tree checksum vpatch file split hunks

all signers: asciilifeform diana_coman

antecedents: rle_errata.kv

press order:

logotron_genesis.kvasciilifeform diana_coman
multsel_and_datefix.kvasciilifeform diana_coman
raw_line_export.kvasciilifeform diana_coman
rle_errata.kvasciilifeform diana_coman
irssi2tmsr.kvasciilifeform diana_coman


- 3A2E057BA3AC9B93E7A59AEFAAC06B59AC1AEA9E3AD539356B79D2F33CD05DD2D6EC788DAA4672817B3A74B07187D8A8C8228B0A1EE410A9D49EE7BC2BB9AFF3
+ 77C1FE5CE35C77D6B10D9B534C6E2ACED87E55BB4C402E7113AF40B2901539B282CA8A4BD5704022FBA1D10D8305C956030239B2B66AE2732616C3E1FD9A3E5F
(1 . 4)(1 . 5)
5 589248 logotron_genesis "Genesis."
6 589480 multsel_and_datefix "Multiline selections and fix for date arrow."
7 589662 raw_line_export "Export lines in Phf format; fix for debug knob."
8 589674 rle_errata "Date arrow enable fix."
9 589248 logotron_genesis asciilifeform "Genesis."
10 589480 multsel_and_datefix asciilifeform "Multiline selections and fix for date arrow."
11 589662 raw_line_export asciilifeform "Export lines in Phf format; fix for debug knob."
12 589674 rle_errata asciilifeform "Date arrow enable fix."
13 589783 irssi2tmsr diana_coman "Converter of irssi logs to the tmsr format used by the logotron. Added authors in MANIFEST.TXT."
+ D6C6FB0C6C00F85A0665614BFFA30CD804BCF49E55CE78D58F8C744B7CBAC8657FCCAD1D6ED5A47A85BA11E71F2E583775D7E4FC36980B5AF8F7958C28802CC7
(0 . 0)(1 . 13)
18 August, 2019
20 This is a quick'n'dirty AWK one-line script that successfully converted an irssi irc log into the tmsr format that the logotron uses.
22 1. The bash script expects one single parameter that is the starting index (i.e. the index of the first line in the log). E.g. ./ 100 will produce lines numbered 100, 101, 102 etc.
24 2. Examples of use:
25 ./ 99384 < inputfile > outputfile
26 sh 10001 < inputfile > outputfile
28 3. Caveats:
29 - the converter expects months to be recorded numerically in the input file (e.g. 8, 9 instead of Aug, Sep); if your irssi log uses names for months then you'll need to either update the converter or convert month names to numbers separately, as a pre-converter step.
30 - based on the previous raw awk version published at and tested *only* on one irssi log of #ossasepia (result can be seen at: )
+ B8CE803DC74070A6BA41B992E99050526777D4E12076268EEE0D47A4051BA343BD3D16E9695438F7E9AB5343DFE6C17773CE018BE63912978E4AD58BB8409297
(0 . 0)(1 . 18)
35 #!/bin/bash
37 if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
38 echo "Usage: $0 startIndex"
39 exit 1
40 fi
42 awk -v mindex=$1 '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;}
43 /Log opened/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$10;}
44 ! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";";
45 w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00";
46 if ($3 == "*") {
47 pp=$3 sep $4 " "; $4=""; n=5;
48 } else {
49 pp=$3 sep; n=4;};
50 $1=""; $2=""; $3="";
51 print count+mindex-1 sep mktime(w) sep pp substr($0,n);
52 }'