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ThickAsThieves: surely there are people that dont know about or how to WoT, they we trust to be in our ecomonic sphere
ThickAsThieves: i suppose there is a more broken up punishment gazette, the blogosphere and forums etc
ThickAsThieves: so a roaming criminal never gets jailed cuz he doesnt recognize the authority?
ThickAsThieves: it is whether it makes sense for it to be a requirement
ThickAsThieves: opt-in registeration being easy and clean does not make unregistered identity handling unimportant
ThickAsThieves: you see, if the WoT is a punishment gazette, since when do criminals register for such themselves?
ThickAsThieves: i wonder if this could be managed by an independent part
ThickAsThieves: not that this is a 'problem' but i'd also like to see a way to rate entities which haven't registered in the WoT yet
ThickAsThieves: pankakke's concern being one i also share, lack of historical ratings
ThickAsThieves: I dont think it's hard to argue that the current WoT could be improved
ThickAsThieves: <+HeySteve> right, I get it. I am trying to finetune the WoT system without fixing what ain't broke. this is a definite point of improvement /// you are fixing it by making something, or fixing your brain?
ThickAsThieves: AltCoin Alert: Western Union Obtains Alternative Currency Exchange System Patent from USPTO
ThickAsThieves: but the acquired folks are old ycombo buddies of coinbase's
ThickAsThieves: "Coinbase announced that it acquired Kippt, a start-up company whose product gives users with a way to store and sort online media."
ThickAsThieves: DrewHorne, either share or dont share, youre worrying about the drapes for a house you dont own yet
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> upon consideration, i think jezz has a very valid point. it's not ozbot that should change.// hey that was my point!
ThickAsThieves: you are more excited to share what you want from people, than what you have to offer them
ThickAsThieves: also, if you lead with your hands out, that doesnt help
ThickAsThieves: Drew if any of the secrets you keep are require dknowledge to vet your plan, then we cant help you
ThickAsThieves: Couldn't kako also dynamically create the title to be that?
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> it'd seem people suspect june/july will have major deployments of moar hash /// afaik ASICminer has yet to release the hounds
ThickAsThieves: in a few years everyone will just be their own business
ThickAsThieves: these days you have to pretty much hand over a finished song that just needs to rap verses
ThickAsThieves: mostly this is in contrast to rap beat production, it is all about the stars
ThickAsThieves: even teh FF series, probablty the most popular soundtracks, i bet less than 10% of buyers could name 1 composer
ThickAsThieves: hell i could be the king if iphone app music or some shit
ThickAsThieves: and there is a vast ocean of game types and sizes out there
ThickAsThieves: video game industry is getting to be bigger than movie industry isnt it?
ThickAsThieves: i dont disagree, but you also think video game company wouldnt pay to have a dedicate audio artist or team on their project?
ThickAsThieves: (please note that i havent necessarily commited to treating this as more than a hobby, that's why i'm exploring it on paper first)
ThickAsThieves: i have some thoughts i'm fleshing out to address that as well
ThickAsThieves: well when you start doing soundtracks there is other related work
ThickAsThieves: i have more twisty ideas like that about having a music business