11200+ entries in 0.003s
asciilifeform: if i knew tagalog, i think i'd try an' keep it seekrit, lol
asciilifeform: 'can translate Spanish and Tagalog. sorry if you think this is spam'
asciilifeform: lol
asciilifeform: !!gettrust copypaste
asciilifeform: !#seen copypaste
asciilifeform: meanwhile in ye olde snakepit, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GQU8m/?raw=true
asciilifeform brb:teatime
asciilifeform: nocredit: http://pizarroisp.net .
asciilifeform: nocredit: if you absolutely cannot afford physical colo, you can use vps as a means of getting static ip. set up ssh tunnel to your home node from the vps.
asciilifeform: nocredit: vps is woefully inadequate for the job. you need a physical machine.
asciilifeform: incidentally, there's a vacant rk, and if customer chooses to use the available sata snake and a 1tb ssd, he can trb. BingoBoingo plox to add this to the advertised list.
asciilifeform: entirely interested. colo available any time, this is on the price sheet.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: colo people can run trb, or for that matter anythign else
asciilifeform: diana_coman: for trb ?! it already has 3 iirc trb nodes
asciilifeform: esp. if your hoster is 'oh noes, someone is actually ~using~ what he paid for!' type.
asciilifeform: nocredit: bitcoin on vps is a nonstarter
asciilifeform: nocredit: the reason your log consists 80+% of 'discarded block' is that trb deliberately does NOT hold on to a received block unless it matches the litmus for possibly being the immediately next block in the chain. this is deliberate, and i personally wrote this patch.
asciilifeform: this is indep. of cpu/ram, so long as box meets minimum spec (2GB)
asciilifeform: nocredit: approx 3 weeks, if you're syncing from trb nodes via -addnode .
asciilifeform back from meat; slowly eats log
asciilifeform suspects linked item was a shannonized parody
asciilifeform: the arm thing evidently is an exact replay of this old film.
asciilifeform: apparently uk was certifiably sad much longer than http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915490 ☝︎
asciilifeform: whole thing lulzy.
asciilifeform: '...Amazingly, it is now, and has been for some considerable time, an offence to ship high technology goods from the United Kingdom without United States Government export licences. Systime was fined $400,000 and has had its domestic and export sales put under the direct control of the United States Department of Commerce. '
asciilifeform: guys to go out and kill Systime. '
asciilifeform: 'In 1979, DEC UK, under its American manager, Mr. Darryl Barbé launched a formal campaign known as the "Kill Systime" campaign. He had the full support of the American management. The DEC president, Mr. Ken Olsen, was subsequently overheard leaving a board-level meeting with another company, declaring that he wished to see Systime out of business. Mr. Pier-Carlo Falotti, European vice-president of DEC, said to DEC staff: I want you
asciilifeform: time's management commenced an anti-trust action in which the British Government took an amicus curiae position. DEC drew back and agreed to a partial continuation of supply. Systime appeared to have won a breathing space, but it was only temporary....'
asciilifeform: 'In 1979, Systime's management discovered that it was about 25 per cent. cheaper to buy equipment direct from DEC in the United States than from DEC's subsidiary in the United Kingdom. DEC UK objected to the loss of profit that that implied, and persuaded DEC US to insist that equipment could be bought only from the subsidiary. Subsequently, when DEC US tried to break its contract with the Systime subsidiary in the United States, Sys
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in vintage reich lulz: https://archive.is/A46RP
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: near as i can tell, brit pm is like gensec of sovok after brezhnev -- they'll take whichever next half-dead dementia patient and 'here's yer caftan'
asciilifeform: possib the 1 thing the 'civilized world' has in bottomless supply
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it aint as if there were a shortage of suitable meatpuppets
asciilifeform: that fungus really oughta exist. nao if only 'bioengineering' actually worked..
asciilifeform: london is moar of a perma-move miamistan destination.
asciilifeform: afaik very diff folx. it's the 'discount' tourist trap for'em.
asciilifeform: they go cuz cheap orcistan, and pyramid, etc
asciilifeform: i dunthink they're in '5star' hotels, either
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915428 << last i knew, place was riotously packed with ru tourists. ( to the point that errytime they have a car bomb etc go off, ru foreign ministry makes Official broadcast '...and x ru tourists ate frags' ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-24#1915464 << absolutely superb piece imho, even beats the 'fuckfly' prev. in series ☝︎
asciilifeform: after that, wagner/cyanide
asciilifeform: turned into messianic cult, of sorts, in '16, and then 'messiah' wiped arse with'em
asciilifeform: ( obama1. 2 was '12-16 )
asciilifeform: is the period most of'em started in, iirc
asciilifeform: sorta dissipated, afaik, after trump crowned but not resulted in mega-revolutions
asciilifeform: there usedto be a whole 'www ring' of folx like that
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: dunno whether that d00d even had a 'scheme'. was generic loud redditus iirc
asciilifeform brb:teatime
asciilifeform: if not megaseekrit, where approx is 'here' ? ( suburbs of timis ? )
asciilifeform: oblig heatsink archaeology
asciilifeform: nowadays 'full metal jacket' copper rare even in aftermarket hedgehogs
asciilifeform: notbad
asciilifeform recalls 1 time when he took entire car trunk's worth of cpuvendor-included heatsinks to scrapyard
asciilifeform: yea dunno why no one does ( i dun buy the lamps, wtf, i have cork-lined steel chassis , where is the lamp to light )
asciilifeform: so was speaking of the lamp
asciilifeform: aaa
asciilifeform: then oughta pwm, neh
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: lol, 3pin connector, like '90s ?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: thinking of doing the summer-in-europistan/winter-in-americas thing ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: congrats on new castle bringup
asciilifeform: oh hey an entire mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: aa.
asciilifeform: at 1 time asciilifeform worked in 'cpu-bound' protein modeling racket and salivated over 'possibility of qc' along with 9000 other chumps etc
asciilifeform: iirc some time in past coupla yrs he ended up moving to adlaistan and married.
asciilifeform: today i can't stomach, even the older ones, barfalicious shilling for 'd-wave' co. etc.
asciilifeform: *write
asciilifeform: fella used to wite ~readable maffs pieces on occasion.
asciilifeform: lulzily, for some yrs i occasionally read his www, and all that time thought it was named for some obscure algo ( y'know, how there is 'ant-colony optimization', variant on simulated annealing with multiple threads and 'pheromone trails' , imagined there is perhaps also a 'shtetl optimization'... )
asciilifeform: ( he for many years was unable to park his cock, and wrote about how he imagined that in his ancestral j00 village he could have been 'issued wife' and etc. )
asciilifeform: in re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915351 , remembered infamous example : 'quantum comp' propagandist s. aaronson at one point admitted that he named his www , 'shtetl-optimized' for this ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'i was all fuckedup on drugs; but then i found jizzus; nao i'm all fucked up on jizzus; but that's ok, i'm taking drugs for it'(tm)(r)(al schwartz)
asciilifeform did not read at length the 'red pill' people, but recalls that they had distinct streak of 'nostalgia' for a quasi-mythical past when 'would be issued a wife by village' etc ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'ouroboros man', i.e. who disappeared up own arse, has no 'left' or 'right'
asciilifeform: 'acute christianity of the cns' ...apparently
asciilifeform: did danielpbarron lift this fella's login or wat. ☟︎
asciilifeform: lol!!
asciilifeform: pnoje is used as a comp substitute, neh, not transport
asciilifeform: ( if you walk into their store, the actual price iirc aint even printed on the sticker; instead 'monthly' rent )
asciilifeform: crapple, incidentally, jacked up the price not so that rich idjits would buy, but so that poor idjits -- rent
asciilifeform: 'look how rolexy i am, i paid whole comp's price for disposable pocket shit' etc
asciilifeform: near as i can tell, all of the '4fig pnojes' are variations on this theme
asciilifeform: if to think about 'price ceiling', there is of course not a ceiling, even in 1990s there was somebody who sold gold-plated, diamond-encrusted motorola brickpnoje
asciilifeform: interesting. complete with crapple-style oled panel 'throw out after 2y from crt-style burn'
asciilifeform with great difficulty pictures anyone other than ameritards paying 4fig price for pnojeisms
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: canhaz link to item ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915314 << for all i know, long ago already bought. reminds me of a fella i knew who compulsively bought old cars ( and garages, all over town, to put'em in, in which for them to rust... ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( could be -- disinfo. asciilifeform has not been to china, cannot confirm. )
asciilifeform: a la the old imperial civil service garb
asciilifeform: hrm i seem to even recall that 'retro' costume is nao in fashion there
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-23#1915310 << certainly cheaper than crapple, who nao charges ~weight-in-gold for their brick. but afaik, both camps of 'smartpnoje wars' are of chinese iron with reich os. ☝︎
asciilifeform: those empty blocks they mine, is as clear a symptom as any.
asciilifeform: we've seen this film before, sovok also had the notion 'software, eh, unimportant, let the буржуи write it an' we'll crib'
asciilifeform: google's, that is.
asciilifeform: ( fwiw they're all imported orc hands )
asciilifeform: if china does, it's a deep seekrit.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: google has dozen or so people who can sorta write.
asciilifeform has had the misfortune of reading some of their attempts. ~same flavour as 'india coad' generally.
asciilifeform: chinese ~could~ learn to write proggies themselves, but for some reason afaik no signs of this yet.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: afaik all reich designs. near as i can tell, china succumbed to the old sovok disease, where 'let's make reich-compat. chips so that we can use warez'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: they had the 'dragon' thing, aka 'rms laptop' 'loongson'. afaik folded.