6 entries in 0.97s
gabriel_laddel_p: Framedragger: I saw the discussion, and will not be doing a DOM dump because I'm not going to spend any time in the browser internals.
a111: 3 results for "dump dom", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dump%20dom
Framedragger: !#s dump dom
phf: Framedragger: right, you have dom, you have running javascript, can do all kinds of things to dump/before dump. what you don't have through any legitimate means is the byte sequence for a linked object. at least with headless webkit (via Qt) you can instrument cache with special methods that would give you that data. selenium not at all
a111: Logged on 2017-04-05 18:06 Framedragger: quite sure that it's possible to dump dom in selenium but in any case, yes dumping it seems like a prerequisite, like what archive.is does and what phf said above
Framedragger: quite sure that it's possible to dump dom in selenium but in any case, yes dumping it seems like a prerequisite, like what archive.is does and what phf said above ☟︎