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DreadKnight: you don't ask a web designer for *online* portfolio, he assumes that
DreadKnight: means starving artist
DreadKnight: you can't be a web designer without portfolio
DreadKnight: a dude blowing another dude? gay
DreadKnight: it was funny though
DreadKnight: 3 days left, don't see it happen
DreadKnight: erm xD
DreadKnight: isn't cli considered one of the most nerdiest things? besides compiling and editing config files...
DreadKnight: you've been missing out a lot of good stuff since you fled from IRC, RebeccaBitcoin
DreadKnight: lol, nice
DreadKnight: Noe's arch supposedly had 2 of each kind
DreadKnight: X marks the spot.
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, erm ok, but I'm trying to learn all the strings besides talking the talk
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, is MPEx avoiding these methods to simplify things and going for predetermined price all the time? http://www.incademy.com/courses/How-the-stock-market-works/Offers-by-tender,-and-other-methods-of-admission/3/1014/10002
DreadKnight: music.
DreadKnight: seems "la forge" starred in a kid show, lol
DreadKnight: little kids don't even know what star trek is overall
DreadKnight: he's a bit full of crap even in the video, people jaw dropping at his sight lmao
DreadKnight: bitcoinpete, it's still a lot for development, but yeah
DreadKnight: though 5 million dollars for a digital app for reading is kinda too much
DreadKnight: good stuff
DreadKnight: oh, project seems for a good cause; seen a lot of other celebrities crowd fund retarded, random or selfish crap
DreadKnight: bitcoinpete, sounds a bit gay hmm, I'm afraid; he showed up a bit in Big Bang Theory, impersonating himself as a washed up actor overall
DreadKnight: Hollywood makes a lot of movies encouraging death in the line of work; patriotism / heroism / martyr bs propaganda / brainwashing
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, radio waves melting the ice or what? xD
DreadKnight: dub, communism is not freedom; china made own linux distro and imposed it, for a fee, in internet-caffee places and other businesses, kicking microsoft in the nuts and finally taking over
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, maybe, but at least something got out about the event instead of total darkness
DreadKnight: college students had a protest, they were shot by government / military
DreadKnight: I like that btc got mentioned quite a few times in a sci-fi / futuristic show called "Almost Human"
DreadKnight: you don't get to see aspiring ads displayed on tv anyway
DreadKnight: hah, there are a lot of re-branded pharmaceutical drugs nowadays, basically the same thing as aspiring or other common stuff, just at way higher prices
DreadKnight: punkman, I'm aware, good point as well :) I guess it's were all the banks and money related problems started appearing... and inflation!
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, yeah good point, but I see ltc as the "next missile in line to fire", just in case
DreadKnight: so banning digital currencies altogether would be hypocritical
DreadKnight: and bank accounts
DreadKnight: yeah, in case btc gets banned, you got more fish in the pond; so either ban "digital currencies" but fiat money kinda got converted to digital with credit cards
DreadKnight: so it was just a matter of time; mining difficulty keeps increasing
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, well, after GPU mining was redundant on btc, a lot of people switched to ltc, but pretty much no coin is worth mining with GPU anymore now
DreadKnight: it's not very likely any time soon that all humans will only use a coin, same goes for languages; a lot of people benefit from conversions / exchanges
DreadKnight: it's good to have ltc around, just like there's both gold and silver
DreadKnight: they're kinda like branches of software, so a bit of experimentation is good to be done in "test areas" rather than on the popular blockchain everybody is using
DreadKnight: some try to improve stuff under the hood, but I don't have the technical expertise to figure out if those changes are really improvements
DreadKnight: well, most alt coins change some variables around, just like linux distros change default packages and wallpaper
DreadKnight: there are only a few coins that actually bring something new to the table
DreadKnight: altcoins are kinda like linux distros nowadays, a lot of people making yet another one for no apparent reason (trying to get rich with not much work), just to change the name and such, hoping they might get lucky
DreadKnight: benkay, anyway, was wondering why you said you would nuke those people since you didn't provided an argument; are you against seeing more joke coins or what?
DreadKnight: benkay, took my quite a bit to remember that MPEx thing and figure out what part of it names stand for, still not sure about the full name; it's an acronym; anyway, stock related stuff is usually named using acronyms and rather obscure compared to regular brands
DreadKnight: there's a lot of psychology in branding, can even make or break the products themselves
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, very common names can give companies or product a huge boost regarding making those finances
DreadKnight: benkay, first that I hear that word, guess it's a location xD
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, mainly I have a problem with Apple and who allowed it to have that name
DreadKnight: benkay, that's exactly what most people say xD
DreadKnight: kuzetsa, me too, it tans the fruit and ties it to hardware and evil
DreadKnight: you are people
DreadKnight: so it's not really my own problem, is something related to our design and the masses
DreadKnight: benkay, most people when they hear "apple" get a little more spit in their mouth, it's how psychology works, you have involuntary reflexes which you can't control properly
DreadKnight: benkay, so when you talk about common stuff like food you think about the less known altcoin or hardware company and the other way around, which is evil
DreadKnight: benkay, bacon is food, apple is food, naming software or hardware after food is somewhat applying psychological manipulation, think about the Pavlov's dog
DreadKnight: benkay, anyway, associating psychologically something (digital in this case) with food is strange, which I don't like regarding Apple
DreadKnight: benkay, but yeah, sometimes ambiguity helps making associations and remembering is all about that, plus some brain exercising is not bad, but I thought it's what you had against those people wanting to make a coin called "bacon" or "bacoin"
DreadKnight: benkay, I quoted you, so don't ask me what you meant,lol I just considered you meant to kill them (nuke them) xD
DreadKnight: <kuzetsa> https://40.media.tumblr.com/05f223816f861d3837ee8b0517ffe8cb/tumblr_n7082hXKbh1ty9k88o1_500.jpg unrelated <-- supposedly some nerdy gamer chick from the tattoo and color of skin :3
DreadKnight: <benkay> if these people inhabited a space i would commission nukes and glass them <-- I hate words with multiple meanings, because they tend to complicate things, so I really hate Apple for having that name, should be illegal imo *sigh*
DreadKnight: that reminds me of shops around saying they got natural ice-cream for sale.
DreadKnight: HeySteve, noticed your comment late
DreadKnight: !up HeySteve
DreadKnight: benkay, gotcha
DreadKnight: benkay, are you a vegetarian?
DreadKnight: I'm starting to not get mad about religious people anymore and actually get a laugh or two, finally
DreadKnight: cracks* damn
DreadKnight: every time I hear that book title it really craps me up :D
DreadKnight: drugs are the easiest to get in prisons, most can OD there anytime at will
DreadKnight: I was thinking about it as well xD
DreadKnight: haven't seen the star trek with female captain yet though
DreadKnight: yes :3
DreadKnight: forgot the term, native african? hmm
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, haha, "afro american" or something; star trek maintained a bit of diversity to seem non racist
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, oh, La Forge, the black guy with visor
DreadKnight: shirt
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, which guy from star trek, the borg? xD
DreadKnight: decimation, did a lot of research on aspect ratios, seem a lot of older people really miss 4:3
DreadKnight: vinyl records vs digital format all over again
DreadKnight: all them poor women, not having clothes xD
DreadKnight: even the PC was close to being dismissed as crap because of lack of vision from the business man taking a look at it
DreadKnight: it's all business and some luck; a lot of cool stuff is kept hidden just because it's not for the average joe
DreadKnight: a lot of inventions are promoted thanks to their monetization potential, so if there's demand and it sells, it's a good invention
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, I'm glad actually, a NPO like mars one does more interesting stuff
DreadKnight: compare making a wagon with space rockets. NASA is dealing with a lot of math, people and money
DreadKnight: things are getting exponentially harder, it's like the needle in the haystack
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, steven hawkings might be smart, but he's stuck in a wheel chair, so not much for him to do besides brainstorm :P
DreadKnight: midnightmagic, exactly
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, just like bitcoin mining is increasing in difficulty
DreadKnight: einstein might have been fake, his wife might have been the smart one
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, things are getting more and more complex now, it takes more work and time
DreadKnight: theoretical physics might seem to have no application atm, but that's the whole point, debating and eventually (hopefully) allowing to grasp more complex concepts and allow for further technological improvements, like being able to go through worm holes and such
DreadKnight: bitcoin is theoretically an energy allowing to polymorph sheeps into cars and so on, to facilitate exchanges and needs
DreadKnight: Newton's falling apple was likely just a nice story to make people visualize things :P
DreadKnight: otherwise he'll have a hard time explaining things to people
DreadKnight: so matter is like frozen energy
DreadKnight: most physicists actually don't believe in objects and matter, it's all energy or simply nothing