12200+ entries in 0.006s
trinque: BingoBoingo
thanks, saw, now getting ssh access set up for
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 3 hours and 52 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> Backups have finished uploading
the deedbot server.
lobbes: On
that note, I'm off
to sew mp-wp bot before we all die of old age
lobbes: In unrelated news, I
turned 32
today (yesterday?). Death clock keeps
BingoBoingo: Well,
that's what less eager fellow who wants BTC is for
BingoBoingo: Aite, I'm going
to stop sitting on
the DC floor, put some cables in
the bag and hope it isn't raining when I reach
the surface world
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I can't help it if no one finds
the US safe and rich enough
to do bicycle cash deliveries
BingoBoingo: lobbes: Part of
the UY1 problem is solved. Backups are on a machine awaiting
trinque making
them available. Other part of UY1 problem is standing up an "anyserver"
to get some blogs up and running again.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well it'd
take ARIN a week or so
to get your IPs which would make for a
tight schedule even FedEx'ing or couriering boxes, but
the lockup on fiat/BTC interfacing so early and definitively...
lobbes: right,
temporary solution. I.e. didn't seem germane
to 'can't
teleport boxen' point re:
the rack convo
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 19:04:12 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform,
tomorrow if nothing yields by
then, yes.
lobbes: I mean, wasn't
the UY1 nao problem already
solved earlier in
the convo with stop-gap measures
BingoBoingo: wire on solving
the fiat/BTC conversion problem. From
things went downhill.
BingoBoingo: Maybe
they did? Anyways what I read
this afternoon was MP opening up
the chance
to start deploying S.NSA funds
to rent and give pipe
to a rack,
that while in hostile lands is near-ish
to asciilifeform who seems married
the same lands. When faced with
this offer
the reflexive response was
terminally stall on
the fiat/BTC conversion problem. You did not propose investigating or collaborating with other folks still stuck inside
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-10#1944215 << not really,
tbh. Would rather not be chained
the zone for any longterm. Medium
term plans include sitting
tight while I save up a sizable wad of fiatola (now
that I *can* actually save) and sort
the crap I've accumulated; sending unessentials
to /dev/null
lobbes: Dreamin' in
the Clouds
lobbes: Ended up just calling my current usg hoster I use for
the logs;
they said no problem and would get a second server leased and provisioned 'today' (albeit I was
this 12 hours ago) . I'll say one
thing, at least
this particular usg hoster is responsive.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 22:39:54 lobbes:
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1942833 << btw, I've snagged another leased server from some singapore heathen hoster. Once
they provision
thing and give login info
then auctionbot will live again. However, if it is desperately needed in
the meantime I can slap it up on
the usg hoster as a stop-gap measure
lobbes: In related leased server news,
turns out
singapore hoster was more
than worth; communication impossible (all emails met by automated "ticket" creation followed by 5+ scripted spam responses) and
they wanted scanned driver's license + credit card.
Told 'em noty
ericbot: Logged on 2017-02-18 22:54:14 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a
thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not one of
them failed, and I can very much see why you are inclined
to rehome
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Power for dollar, you do seem
to have a knack for buying machines. As I'm digesting
the day's conversation
the objection from mp seems
to be
the mindset which produces
this frugality is handicapping when extended
to other areas.
BingoBoingo: It didn't seem
to make sense
to scrimp on
the power supply or disk.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Newegg. SSD and a power supply in
the right form factor for
the case were iirc
the big expenses
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'd only plug it in
to see if it draws
the aggro, and no.
They simply unblocked
the IPs per Oscar's report. Oscar is candid when
the salesorcs aren't around. But... He's in a position where he's
telecom manager by
title and has not
to manage
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: All in it came under 500 USD. One of
the AMD mobile processors on ITX board in iirc 10-ish inch deep rackmount case
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform:
They seemed very disinclined
to lock out seeing as I wheeled out
the last 1Us
today, stated my intention
to empty cabinet, etc
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It came out in duffel run. Was on
tiny box I flew in
that held first pizarro www and dns server along with first pizarro
trb node
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: With
the 1Us out I am not inclined
to plug anything back in unless explicitly requested by
the customer
BingoBoingo: Well last eta
to restore something resembling a service was 1 month
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I am presently inside
the rack. It appears once everything went dark
they decided
to unblock
the IPs as reported. Or
the did it when
they saw I was wheeling out
the last 1U servers and warned
them I'd be back
to check
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 23:29:00 BingoBoingo: !q asciilifeform Were you going
to pick up an "anyserver"
to get
the blogs back online or should I do it when I get back from basement mission?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 23:27:23 mp_en_viaje: will force germany
to rearm.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 23:14:23 mp_en_viaje:
think about it, if clucker can "make website account", why exactly can't lobbesbot ? outside of "because lobbes hasn't written
that part yet"
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 20:55:15 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It may be worth working with lobbes/trinque
to see if a BTC/Dubloo circuit in
the zone can be established.
The one
the US has is cables everywhere. Argentina hangs off of
the "Tannat" cable still further from Fortaleza
than Uruguay
http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if
this were
to be done I'd say
trinque probably better fit for
the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash
took a hit while jettisoning dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in
the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real
terms. Consumption continues
to be slashed, howe
mp_en_viaje: and finally, billy's
thing is more scrape work, also different.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, well no, phuctor-likes are claw work, very different
mp_en_viaje: it's mostly needlework, like
the old 1990s computing olympiad problems, "do all
these many
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 23:00:49 lobbes: So I agree now
that 2020 delivery is, in fact, utterly insane. Fire has been lit under arse; I will kick
this into higher gear
mp_en_viaje: s'okay, i
the main
thrust of
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 20:21:21 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje:
the only rackable i have in stock here is
the rktron.
mp_en_viaje: lol, as common of paupers,
to mislay
their absent wealth by
the crateful.