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assbot: 18 results for 'benkay dream' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=benkay+dream
benkay: !s benkay dream
asciilifeform: benkay: ancient project. objective, in reality, is to bring on the wet dream of dod contractors everywhere: bullet costing $MAXINT.
bitcoinpete: benkay: well, in a nutshell, those were the dreams-of-smed-school days, a dream resolved by B- grades and a lot of poker. after undergrad, this being alberta, i spent a year selling trucks and started blogging. after selling truck got boring, i did an after-degree in environmental health and spent 2.5 years working as a public health inspector with the province. then…bitcoin. always had an interest in tech, investing,
chetty: You sure that was dream benkay? Sounds like daily life