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ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> (question is, which town and coming from where is the pic) philly
ThickAsThieves: admittedly, i think i used up all my creativity for the day on coinbit names
ThickAsThieves: satoshi just took the inflation out of the money and put it into the difficulty
ThickAsThieves: google image search for "mircea popescu on a horse" is pretty odd
ThickAsThieves: the Trace guy like pre-announced his Armory investment via board debates
ThickAsThieves: if there's one thing we can count on mp, it's that tomorrow when we wake up you'll still be an asshole
ThickAsThieves: it's a shell org to act as catchall for for VC opportunities
ThickAsThieves: i'm probly late to this realization, but yesterday it occurred to me that the Bitcoin Foundation is worse than just being a bunch of cointreprenuers
ThickAsThieves: Is Bitcoin the Beginning or the End of Banking as we know it? ~reddit
ThickAsThieves: "He'll be leading up Microsoft's expanded devices division when the acquisition is complete, but given that there's a recently vacated CEO position at Redmond there's the possibility of even greater rewards in Elop's future."