160 entries in 0.107s
aquentson: you solution...
aquentson: speak it
aquentson: because that would be a long task
aquentson: are you suggesting you are open to persuasion?
aquentson: your fucking solution....
aquentson: your majesty
aquentson: im not gone read rubbish, I asked a question, give an answer
aquentson: thus speak
aquentson: many believe you indirectly have stopped some of them
aquentson: as you know bitcoin's transaction capacity is currently limited, there have been many proposals
aquentson: to the scalability question
aquentson: yes, your solution
aquentson: its not just freely given
aquentson: information demands information
aquentson: utters your fucking words
aquentson: volcanos all around
aquentson: trembling earthquakes
aquentson: lest you wish to see burning skies
aquentson: your word our command, just utter it
aquentson: whatever you say we shall follow
aquentson: your majesty, lead us to the light
aquentson: you have a solution?
aquentson: r/btc is sort of tearing its hair out
aquentson: blockstream of course is not pleased
aquentson: the miners are not pleased
aquentson: yourself, of course
aquentson: does that give you a sufficient boner?
aquentson: you might be king maker mircea_popescu
aquentson: not bad, stalemate
aquentson: hi mircea
aquentson: ben
aquentson: in the quickest way possible
aquentson: im here to understand your "philosophy"
aquentson: im not here for retarded lectures
aquentson: there are individuals, in short, and "you" guys
aquentson: etc
aquentson: erth globe
aquentson: becoming erth
aquentson: then there are sands
aquentson: cells humans
aquentson: molecules cells
aquentson: atoms molecules
aquentson: electrons become atoms
aquentson: expand on your view, ideology, philosophy
aquentson: alternatively
aquentson: or
aquentson: do you think what I defined as the free market is good or not
aquentson: don't torture me
aquentson: but understand
aquentson: I'm not here to persuade
aquentson: I asked something very specific
aquentson: sorry
aquentson: and question
aquentson: I gave you a definition
aquentson: do you believe in that?
aquentson: yes, this idea that individuals have more information and are better placed to make a decision regarding matters that concern them rather than some central authority ☟︎
aquentson: you must forgive me for being utterly stupid, but do you guys believe in the free market?
aquentson: ok, let's backtrack
aquentson: can I gain some sort of understanding regarding the position of you guys on scalability? ☟︎