13100+ entries in 0.045s
ThickAsThieves: mark has like a perpetual mona lisa smile
ThickAsThieves: thx kako
ThickAsThieves: hey Pete
ThickAsThieves: wtf CNN
ThickAsThieves: where did this extra million bitcoins come into play?
ThickAsThieves: they filed for Bankruptcy PROTECTION
ThickAsThieves: article has big mistake
ThickAsThieves: is the filing public somewhere?
ThickAsThieves: Neo presentation docs: http://www.imhbusiness.com/el/neoevent2014#παρουσιασεισ
ThickAsThieves: dafuck?
ThickAsThieves: "Mt.Gox learned Monday that 1.75 million bitcoins held by the company and its customers had disappeared"
ThickAsThieves: apparently he's 10 feet tall
ThickAsThieves: Mark in a suit: http://money.cnn.com/2014/02/28/investing/mt-gox-bankruptcy/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
ThickAsThieves: some gems from CNN's home page today: She blew off salute to take THIS selfie - World's best prison food? - Men: Your sperm clock is ticking - 'President finally said something' - Kutcher and Kunis engaged? etc
ThickAsThieves: i guess that's what the media does, it breaks you if you give it weight
ThickAsThieves: http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/27/tech/web/linked-in-cleveland-job-bank/index.html?hpt=hp_c2
ThickAsThieves: and it turns into ""The note I sent to Diana was rude, unwelcoming, unprofessional and wrong ...," she said in her e-mail. "Diana and her generation are the future of this city. I wish her all the best in landing a job in this great town.""
ThickAsThieves: then she gets put through the social media wringer
ThickAsThieves: "I love the sense of entitlement in your generation," she wrote, then continued. "You're welcome for your humility lesson for the year. Don't ever reach out to senior practitioners again and assume their carefully curated list of connections is available to you, just because you want to build your network."
ThickAsThieves: with these diff bets and gox bets
ThickAsThieves: the timing of bitbets is really quite spooky
ThickAsThieves: where he's an ass, and that's the end of it
ThickAsThieves: thats the ass end of it
ThickAsThieves: he didnt lose anything anyway
ThickAsThieves: you'd be rude too
ThickAsThieves: and act like insufferable children
ThickAsThieves: they dont know wtf they are talking about
ThickAsThieves: this is why customers are usually wrong
ThickAsThieves: also, what if the evidence of the bet resolution is debunked? then you complain they closed it too fast?
ThickAsThieves: if they can't be instant, why pretend
ThickAsThieves: no matter how fast they are, they can't be instant
ThickAsThieves: how fast is fast enough?
ThickAsThieves: hey that's the name for my next album!
ThickAsThieves: nature of the beats
ThickAsThieves: but they cant stop payments to bitcoin addresses
ThickAsThieves: who's scamming who at that point?
ThickAsThieves: why make a bet after the event occurs?
ThickAsThieves: this is th best solution
ThickAsThieves: bitcoin does not have a way to reject a payment
ThickAsThieves: you get what you want so you move to another cause?
ThickAsThieves: well wtf
ThickAsThieves: not one that exists
ThickAsThieves: you are crying over a reality you constructed
ThickAsThieves: so wbaw
ThickAsThieves: right?
ThickAsThieves: wbaw loses nothing
ThickAsThieves: so still
ThickAsThieves: ah
ThickAsThieves: if your bet confirms after the event took place they lose all money
ThickAsThieves: they keep it
ThickAsThieves: a 100% tax
ThickAsThieves: no
ThickAsThieves: do you know what happens when people bbet after the fact on bitbet?
ThickAsThieves crickets
ThickAsThieves: which caused you what harm?
ThickAsThieves: dont lose me
ThickAsThieves: which caused you what harm?
ThickAsThieves: specifically why are you unhappy
ThickAsThieves: so youre just trolling?
ThickAsThieves: again, what did you lose here anyway?
ThickAsThieves: bitbet does not
ThickAsThieves: so betfair hosts scammers
ThickAsThieves: plenty to read!
ThickAsThieves: ;;google betfair scam
ThickAsThieves: i doubt 10 days
ThickAsThieves: surely you wont be
ThickAsThieves: not service
ThickAsThieves: salesmanship is all you know
ThickAsThieves: youre used to be being manipulated is what you are
ThickAsThieves: why act like some stange site killed your cat?
ThickAsThieves: wbaw do you even lose anything here?
ThickAsThieves: and they demand to be customer that is always right and able to take all business away
ThickAsThieves: the best part about these bitbet naysaying interlopers is that it's always for like $50 bets
ThickAsThieves: cya
ThickAsThieves: ok
ThickAsThieves: does bitbet say it will solve all bets in under X amount of time?
ThickAsThieves: unless it breaks their contract
ThickAsThieves: which you dont get to
ThickAsThieves: no, you were complaining about HOW they execute them
ThickAsThieves: dont enter into arrangements with people then complain when they execute them
ThickAsThieves: which you accepted
ThickAsThieves: on their terms
ThickAsThieves: their only obligation is to fill it
ThickAsThieves: no that's when you entered a contract
ThickAsThieves: and when did your opinion matter?
ThickAsThieves: and when did they ask for your opinion
ThickAsThieves: when did you become ceo
ThickAsThieves: let bitbet run its own business
ThickAsThieves: even if you are right
ThickAsThieves: so
ThickAsThieves: if you want civil interactions with people, try being a human being
ThickAsThieves: life*
ThickAsThieves: have all my lufe
ThickAsThieves: i do just fine
ThickAsThieves: not usually
ThickAsThieves: they arent
ThickAsThieves: no
ThickAsThieves: customer service people arent your bitch
ThickAsThieves: customers are rude and arrogant
ThickAsThieves: wbaw that's one issue you won't win me over on