5500+ entries in 0.006s
mod6: Can do this if needed, didn't take long.
mod6: I made a test vpatch set for v related development. Super helpful. Allows me to create test scenarios and automate them, ensuring that I'm not regressing from version to version.
mod6: then the new vpatches to clobber the targets can be patched in, one at a time. making test cases for each, simpler, and probalby more effective.
mod6: fwiw, I think minus other targets, such as the empty dir thing, it's probably going to be easier to regresion test without changes for those targets -- basically having a 1:1 mapping of the old to new.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> "qntra : under the deluge of tit bits, website-exchanges btc price keeps falling" lmao << :D
mod6: I could be wrong too.
mod6: As I understood it most recently, he was at max weight already.
mod6: It wasn't lost in transit, when ben_vulpes was at the airport, he had his wife come and pick it up from there to 'cut-weight'. It's safe in his care.
mod6: *an item of less value shipped successfully first,
mod6: The current thinking is that this server still here will be racked locally to make use of it; as soon as we have pricing, and maybe a less item of less value shipped successfully, we'll have this one couriered down to Pizarro.
mod6: So the one server was left behind at the airport to cut-weight.
mod6: Maybe it was never mentioned in here? Which seems strange, but it's been a wild month.
mod6: So here I am writing up the SoBA, looking for a log reference to where either I or ben_vulpes said that only *one* of The Foundation's Two (newly bought servers for Pizarro racking) made it down there.
mod6: there you go ave1 ^
mod6: ave1: lol, sorry man. lemme re-do that for ya.
mod6: just checking, didn't wanna step on your toes :]
mod6: ah, ok just "tasks" or whatnot. got it.
mod6: trinque: hey, are you paying douchebag to figure out trb on his own? or does me helping him violate what he agreed to?
mod6: pretty much, best announcement ever.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> anyway, whadda ya think mod6 , can we get him back to positive rating ? << aha, let's try this again.
mod6: well, im about to crash out. but let's tackle it tomorrow, we'll start fresh. no worries.
mod6: douchebag: at the top of the howto document, it lists all of the pre-reqs you need before the build. did you ensure that you have them all?
mod6: looking, just a sec
mod6: (the ONLINE build does this for you)
mod6: ah, well, you should just be able to drop them into the right directory. are you doing the OFFLINE build?
mod6: douchebag: did building trb go alright for ya?
mod6: werd, typically that part is a struggle. not today, very nice.
mod6: Also, these girls, I'd speculate have been able to register and do the task way above par. Good job guiding them through.
mod6: douchebag: you're keeping your volume down, bringing the girls. good work!
mod6: Tit parade is never a waste of time. :]
mod6: mircea_popescu: Quite a parade! Who's next?
mod6: this is starting off well
mod6: This is not ok. And is rejected. I simply removed the two vpatches that are not required for the latter path (see the paste above where i simply pressed 'vtools_2', the second press-path) then your vpatch is included to the flow no problem.
mod6: so here's the deal, your vpatch & sig do verify by hand, so that part is fine. the problem lies in the fact with all of phf's vpatches in your 'patches' directory, your vpatch tries to come from two separate antecedents.
mod6: well, read some docs, make a key, register it. then up yourself. 1 BTC is a hefty prize!
mod6: wow, can i get the same deal dpb?
mod6: if there's a way to check, let me know, be happy to paste you the results.
mod6: (which is why i chose this particular environment to build your vtools upon)
mod6: which is the only version i've been able to stand up that seems to work 100% with ffa.
mod6: for what its worth, at the bottom of my paste, i've denoted that im using gcc 4.9.4 and adacore 16
mod6: (the new rules in my V99993 do not allow for pressing to multiple leaves, so just was curious to what the blessed press path (required vpatches) was to get these)
mod6: yup, ok. but as far as my "V" usage, was this correct?
mod6: But what I ended up doing is pressing to leaf 'vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc.vpatch' into 'vtools', and pressing to leaf 'vtools-vpatch.vpatch' into 'vtools_2'. I went into vtools_2, and found the similar problems as hanbot.
mod6: So there are a few things that I probably should ask about, as it wasn't wholly clear to me about the pressing side of things. Since there are multiple roots, and multiple leaves, there are two different press paths. Now, maybe I'm not supposed to have all of these in there?? But it looked to me from the thread at phf's site, that I needed to have them all.
mod6: smh. im gonna take a few minutes here and try to build phf's thing. will report back in a bit.
mod6: I might be in over my head, phf, enlighten us when you have a moment plz.
mod6: oh this is all C call related stuff.
mod6: huh, well that's news to me -- I was prodded to use that in the latest version of my vtron. I'll have to look into that. Not that my thing is related to hanbot's problem.
mod6: The size of the claws on that thing tho!
mod6: "oh shit, it thinks my schlong is a snake! take cover!"
mod6: diana_coman: thanks for your careful reading of the Pizarro Feb statement, the error has been corrected, I believe.
mod6: it's pretty fortunate to see such a thing!
mod6: btw, I enjoyed the pics from the eagle (falcon) post. how majestic was that 'eh?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> eggs can totally do it though. << yeah, I think you're probably right. i was fine until about 3-4 hours after breakfast.
mod6: it /is/ possible that it could have been some ahi tuna from the day previous. but no one else who ate it got sick.
mod6 feels much better after a nasty round of food poisoning
mod6: How's it goin today all?
mod6: jurov: Excellent, thank you!