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ThickAsThieves: it also wouldnt hurt to ding the confidence of litecoin somehow
ThickAsThieves: if you want a good altcoin, you need a good name, minimal pre-mining, GPU mining, and support from at least one decent exchange
ThickAsThieves: i'm skeptical that mp doesnt have plenty fiat to match
ThickAsThieves: what do youc all sitting on people's money for a year, if not a scam?
ThickAsThieves: ;;later tell Namworld please pm when you have a couple minutes, thanks!
ThickAsThieves: i feel wrong judging him superficially, but it's not like his words helped
ThickAsThieves: surprised they would take amir seriously, another embarassing bitcoin vid...
ThickAsThieves: ok i'm registered for real for real now, thank you jurov
ThickAsThieves: i thought i had it all in my settings already, but now i also need to know how to change my pass
ThickAsThieves: never had this ident problem before, if there's someone that can pm me to help set up mu mIRC properly, it'd be appreciated
ThickAsThieves: it would be fun to know which forum personalities were there and guess who was who
ThickAsThieves: but to answer your question, i have bids lined up incrementally from 126ish downward
ThickAsThieves: problem is, the price is more likely to move maybe 50% upward, or 25% downward this month (very roughly speaking)
ThickAsThieves: but opportunity for profit for both bond holders and option buyers has been very minimized
ThickAsThieves: I wanted to do an options fund, but current pricing makes it seem like it'd most likely be a loser as well
ThickAsThieves: sometimes my words mean more than what the dictionarys defines them as
ThickAsThieves: but really, it started as benkay asking what give mpoe-pr/mpex/mp the right to question others experience, and turned into, i dunno
ThickAsThieves: it's amazing how this conversation gets more and more interesting
ThickAsThieves: so at this get together, did some people not tell others who they were?
ThickAsThieves: I'm not sure why eother of you think this conversation will go anywhere
ThickAsThieves: benkay, i suspect mp's people would prefer their privacy over "image"
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> Who's behind it? Our team consists of seasoned traders with experience in some of the worlds most successful banks, investment banks and accounting firms.