9000+ entries in 0.005s
BingoBoingo: But I do suspect the datacenter space is more thoroughly infected with cancer than the legal space.
BingoBoingo: The sort of readinging and work required feels like it is more... inside my wheelhouse. Paralegaling can also be done in LATAM where if seem more effective than I'll be anywhere else in the world for at least the first 12-18 months.
BingoBoingo becoming much more inclined towards paralegaling over datacenterism
BingoBoingo: My though with offering a short course is that it allows for a degree of screening and mutual auditioning before committing to take on an apprentice while other folks can refer their students with the specific aim of getting drilled into producing some journalistic reports.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Having seen the folks diana_coman is catching in her school house and the issues they have with tight writing, I am inclined to draft an offering for a journalism short course. Maybe I catch some of my own students, maybe I get some referrals from diana_coman and others looking to tighten up the prose of their catches.
diana_coman: time packs a lot of punch those days; march indeed.
diana_coman: the list + timing makes sense to me; I'm still digesting but onth I'd say latest next week is better than letting it drag any longer; while there might be no rush, there is also no gain that I can see in waiting longer than that.
mp_en_viaje: but i propose we carry those in some order later this week / next, post digestion. there's, after all, exactly no more rush nowadays.
mp_en_viaje: with diana_coman as to the future strategy of s.mg (which normally'd belong in eulora, i suppose, but honestly might as well happen here, not like there's any traffic jam or anything) ; and of course with diana_coman hanbot trinque BingoBoingo lobbes spyked bvt ave1 as to what exactly we still want and we can in fact support going forward.
mp_en_viaje: the heaviness of nothing notwithstanding, it is self-evident we'll have to carry some conversations in the coming days : with BingoBoingo re the future shape of qntra (which iirc was sorta-open but then put into what at the time was intended to be a brief abeyance) ;
mp_en_viaje: off to breakfast, will bbl
mp_en_viaje: will take some spelunking, but i suspect further unhappy interactions among the tower of shit leading to the result.
mp_en_viaje: i have nfi where it's even set ; god knows the db itself defaults to open.
diana_coman: ugh; good to know at least but shouldn't the default status be open for comments?
mp_en_viaje: so, if you ever end up publishing half an article because your connection died mid-publish for w/e reason, and as a result your article's comments are closed -- the one pill is to edit the db, set comment_status & ping_status to "open" again.
mp_en_viaje: and then there's ~little other than directly editing the db that the author can do to un-do this setting.
mp_en_viaje: e open or not come AFTER the body of the article, and as the default is closed...welll... they'll thus be closed.
mp_en_viaje: as it turns out, mp-wp has a ... well, i dunno, i hesitate to call it a bug. it has the following issue : if the publishing of an article (which is itself handled as a http post) gets interrupted for whatever reason (such as the connection dying, the closing packet being waylaid, anything), the article will still be publioshed, partially, ie what made it there ; however because various settings (notably, whether comments etc) ar
mp_en_viaje: bah, and back to the "closed comments" bs i see, wtf. brb gotts fix this
diana_coman: must be the lightness of nothing that weighs too much, yes.
mp_en_viaje: a ? trilema's supposed to be light reading, i must've done something wrong!
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/i-suppose-we-could-call-this-a-state-of-the-sadness-or-other-things/ << Trilema -- I suppose we could call this a State of the Sadness ; or other things
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Thank you very much
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-28#1948610 << lol, BingoBoingo teaching by example. somewhat reminiscent of a fantastical counterpoint to the traditional ro "ionica cel prost", "here, coz, how fucking goes"
BingoBoingo: ^ photograph of weird uruguayan birthday telegram included
BingoBoingo: Because the meddling commies destroying opportunity to make the poor poorer was "lo mejor"
BingoBoingo: "No nos vamos a perder lo mejor" was the losing campaign slogan.
BingoBoingo: What seemed to have happened after that turd got passed was a lot of live in domestic servants got kicked into the street if their employer wasn't fucking them. Derps who could afford it instead went to cleaning agencies. A handful of folks who aren't braindamaged simply have more girlfriends. Overall the number of bipeds getting compensation for doing something dropped.
BingoBoingo: No one does outside of some retards. There's a whole bunch of cancer that made it in print that might as well come off because... Really?
mp_en_viaje: who the fuck in his right mind would report this, what the fuck. what next, register your mistresses with the national prostitution... orifice ?
BingoBoingo: lol, there's a bunch of these piled up derpations
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other lulz, http://ligadeamasdecasa.com.uy/preguntas-frecuentes/ << the syndicate of housewives, consumers an' users of the oriental republic has complex rules an' notions.
BingoBoingo: It's apparently how Antel refers to certified telegrams. Derps had to use Antel for this because they apparently aren't a sufficiently complete telecom to have their own telegraph service.
mp_en_viaje: wtf's a TCCPC anyways
BingoBoingo: Will do and append to the inventory post.
mp_en_viaje: i meant take a pic of the artefact
BingoBoingo: "Rechazamos el TCCPC recibido el 22/10/19 y las imputaciones alli realizadas. Asimismo, intimamos pago de pago de precio convenido segun clausula 8 y anexos del contrato marco de servicios de technologia,"... Wank, wank, wank they want paid on a schedule now FASTER than spec'd in the contract for not doing what they promised in the contract.
diana_coman: possibly they expect it's scary enough if it's "telegram!!!"
BingoBoingo: Basically. Bluster, threats, etc
mp_en_viaje: so extralegal telegram, like happy bday ?
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Not service. Bluster of the "do what we say" flavor.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 16:04:39 BingoBoingo: Apologies for the delay. I had to step away from the inventorying task to pick up a telegram at the Cowork. Dated Friday 18:16 hours... They want money and they want it on a schedule incompatible with the contract they've breached to hell! This is going to be very fun!
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-28#1948564 << lol wait, you got served meanwhile ? was it by the very auditioning firm for maxlulz ?
mp_en_viaje: would prolly not have occured to me in another six months
mp_en_viaje: in unrelated news, after week+ of cluelesness i finally comprehended the fucking intended usage of my new cam (as it happens, by watching teeny monkey at work) -- the rabatable viewport IS THERE SO YOU CAN TAKE YOUR OWN PICTURE
diana_coman: aha; and here appointment online but then queue anyway... outside the building too and a guy giving frantic directions, it was something.
mp_en_viaje: magically got the "appointment to apply" or w/e the fuck the next day, but in general...
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: not the criteria by itself anymore at the time he was born,no; it was some additional years
mp_en_viaje: neways, the rotards are something the fuck else. i had to sick my people on them, because otherwise they have this nominally "passport in 2 weeks, no need of ye olde expediency fees", to be in line with the eu ; but then... waiting lists for the 2 week term to start, stretching like 3 months.
mp_en_viaje: not born there tho ? or that's no longer the criteria.
diana_coman: if one is nostalgic about anything, they should go there
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: no, in london but the romanian consulate is 200% a piece of romania indeed
diana_coman: it's a romanian example of applying eu rules I suppose; I guess I'll have to write-it up as it's too surreal, only the old italian-embassy experience beats it.
mp_en_viaje: haha. how did that go ?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I went to make child's passport - also a sort of ..european experience!!
mp_en_viaje: breakfast in prague, lunch in vienna, and in time for coffee & deserts in budapest.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 13:34:53 BingoBoingo: has been so occupied with cleanup that forgot Qntra crossed into 5 years of, not interupted, operation on the second of this month.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: I suspect the lack of pings is a shortcoming of the way I set up the LAMP on the lifeboat. I will investigate it, probably later this week.
BingoBoingo: Apologies for the delay. I had to step away from the inventorying task to pick up a telegram at the Cowork. Dated Friday 18:16 hours... They want money and they want it on a schedule incompatible with the contract they've breached to hell! This is going to be very fun!
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 06:44:58 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, why is it just so hard for theses folks ? check this shit out : http://younghands.club/2019/10/28/jfw-plan-week-of-oct-28/?b=Inves&e=#comment-59
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-28#1948437 - oh boy; because he didn't read properly how the thing works, obviously; at any rate, he'll fix it, read the manual and stop doing the shit, yes.
asciilifeform: aite. when BingoBoingo returns w/ his count, will talk.
asciilifeform: again with the phlogistons eh.
mp_en_viaje: you're not at liberty to remove my ifs as to best serve, again, your self-image.
asciilifeform: 'drinking' == made it clear that can't live off tree bark ?
mp_en_viaje: even if the moron's decided he will drink self to death.
mp_en_viaje: if the father tells his drunkard son that he's getting cut off unless he stops drinking, the father's not telling the moron he's getting cut off.
asciilifeform: fwiw mp_en_viaje made it quite clear in june '19 that he intends to close snsa. and this was part of the reason why i set up private rack, it will host phuctor in-exile, asciilifeform's www, and anyone else who has the courage and dun insist on marionette control of the entire thing simply as condition of hosting a box or 2.
mp_en_viaje: are you so ahead in the management of your own affairs you now wish to undertake a portion of mine, or what exactly is it ?
asciilifeform: last i knew, she agreed on the price and was intending to pay.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if you intend to fatwa all properly orthodox folx from subscribing, plox to let diana_coman know, give her time to find new blog host.
asciilifeform: re 'play dc', asciilifeform's 'evil, useless dc' will be there 1y, 2y, from nao. and open to anyone of asciilifeform's l1 who wants, even mp_en_viaje.
mp_en_viaje: aite, so then that's done.
asciilifeform: something i've no objection to, the gear belongs to the people to whom it belongs.
asciilifeform: inventories of old gear, i thought, is what we were talking about.
mp_en_viaje: a derpy "corporation' that's been trying to rest on laurels for 50 months ? some child's inept toyplay "parents & school permitting", we'll play datacenter this fri after school ?
mp_en_viaje: then what are we talking about here ?
asciilifeform: also i hate to piss on mp_en_viaje's freudian parade, but i haven't got 'self image' or whatever other nonsense phlogistons tlp et al persuaded mp_en_viaje of existing.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the only missing piece is BingoBoingo's count of the items currently in his flat. after it matches mine, will sign.
mp_en_viaje: because, like everything else, once i sit down to write it, it's written.
mp_en_viaje: now take all that effort wasted in the protection of a futile self-image, and put it in the making of a proper thing you can live with for years to come, namely the closing inventory of s.nsa
mp_en_viaje: your kneejerk responses take ammendments six cases of seven or thereabouts also.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-28 17:01:31 asciilifeform: this afaik completes the list.
asciilifeform: y'know, link to multi lines worx fine. but will put in what format you like.
mp_en_viaje: i'd much rather not have to link a logline -- or five.
mp_en_viaje: certainly, i'll be in the closing papers.
asciilifeform: i am unable to physically count objects in uy from desk.
asciilifeform: anyways after BingoBoingo counts , i'ma post signed text where mp_en_viaje asked, so long as he gives his word that will actually read it.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform worx 14h+ days. mp_en_viaje sits in cabaret and smokes 100$ bills. but somehow the former is 'avatar of lazy', eh.
mp_en_viaje: why's none of this self-obvious ?
mp_en_viaje: write an item, "this is what s.nsa owns in my hands as things stand", puybluish it , in one piece, somewhere you can answer for being accesdsible in a few weeks and there you go.
mp_en_viaje: do you aim to become the avatar of earthy laziness or something ?
mp_en_viaje: why the hell does everything with you haver to be done soddily, half way, ill considered, as best fits immanture momentary convenience and so on ?
mp_en_viaje: you could publish the damned thing on your own blog, like a sane person.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: do you want this as a signed text ?
asciilifeform: this afaik completes the list.
asciilifeform: m.uy nor usps seem to know where they are ;
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there are 4 FG here; 12 spare analogue boards. at piz there is a http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2018-02-05#1781749 , a http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2018-02-05#1781753 , and 34 FG (that were sold to piz, and i have still nfi whether mp_en_viaje wanted'em back physically or as coin.) there also were 4 x 256GB mostly spent ssds, they are in the mail and i've nfi whether will see'em again, neither correo.co
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: plox to gen an' sign that addr. otherwise if there aint a hole into which asciilifeform can pay, i suspect even the still-hypnotized folx won't buy then 'ran off!111' .
BingoBoingo has been so occupied with cleanup that forgot Qntra crossed into 5 years of, not interupted, operation on the second of this month.