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http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957366 << how about your preference immediately becomes working on mp-wp as opposed to falsely claiming to be working on mp-wp while in fact trying to stick random unrelated garbage in there under this guise, because at the rate you're currently going im just about ready to set the bozo bit on whatever it is you do altogether.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957358 << honestly, no. i think the "option" to "pick the special chars" was useful at the onset, when i was figuring out how the world should work, but double-parens is so well established by now, even etymologically! ("every time you go on a tanget, you have to decide -- is your paranthetical is simple or double?") that it needn't be misrepresented as an option anymore, a
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 16:22:00 lobbes:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957332 << long story short I went to do a 'dry run' install of everything on the shinjiru server and uncovered a host of snags that I'm currently ironing out (such as ports being blocked, them 'suspending' the service in error for a day, and my general derpage with basic sysadmin)
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957332 << long story short I went to do a 'dry run' install of everything on the shinjiru server and uncovered a host of snags that I'm currently ironing out (such as ports being blocked, them 'suspending' the service in error for a day, and my general derpage with basic sysadmin)
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-06 21:50:34 lobbes:
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956654 << this week I've commited to getting a Gales install and report complete, however next week I was indeed going to work on the final setup and testing for the mp-wp logger. If all goes well I should be free to give it another shot on around the 20th of this month
hanbot_abroad: Wiktionary provides us that the etymology of the word comes from
<< "provides that" is a strange construction; generally a provision is a thing (hence provides us with) rather than a fact (provides us that). an obvious exception would be "provides us that thing which is xyz". also a minor point, just, you know...making a point of pointing them out lol.
hanbot_abroad: the 'old' French word
<< the word isn't 'old' as in part of modern french, but just old. Old French is a language, like Old English; they're sufficiently different (in various aspects, from phonology to spelling to actual vocabulary) from their modern inheritors to warrant different classification. did they give you chaucer to read in school?
hanbot_abroad: " In the end, most of the changes I brainstormed regarding structure did not seem to benefit the content. "
<< inasmuch as you didn't decide to use those structural changes you contemplated, they did in fact benefit the content --you judged they weren't right, for whatever reason. they're negative space, but just as in a piece of art they're still *there*.
mircea_popescu: dorion, why's your article start with an
<em> ? is that intentional ?
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957178 << not like it's forbidden or anything. i'm not saying you should marry all these people or anything like that. i think the way of looking at it is the central problem, once that's well anchored the specific ways you go about it in a circumstance or another's you know, a matter of circumstance.
http://archive.is/mEhtD << "Vet Check International" is a website whose stats are provided "as a free service to all Scott Web Service web hosting customers", which also includes you know, everyone who isn't a customer. and, as it turns out, most of the visitors check out... the STATS!!!
mircea_popescu: "The originators of the Robber Baron concept were not the injured, the poor, the faddists, the jealous, or a dispossessed elite, but rather a frustrated group of observers led at last by protracted years of harsh depression to believe that the American dream of abundant prosperity for all was a hopeless myth."
<< this set, the horseface whatshername followers.
whaack: lobbes: the reason for the above behavior is as follows: the start string "yesterday" gets matched. so yesterday becomes "
<span style="background-color:#d3d3d3" id="select">yesterday" But there is no match for "Because we were talking". So trilema serves a
<span> tag that does not properly close. The way most browsers handle this is to put an implicit
</span> before the
deedbot: 2019/11/18 15:31:56
<ave1> spyked, lobbes. Thx!
mircea_popescu: The GPG we inherited fucks clearsigned text blocks inside a larger text block being clearsigned as it is clearsigned for reasons that appear to be related to retardation.
<< well theoretically it's related to in-band signalling, but practically it was too hard to have a proper parser, take CLOSING signature as the signature, had to have 1step parser which "does not know what to do" if it encounters five dashes mid-documen