tree checksum vpatch file split hunks

all signers: diana_coman

antecedents: smg_comms_80cols smg_comms_packing_rsa smg_comms_skeys_smsgs

press order:



- 32A691949AF3FB21EAF17C73269D01A30CB9F940EE5662772EB2C5E67A8352AEDC07B8A7CBA6A6D7F7BE1E42559E003B82BBEB97FB059FFB579BCC33A9AB2693
+ 74EC120B48CC4434D960AF06970594E47C843327FB3C12314CF1C68B7C5FD0899BF402E431398D0C5FF1F12B9151A9EB87915CBE4746E537FDC3376948F596AF
(6 . 3)(6 . 4)
5 548433 smg_comms_packing_rsa diana_coman Packing/Unpacking RSA messages <-> RSA packets of Eulora's communication protocol.
6 548894 smg_comms_80cols diana_coman Changes tests for RSA to read the key from a file in order to avoid lines > 80 columns in the code itself.
7 549511 smg_comms_skeys_smsgs diana_coman Defines data structures and message types as well as methods for reading/writing Serpent keysets to/from Serpent messages.
8 549785 smg_comms_io_rsa_tests_only diana_coman Small refactoring of tests extracting the reading of RSA key into package of its own so it can be used throughout tests and thus get rid of the too long lines in test_packing.adb.
+ 85D8EE9E1B9365BC2288699F301BF3D7109BDDBDB804F930EE855AAE7674806A57261DD216B816C2B5ECB6C8E8D62111065F6AB4AD9CD95AC8FA419F5FCCBC40
(0 . 0)(1 . 91)
13 -- S.MG, 2018
15 with Ada.Sequential_IO;
16 with Raw_Types; use Raw_Types;
17 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
18 with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
20 package body IO_RSA is
22 procedure ReadRSAKey( Filename: in String; Key: out RSA_OAEP.RSA_skey ) is
23 package Char_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO(Character);
24 use Char_IO;
25 Full : String(1..RSA_len'Length*2) := (others => '0');
26 Half : String(1..RSA_half'Length*2) := (others => '0');
27 F : Char_IO.File_Type;
28 C : Character;
29 begin
30 Open( File => F, Mode => In_File, Name => Filename );
32 -- read n
33 for I in Full'Range loop
34 Read(F, Full(I));
35 end loop;
36 -- read new line character and convert to hex
37 Read(F, C);
38 Hex2Octets(Full, Key.n);
40 -- read e
41 for I in Half'Range loop
42 Read(F, Half(I));
43 end loop;
44 -- read new line character and convert to hex
45 Read(F, C);
46 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.e);
48 -- read d
49 for I in Full'Range loop
50 Read(F, Full(I));
51 end loop;
52 -- read new line character and convert to hex
53 Read(F, C);
54 Hex2Octets(Full, Key.d);
56 -- read p
57 for I in Half'Range loop
58 Read(F, Half(I));
59 end loop;
60 -- read new line character and convert to hex
61 Read(F, C);
62 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.p);
64 -- read q
65 for I in Half'Range loop
66 Read(F, Half(I));
67 end loop;
68 -- read new line character and convert to hex
69 Read(F, C);
70 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.q);
72 -- read u
73 for I in Half'Range loop
74 Read(F, Half(I));
75 end loop;
76 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.u);
78 -- Close file
79 Close( F );
81 exception
82 when Char_IO.End_Error =>
83 Put_Line("ReadRSAKey ERROR: Unexpected end of file in " & Filename);
84 when others =>
85 Put_Line("ReadRSAKey ERROR: can not open file " & Filename);
87 end ReadRSAKey;
89 procedure Hex2Octets( Hex: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets ) is
90 S : String := "16#AA#";
91 -- to make sure that input String has EVEN number of chars (ie full octets)
92 H : String(1..Hex'Length+Hex'Length mod 2) := (others=>'0');
93 begin
94 -- first char is 0 if needed to cover full octet...
95 H(H'Length-Hex'Length+1..H'Length) := Hex;
96 O := (others => 0);
97 for I in 0 .. H'Length/2-1 loop
98 S := "16#" & H(H'First + I*2 .. H'First + I*2 + 1) & "#";
99 O(O'Last - H'Length/2 + 1 + I) := Unsigned_8'Value(S);
100 end loop;
101 end Hex2Octets;
103 end IO_RSA;
+ 57AD398331BF9B99C93592FCA3BDEFF7CA8EBFD630EC3FC142706498EB4A7DCB05F21520670D5945C26046237C7DE2C93E021801157B5BF8BF99308FB004D8E4
(0 . 0)(1 . 21)
108 -- reading a RSA key pair from a file
109 -- NB: this is for TESTING purposes only, NOT a production IO package!
110 -- S.MG, 2018
112 with Raw_Types;
113 with RSA_OAEP;
115 package IO_RSA is
117 -- reads a full private key from specified file, in Hex format
118 -- one component per line, in order: n, e, d, p, q, u
119 -- NB: length of each component has to match *precisely* the expected length
120 -- specifically, using Raw_Types:
121 -- n, d are RSA_len'Length*2;
122 -- e, p, q, u are RSA_half'Length*2
123 procedure ReadRSAKey( Filename: in String; Key: out RSA_OAEP.RSA_skey );
125 -- convert hexadecimal strings to octets representation
126 procedure Hex2Octets( Hex: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets );
128 end IO_RSA;
- AA23A7DCA5D7DB80C185AB5C81D4E3645D3A32CE795559DC6C057806BA4928D1C56B0528FC45578DFB0AE69152B290ABC591EB86931B59E1A862ADF7AD480AE5
+ EAFEF048291AFF4715A31FE02B0BA62CAB5D4B2D5D1E904B4A25DBA9B08584B198C4BAB46CA115B4809DD8506875719D6F30C506797CD0B399A2077C22BA1882
(6 . 6)(6 . 7)
133 with RSA_OAEP; use RSA_OAEP;
134 with Serpent; use Serpent;
135 with RNG; use RNG;
136 with IO_RSA;
138 with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
139 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
(71 . 20)(72 . 10)
141 SKey : RSA_skey;
142 Success : Boolean;
143 Pkt : RSA_Pkt;
144 n: String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
145 e: String := "F74D78E382FC19B064411C6C20E0FDB2985F843007A54C7D8400BB459468624126E7D175F397E55C57AF25858EAE2D2952FB7998C119A6103606733EB5E1D27FCA1FACF14ADE94101D383D1B25DA511805569BC344EAD384EDBF3F3A541B34887FE199D99D7F62E6E9D516F88D6F5AD3E020DF04D402A02CC628A0064362FE8516CF7CD6040E9521407AB90EE6B5AFFF9EA9EBB16A7D3407CE81FD3844F519880556AB94AB349C1F3BBB6FDB4C4B377FE4C091EBDC2C3A1BD3AA56382D8D80E7742B5C751008FD6ECDD2EC3B2E3B6C566F698ED672000B403766DD63C3ACBDE16A14FB02E83A2EB6AA018BFC0020401E790DEE24E9";
146 d: String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
147 p: String := "CDD6F7673A501FB24C44D56CA1D434F6CB3334E193E02F8E906241906BCB7412DD2159825B24C22002F373E647C2DA62A854F3841C00FD5985D03227CA9B54A69380BA9D63BE738BDF9E65C247E43E1220EEDD9281DCA78B32A4E1B786B7697ED0C3195D5AF2990881B11D6FC9EC9F940067B2DEA2A516FAA5F269C98F0B67628A6D2708515A4A58041AA17A93E4C4DD95C85BC38351DDA1DCF3DFD91C505B22383132649CF9F9233852C7207075BCF43C71038F043F1EC53E9787FB051B7927D020903233C16897B993C8089D8464451F086E756CF20E46CE6ED4A6AC5C327A0AAFBECBAAFD177969E7C952C76A4F4E7C85BF7F63";
148 q: String := "F6ACF0790A250802C8D45DAC549CDBEF7806D5877A5DF0069136A458FAC4F0B0858060A873DA6355A965A064A0BC1BBB874872CD7ED89674AD407533041E74BCA317EC73597D335115523F61A05071E5ED81EE2A05331F65D4DC7A25AD7938B124CF03F49154B6693FB0B598B33ABDEF85C599A57A9B7347EAFF82638E1CBC28FCDFFF1FF04A18C2DBF3938395C2F8D1782B43D3A25EF7633B5DDAC89EFD3BAA64D976425A0891E00B876E9DE9FE4B6492B0EA8DFC7C8DEEC61721356EC816295B1BD9CD9DA3E30D2D90DC9CB3987F4BE042104900E036F3044A016749EF910CCFB9F377A90849B4CCCF4471A74E67EF6C814C9467";
149 u: String := "854B89ED10F52258D00D6B3FA7F1FD22752804668F51FF7806DB82E22CB8B3AA8448D9B8E9DB14D31A36AEC2BCFA89E341B7334D494E97ED8051244136192233332C4612D963E7B6AF2535FDB7FE97E28DDFEBDFB3E1AFC29D05DBDF37106A817D3AB1864C7F7F247982897EDA6A92BED47D9C68305CD170C7301ACEB05F8A6382E73CC7614B2D8D758669B3A99AB64114809254B0BE21F40341A5B48B9B032603B14875B87EB5E16603FD16552E146A0FC6964958DFC25AA9FFCCD1ED1F4DEAF9FBAA0D7357F5FF0803FEB9BA78E74AC6B3070F417CEC6CFC7A3CF1E305FC7B76B7ED71893999AF797B2EBDE41FE90F076CCEDBFB";
150 begin
151 -- initialize RSA key with values previously obtained from EuCrypt
152 Hex2Octets( n, SKey.n );
153 Hex2Octets( e, SKey.e );
154 Hex2Octets( d, SKey.d );
155 Hex2Octets( p, SKey.p );
156 Hex2Octets( q, SKey.q );
157 Hex2Octets( u, SKey.u );
158 -- initialize with RSA pair previously generated
159 IO_RSA.ReadRSAKey( "keys_rsa.txt", SKey );
161 -- copy n and e for public key
162 PKey.n := SKey.n;
163 PKey.e := SKey.e;
(113 . 20)(104 . 4)
166 end Test_Pack_Unpack_RSA;
168 -- helper methods
169 procedure Hex2Octets( Hex: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets ) is
170 S : String := "16#AA#";
171 -- to make sure that input String has EVEN number of chars (ie full octets)
172 H : String(1..Hex'Length+Hex'Length mod 2) := (others=>'0');
173 begin
174 -- first char is 0 if needed to cover full octet...
175 H(H'Length-Hex'Length+1..H'Length) := Hex;
176 O := (others => 0);
177 for I in 0 .. H'Length/2-1 loop
178 S := "16#" & H(H'First + I*2 .. H'First + I*2 + 1) & "#";
179 O(O'Last - H'Length/2 + 1 + I) := Unsigned_8'Value(S);
180 end loop;
181 end Hex2Octets;
184 end Test_Packing;
- 0B774F9947B49EC87836A030BA9AE0B8AD0C802DF3FAA23A00D1019BA4CEF610765F36CD7E36212EBDB80EE32691E39277A42C11F88E9B3FA949E1CAB6FA676F
+ F3C2249DBA0E03E0FFBEC136B9A7CB0193C9DA04530E64852E358A3F9E4212464C60D9B3B85E6209622F37CC9D9C52C6722511719F05E38EEE5E5AC50CA4885B
(15 . 7)(15 . 4)
189 -- testing pack/unpack for RSA
190 procedure Test_Pack_Unpack_RSA;
192 -- helper methods
193 procedure Hex2Octets( Hex: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets );
195 end Test_Packing;
- D8FB2B62B07A71DE0B2269325308207B9B2CFA850195D64339F7D35B33DE572BCC01121CFE6EEC977A2B12097EA34C39F12E27BC651E26E47F5A7DAD74AE27F1
+ 6D2A795035290C00E290240A4D93260ACDC2D7253CE4742BEE41515920FDFB6EE78C4154753EF5F0FFF15DED3D28FC69CA0AA90EF417FAC0E914F3E4D4EB4A10
(3 . 12)(3 . 12)
200 with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
201 with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
202 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
203 with Ada.Sequential_IO;
204 with RSA_OAEP; use RSA_OAEP;
205 with OAEP; use OAEP;
206 with Raw_Types; use Raw_Types;
207 with RNG; use RNG;
208 with Keccak; use Keccak;
209 with IO_RSA;
211 package body Test_RSA_OAEP is
(104 . 7)(104 . 7)
214 skey: RSA_skey;
215 begin
216 -- initialize with RSA pair previously generated
217 ReadRSAKey( "keys_rsa.txt", skey );
218 IO_RSA.ReadRSAKey( "keys_rsa.txt", skey );
220 -- copy n and e for public key
221 pkey.n := skey.n;
(140 . 7)(140 . 7)
223 Len : Natural;
224 begin
225 -- initialize with RSA pair previously generated
226 ReadRSAKey( "keys_rsa.txt", skey );
227 IO_RSA.ReadRSAKey( "keys_rsa.txt", skey );
228 -- copy n and e for public key
229 pkey.n := skey.n;
230 pkey.e := skey.e;
(180 . 19)(180 . 6)
232 end test_rsa_oaep;
234 -- helper methods
235 procedure Hex2Octets( Hex: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets ) is
236 S : String := "16#AA#";
237 -- to make sure that input String has EVEN number of chars (ie full octets)
238 H : String(1..Hex'Length+Hex'Length mod 2) := (others=>'0');
239 begin
240 -- first char is 0 if needed to cover full octet...
241 H(H'Length-Hex'Length+1..H'Length) := Hex;
242 O := (others => 0);
243 for I in 0 .. H'Length/2-1 loop
244 S := "16#" & H(H'First + I*2 .. H'First + I*2 + 1) & "#";
245 O(O'Last - H'Length/2 + 1 + I) := Unsigned_8'Value(S);
246 end loop;
247 end Hex2Octets;
249 procedure PrintOctets( O: in Raw_Types.Octets; Title: in String ) is
250 begin
(203 . 71)(190 . 4)
252 New_Line;
253 end PrintOctets;
255 procedure ReadRSAKey( Filename: in String; Key: out RSA_OAEP.RSA_skey ) is
256 package Char_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO(Character);
257 use Char_IO;
258 Full : String(1..RSA_len'Length*2) := (others => '0');
259 Half : String(1..RSA_half'Length*2) := (others => '0');
260 F : Char_IO.File_Type;
261 C : Character;
262 begin
263 Open( File => F, Mode => In_File, Name => Filename );
265 -- read n
266 for I in Full'Range loop
267 Read(F, Full(I));
268 end loop;
269 -- read new line character and convert to hex
270 Read(F, C);
271 Hex2Octets(Full, Key.n);
273 -- read e
274 for I in Half'Range loop
275 Read(F, Half(I));
276 end loop;
277 -- read new line character and convert to hex
278 Read(F, C);
279 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.e);
281 -- read d
282 for I in Full'Range loop
283 Read(F, Full(I));
284 end loop;
285 -- read new line character and convert to hex
286 Read(F, C);
287 Hex2Octets(Full, Key.d);
289 -- read p
290 for I in Half'Range loop
291 Read(F, Half(I));
292 end loop;
293 -- read new line character and convert to hex
294 Read(F, C);
295 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.p);
297 -- read q
298 for I in Half'Range loop
299 Read(F, Half(I));
300 end loop;
301 -- read new line character and convert to hex
302 Read(F, C);
303 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.q);
305 -- read u
306 for I in Half'Range loop
307 Read(F, Half(I));
308 end loop;
309 Hex2Octets(Half, Key.u);
311 -- Close file
312 Close( F );
314 exception
315 when Char_IO.End_Error =>
316 Put_Line("ReadRSAKey ERROR: Unexpected end of file in " & Filename);
317 when others =>
318 Put_Line("ReadRSAKey ERROR: can not open file " & Filename);
320 end ReadRSAKey;
322 end Test_RSA_OAEP;
- 88B6D8984DF53BCBC6D173D67B4BA34E0F25EF40D204C3787DAAE8BD38C8B633AD4EF8FF39F10BC5D541423774386BA0C671FB49218DF1A89A48A0DDCDFBD324
+ 30C188E997945F1E93BE60C3D4C9D19F96C316252CA5FD8E538BCE871D6E67C0538EE113EA9456B37E0E91572D2B218E70B139A5BDB8D79B64EED2D5E7AFC71B
(9 . 13)(9 . 5)
327 procedure test_rsa; -- test rsa only
328 procedure test_rsa_oaep; -- test rsa+oaep
330 procedure Hex2Octets( Hex: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets );
331 procedure PrintOctets( O: in Raw_Types.Octets; Title: in String );
332 -- reads a full private key from specified file, in Hex format
333 -- one component per line, in order: n, e, d, p, q, u
334 -- NB: length of each component has to match *precisely* the expected length
335 -- specifically, using Raw_Types:
336 -- n, d are RSA_len'Length*2;
337 -- e, p, q, u are RSA_half'Length*2
338 procedure ReadRSAKey( Filename: in String; Key: out RSA_OAEP.RSA_skey );
339 end Test_RSA_OAEP;