3800+ entries in 0.067s
ThickAsThieves: <+Zoop_> it's from may, but only went public a few hours ago /// pff i linked this days ago
ThickAsThieves: i installed wordpress so i can flesh the site out more
ThickAsThieves: i think i set it up per your instruction, just not sure if it was tested afterward
ThickAsThieves: mike_c is the seeds subdomain set up properly for atc?
ThickAsThieves: Draper talking on how large buyers might acquire bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: well he already said more tweets wont increase what he gives
ThickAsThieves: Roger Ver finds some way to not truly pay the $165k to Ross' defense
ThickAsThieves: this week everyone is hopping on the GS-NFLX-Buy is a scam bandwagon
ThickAsThieves: i'm not quite sure what the price is doing next tho, so i'm just bagholding
ThickAsThieves: it was priced in already by the time he gave his performance
ThickAsThieves: you dont have to be the fastest runner, just not the slowest
ThickAsThieves: <+indiancandy1> do people do that /// mostly children and governments
ThickAsThieves: "This system has the potential to revive the lost sunnah of donating to the mujahideen, it is simple, easy, and we ask Allah to hasten it’s usage for us."
ThickAsThieves: lol Ver offered $10 to the Ross Ulbricht defense for every retweet, 16,500 later he says "More retweets welcome, but the donation limit has been reached."
ThickAsThieves: still looking for someone to work on the ATC wallet...
ThickAsThieves: interesting, gmail has a pop-up saying i can 'send money easily' via email now
ThickAsThieves: like with the DJI bet, I was trying to call the top, and mod told me to bet on the one that called the bottom instead :/ twas more work to reject it and send my money back than to just post it probly
ThickAsThieves: like, just take the gist of my bet and get that shit represented
ThickAsThieves: all my bets get rejected, sometimes i kinda wish the mods would just fix the bet to their criticisms, but i can see how that would get hairy
ThickAsThieves: but the tx's that have the note are me sending bets, not proposals
ThickAsThieves: financing requirements set out in the EU Anti Money Laundering Directive.
ThickAsThieves: as ‘obliged entities’ that must comply with anti-money laundering and counter terrorist
ThickAsThieves: The EBA also recommends that EU legislators consider declaring virtual currency exchanges
ThickAsThieves: it will be difficult achieve a successful regulatory regime."