
Bugpowdr: huh?
Bugpowdr: The reddit wankers are getting more pathetic by the day. http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/199vvi/bitcoins_and_how_they_changed_my_life/
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 17.5 BTC [+]
Bugpowdr: "At this point, bitcoins could go to $0 without any regrets" I seriously doubt that this statement is true.
dub: don't forget the $1000 ripples
jurov: i seriously expected mention of silkroad/satoshidice
dub: or whatever XBC is
jcpham: OMG dub R U SELLING XBC??????!?!?!?!
dub: what is xbc
jcpham: shrug
dub: and yes I am selling it
jcpham: schweet
error4733: me too 50K
dub: 100btc each you send first
error4733: for 50K s.dice
jcpham: can iripple with it?
topace: jesus, HIM trading at 17.50 BTC
dub: what is HIM
topace: thats over $500/share
topace: https://www.havelockinvestments.com/fund.php?symbol=HIM
topace: good thing we're doing the 1:10 stock split on friday
topace: bring things back to a normal level
dub: eww worldwidewebternet
dub: I prefer not to
topace: we're the berkshire hathaway of bitcon investmetns right now
Namworld_afk: Bugpowdr: personally I wouldn't mind that much right if BTC went to zero and died.
thestringpuller: topace berkshire hathaway? bold claim
thestringpuller: also if you were truly B-H you wouldnt split the stock
burnside: what's the rough hashrate/share right now on HIM?
topace: thestringpuller: just from a high price perspective at least. not referring at all to possible returns
topace: not many people are willing to drop $500+ on a single unit of an investment
topace: yea, we dont want to be b-h :) we want market liquidity
topace: and that only comes at this point with either a) millionaires, or b) lower per-unit price
topace: burnside: about 25GH
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 17 BTC [-]
topace: err actually, ~23GH, we shut off a a few of the old GPU machines, only FPGA's are running now
pigeons: keep talking maybe someone will buy another
topace: ahaha apparently
pigeons: :)
midnightmagic: 25GH.. per share?
topace: nonono
midnightmagic: 25GH total. How many shared?
midnightmagic: er.. shares?
topace: https://www.havelockinvestments.com/fund.php?symbol=HIM
midnightmagic: Are they ownership stakes in the mining equipment?
topace: yes
topace: a share is its percent of the total ownership of the compnay
topace: 400 shares
topace: on friday it'll be 4000
midnightmagic: Oh, they're actual shares in a company..?
midnightmagic: Are the articles of incorporation available somewhere?
midnightmagic: aaargh there's an sdice passthrough. lol
midnightmagic: topace: Hey if they're ownership stakes does that mean we can trade the shares in for shipped fpga units?
topace: they arent shares, they are units :)
topace: and no, you cant trade a unit in for a shipped fpga
midnightmagic: topace: What FPGAs are you running? ztex?
Bugpowdr: Namworld_afk: you buy puts again?
topace: bfl
topace: and have pre-orders in for asic upgrades on every fpga already (since july/august).. if bfl ever ships, lol
topace: the delays all the asic producers have had have been great for the fund though, much better return on the FPGAs
topace: https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/scr/cc/CorporationsCanada/fdrlCrpDtls.html?corpId=8159181&V_TOKEN=1361913886449&crpNm=8159181&crpNmbr=&bsNmbr=
topace: not sure if that'll work, ight have the session in it...
midnightmagic: it works. That's the corporation?
midnightmagic: Are the articles of incorporation somewhere on that page, or are they elsewhere?
midnightmagic: good heravens, if that's you, you're federally incorporated dude.
dub: federation of moosecock?
midnightmagic: dub: how droll
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00074744 = 7.4744 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2015 @ 0.00074743 = 1.5061 BTC [-]
burnside: topace, thanks, that's pretty good.
assbot: [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C310T] 8 @ 0.17554903 = 1.4044 BTC [-]
topace: yea
topace: we're federally incorporated
topace: it costs $200 and takes 15 minutes online to get a federal corporation
topace: in canada
topace: with it comes a lot of reporting requirements of course, and those are LEGAL requirements
topace: so its easy to get, but not easy to do all the things you have to do once you have it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 18 BTC [+]