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ThickAsThieves: mp, in ur post, maybe add AKA for CIPI and OKCO? since it isnt whole or obvious names?
ThickAsThieves: i deppsited some NMC and BTC and was gonna trade without withdrawing
ThickAsThieves: layout of trading tools is not as intuitive as other sites
ThickAsThieves: one thing that drives me crazy is how they price in the orderbook
ThickAsThieves: the issue was i was really asking in the interest of gold, so i wasnt quite seeing how thered be lack of speculative demand
ThickAsThieves: i had someone re-explain our copper conversation, and now i get it
ThickAsThieves: nah, the article is mostly about startups and the money they got
ThickAsThieves: mike_c awesome, thx - now to find someone to update the wallet...
ThickAsThieves: then it's funy that google is helping ISIS CSS look nice
ThickAsThieves: something funny about a supposed ISIS blog being hosted at wordpress.com and using google fonts
ThickAsThieves: i decided it a bad idea, aside from security, it's a managed services box, so i'll just end up closing the account in December anyway
ThickAsThieves: i have another server i totall control, but it has clients on it
ThickAsThieves: shouldnt/couldnt i just host the nodes at the same domain?
ThickAsThieves: ;;later tell mike_c - Is seeds.therealaltcoin.org behaving as desired now?
ThickAsThieves: i had some store-bought stuff and it tasted like plastic to me
ThickAsThieves: or youre saying the effects of this fuckery are already priced in
ThickAsThieves: but the fuck is the funds and shit, not the metal, the fuck is the fucktards that fucked up
ThickAsThieves: help me understand something plz - if china doublespent or sold metals it didnt have, how is that bearish on the price of metals?
ThickAsThieves: well, i wasnt trying to get all philosophical about it
ThickAsThieves: mike_c was complaining about the price, what do you guys think it should be
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> so mr ThickAsThieves, how does it feel to have created the actual lulzaltcoin that works ? /// Usually just feel guilty it's not getting more attention
ThickAsThieves: "Andresen cited needless complexities within bitcoin’s transaction fee code as the reason for the update. "