3200+ entries in 0.021s
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 15:54:16 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1942027 << this strikes me as utterly insane, for a spot of work that in my book counts to about 5 man-hours.
lobbes: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942586 << I anticipated this response, but not sure how you figure utterly insane. I'm not asciilifeform nor diana_coman for e.g.; I'm still pretty "green" at programming and need to research each design phase and thoroughly test my implementations as I go to make sure it is correct. Oftentimes discover "shit, I fucked up, need to redo this part". I.e. learning as I go
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-08 19:40:36 diana_coman: asciilifeform: I somehow think I might not be the only one valuing your seal; but anyway.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:44:28 asciilifeform: diana_coman: where's your current 'here' ? scotland ?
asciilifeform: diana_coman: it isn't as if you rebuild os from empty disk erryday.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 16:09:51 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: one simple pill is to colo a kvm. but obv. 1) costs 2) someone has to agree to operate.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: if yer box is in a place you can potentially physically get to -- the reqs for the innkeeper are much looser potentially
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-04 23:32:29 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: back in '17 when dulap-I crater was still smoking , asciilifeform wanted to try ro . but mp_en_viaje said that it was poor site, and i'm inclined to think that he had good reason to say this.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i currently do not know why mp fatwa'd ro, but must assume it was not because flag is wrong three colours
asciilifeform: diana_coman: anyone got past this just yet ?
asciilifeform: ty diana_coman .
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:53:44 asciilifeform: lobbes, diana_coman : logotron tree updated, removed 'shlex' , tested with bare hands on local staging box ( baitbot ! ) , can be used .
asciilifeform: btw diana_coman there is bug fix , in case this was lost in the chaos .
asciilifeform: if diana_coman & co need cyclotron -- will build cyclotron.
asciilifeform will happily build any kind of box for diana_coman's works.
asciilifeform: and ty diana_coman , i did not know that you esteemed the seal.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i'd happily sell. but who to buy...
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Enjoy
asciilifeform: goodnight mp_en_viaje
asciilifeform: wb mp_en_viaje
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 15:59:48 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942530 << i don't see a problem with it, provided it doesn't become a complicated game of not enough coin etc.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: fwiw the 1 i purchased for piz, didn't even occupy a rack slot, it was ultracompact matchbox-cum-wires thing
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: one simple pill is to colo a kvm. but obv. 1) costs 2) someone has to agree to operate.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: advantage of local orcs, supposing can agree on price, is that if their park suxx, can walk over and remove in half hr
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i'ma then investigate .
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: point! difficult to picture how could worse than uy orcs
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 06:37:31 mp_en_viaje: lobbes, when is it you'll need a server to sit down orchestra on ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:34:35 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1941357 << i meant the whole thing, when you're ready to make delivery and i hafta have a server ready for you to do this on.
mod6: BingoBoingo: http://www.mod6.net/4bb/bb_tbf_piz.txt.asc
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:47:49 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1942095 << holy shit wtf muppetry is all this already. https://ibb.co/0K2Z4TK screenshot of a java-run console emulator wtf omfg kill it with fire. AND the unquotable line shows... exactly what we were discussing. they capped out at 4Mbps and thassit.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2019-09-27 maxim_mivo: We don't offer a KVM service since all our servers are equipped with an OOB Managment module (iDRAC, IPMI, iLO, etc.)
asciilifeform: as i understand, diana_coman has asked for the old disks to be cremated, so the smg boxes will need redisking, but potentially this could be done on-site where they are to go
asciilifeform: re smg again -- if diana_coman wants cleaning/redisking/inspection, i'll do it , but oughta keep in mind that if they visit usa there is moar likely to be what to inspect for in 1st place, obv.
asciilifeform: the smg boxen (already FG'd etc) i expect diana_coman will want sent straight to where they are to live again. and meanwhile they will go under BingoBoingo's bed or similar.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 05:54:07 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, will you want the boxes shipped over to you first to inspect seals and so on ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:10:21 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942110 << hey, the week after being threatened with being left behind in her streetwalker outfit for failing to read cyrillics, bimbo got in trouble for not knowing german.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:43:48 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1942085 << hanbot_abroad check it out, this got a plural meanwhile.
asciilifeform: if asciilifeform had sat in e.g. argentina long enuff to need, say, a tooth fixed, prolly would have immediately seen same light that mp_en_viaje saw
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i buy this 100%
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: naturally i believe mp_en_viaje, who did 2+yr tour. speaking of only what saw with own eyes.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje's reqs might differ from BingoBoingo's , but i've nfi
BingoBoingo: <mp_en_viaje> ex sovok slightly lower cut of orc than ex-spanish empire. << The diversity of Latin folk here creates spaces where not everything is pure resistance all the time.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:35:25 mp_en_viaje: basically, failure of republic as such to have isp now forced all lords to have private isp, for more cost and more wasted effort and etc.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: formally yes. i'm counting all the places where father parachuted tho.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i liked ro moar than uy but possibly am alone in this.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: you had a piece with gypsy sewer bunker and old sovok phone.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:29:36 mp_en_viaje: you never know what you get. BingoBoingo went to uy to make a dc and apparently wants to stay for some chick ~from peru~ (who guaranteedly didn't go there to meet a gringo from the greater chicagoland areamasssurface) ; i [http://trilema.com/2014/on-the-superiority-of-monarchy-or-adnotations-to-why-the-worst-get-on-top/?b=I%20went%20to&e=things%20change#select][i went to costa rica for pride and stayed for the cli
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: not disputing the general principle. but finding it difficult to see how would have made a diff re the latech thing.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: since last rk sold. which is iirc august.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 15:33:24 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i aint actually disagreeing in re 'must sell'. but pointing out that also must have ~what~ to sell.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:22:00 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942155 << yeah, was remarkably slow. you're a master at discounting time-cost and time-risk, but consider : the probability of something like latechco weird occuring JUST AS you were preparing a supply run increases linearily with the amount of time you spend in that phase.
ossabot: Logged on 2018-02-25 11:38:23 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes how about you lot take three dozen FGs at .45 ? (cash ; or at your option .5 BTC worth of convertible bonds for s.nsa).
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform described before, that does not know a profession that would allow him not only to eat, but sufficient dough+time to do anyffing meaningful, in arbitrary island.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-25 16:38 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes how about you lot take three dozen FGs at .45 ? (cash ; or at your option .5 BTC worth of convertible bonds for s.nsa).
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i dunget ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: you've the complete plans, so can remake. but is fiddly process, likely to take a while.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:19:31 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942140 << who designated it anyways ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:16:43 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942135 << well, i don't particularly wanna ship these to cr ; i suppose we're uncovering a storage problem here ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: FG crate + 2 machines (the very smg machines in fact) were the payment.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:15:24 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942129 << wait, wtf, i'm a shareholder now ? when the fuck did that happen, i have no record of owning any equity
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:41:12 diana_coman: o.O there's at least one isp in bucharest actually offering an AMD Opteron dedicated ; take that asciilifeform !
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the 'corporate' product was 100% mitistic aha. i tuned in when was 1 d00d. chronicle piece re subj for anyone who cares.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 09:03:39 mp_en_viaje: Hi, I’m John D., your father and in this episode of Rated ARM TV, I’m gonna tell you the story of how I personally dismantled my own already incredibly awesome life in an attempt to give you, my one and only son a much better one than I had as a child, why it had to be done, and why this type of sacrificial behavior is one of the main ingredients of being A Real Man."
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:48:16 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, not burning hot, i just want to help him disentangle as much as possible as fast as possible. when can you give an ok here ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: indeed a thing, and is why republican-biz is different from arbitrarily 'clever' and 'flexible' etc heathen
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:35:29 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1942059 << wasn't early. "solidcoin" lulz was early, this dude was with the "ehtereum"/mit labs crew.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:29:47 mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, how does it feel btw, to watch guys supposedly so far ahead in the race it brings tears to a man's eyes, nevertheless stumble over such "nothings" ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:09:01 maxim_mivo: I don't think that's possible.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 05:47:08 mp_en_viaje: it's a hardware rng. i'd link you the specsheet / pics etc but atm its site is down
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: I will photodocument destruction of everything with destruction requested
asciilifeform: diana_coman: where's your current 'here' ? scotland ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 11:32:06 diana_coman: after going through ~30 pre-selected ISPs and getting more of a headache than anything useful out of it, I'll take a break and a deep breath; at this rate I'll end up going to datacentre ~1km from here and at least talk to some idiots face to face rather than via email/chat/whatever.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 07:10:49 diana_coman: both test and production servers backups seem fine and up to date at a minimal inspection; full test means setting them up and there's the involved issue of full environment for them (versions of everything and so on); for this reason I'd say end of this week (Sun 13th) rather than "today"
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, and we just make the republic girl-only at that juncture also ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 03:52:09 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1941886 - I'll fire him an email in a bit; thing is I'll be at console some 10 minutes past the austrian-10am
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: AHA, During both of his appearances
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:36:07 mp_en_viaje: anyoen recall the solidcoin btw ? such fucking great early-usg retardation, it was phenomenal. the empire of idiots is really following in some glorious footsteps with their genius "ideas".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:29:47 mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, how does it feel btw, to watch guys supposedly so far ahead in the race it brings tears to a man's eyes, nevertheless stumble over such "nothings" ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 15:29:42 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: dun fughet where bv ended up delivering a crate for the cost of 3
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: my latest db backup on production server is from Saturday (5th October); apparently the Sunday one didn't make it through.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, not burning hot, i just want to help him disentangle as much as possible as fast as possible. when can you give an ok here ?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: before asking to destroy, I'd much rather go through the steps of actually restoring from existing backups though; ie yes, backups we certainly have but I wouldn't push destroy button just yet if it's not burning hot.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, do we have backups or do we need them ? if we need them ima have the disks mailed, but if not, i'd much rather have BingoBoingo destroy them.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-07#1942085 << hanbot_abroad check it out, this got a plural meanwhile.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, do.
mp_en_viaje: hanbot_abroad, historical mafia came up with ~same conclusion.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:03:58 mp_en_viaje: i dunno, your castle, run it as you please.
mp_en_viaje: o hai there hanbot_abroad
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: indeed; though it was that "your stuff"; pretty much "rigid study languages, no time to communicate" just here it's rigidly sticking boxes in racks, no time to know wtf
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, how to re-evaluate tho if no time to read ? it's a chain.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: ah, that myeah; it did quite start like that indeed.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, the fissure axis seems to be "who's in charge". came here tarabostes wasn't about to walk away knight. reminds me of douchebag dood also
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, specifically what i'm asking is if you'll do it here rather than have me load some website.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: yes, it does; you can withdraw the funds to any btc address; ie you receive it in your own deedbot wallet and then you can !!withdraw to anywhere
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, yup, !!withdraw 1blablabla
mp_en_viaje: http://trinque.org/wp-content/themes/trinque/style.css << i see the problem now. your browser prolly hangs on this diana_coman ; i have ly set to just ignore
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, no problem.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: deedbot does more than just voice in chan; specifically here, it provides a wallet service for people in the wot; ie you can deposit/withdraw bitcoin from/to any address you want + you can invoice & pay invoices between wallets directly for any amount.
mp_en_viaje: maxim_mivo, wouldn't be remote, he'd move there. speaks english an' spanish.
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: the fg is a hardware rng and it can be connected to any USB port but for colocated machines it will most likely be inside already ie not an external thing