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snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 13:50:53 mod6: Hai all, it's been
a pretty intense month - lot going on here. I've left my 9-5 job!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 13:21:21 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i expect at some pt police in usa will move to 'india' model, where fella is given
a name tag and paid
a coupla rupee / mo., and the rest he is expected to make up from bakshish and straight highway robbery
mp_en_viaje: baby's dead... shot in the tit fo'
a dolla'... who's gonna tell her momma'... who's gomna tell her wife...
BingoBoingo: Turned out what the kid seems to have needed in his life was
a higher quality of yelling.
mp_en_viaje: that's the sadness of it. even if they might've been worth enslaving as 16yos (on strict body considerations, obv nobody wants
a 16yo brain), by the time they've chugged enough "chow" to take them to twenny-someting... it's mostly
a lost battle.
mp_en_viaje: it's
a safe army -> ccolege -> social worker sorta "careerwoman" path. will not starve.
BingoBoingo: USG also announced today they are opening
a green card lottery round for the Uruguayos
BingoBoingo: Dispute isn't even over pay. It's
a dispute over management's plan to stop inviting child/teen performers to sing during drawings.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform,
a la historically recurrent "hey mr architect that's
a great building. could you make
a better one ?" "maybe" "hang him"
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 11:35:35 asciilifeform:
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-30#1939138 << the key to the puzzler aint much of
a seekrit. goebbels put it in plain text. j00z were picked as 'instigators of the war' and meat grinder ramped up in direct proportion to the obviousness of germany starting to lose. the chronology fits.
snsabot: Logged on 2016-07-17 14:05:28 asciilifeform: for the record, the only direction with real promise in small arms field is 'gyrojet', where the rifled and tempered barrel is unnecessary, given
a self-rotating projectile, small and quite easily-made rocket
mp_en_viaje: if you're after max energy get
a flamethrower.
mp_en_viaje: im no gunsmith here. but from what i recall from my notes from however many years ago, maximizing bullet energy is never
a first order concern.
BingoBoingo: It's been
a while since I dove into it, but iirc longer barrel also pushes towards pickiness about matching rifling twist to bullet weight
mp_en_viaje: o look at that, diana_coman needs
a princess dresstrain now with all them pages!
diana_coman: that much is true but this is not going to solve it; the raw log thing is fine and yes, on
a per chan basis, one has to request from their own "latest index" to as much as it takes to end up with "nothing"
mod6: asciilifeform: I may have to find
a time to go and check it out, ya. Not sure quite when, but yeah, will start thinking in earnest about it.
mod6: Now, I've got some money for now, so I'm going to be able to take at least the rest of the year off. Beyond that, I'm still working on the details
a bit; may do some per-diem consulting as I need to or what not.
mod6: Hai all, it's been
a pretty intense month - lot going on here. I've left my 9-5 job!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 04:02:51 mp_en_viaje: c) the jews themselves are, obviously, as inconceivably stupid as always, i won't belabour the point of these morons, who finally got to make themselves
a country and made it red-tape sovok socialism atop turkish legal system ffs.
BingoBoingo: Charge em
a fee to get their permit, count them as employed forever more without any particular follow up
BingoBoingo: Well standard setup seems to be 1 marksman, 1 autorifleman, maybe
a mortarman, rest of squad on m-16 or other specialist support tole
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There seems to be
a racket where
a loading with get
a weird ricer name like .50 BEOWOLF or .300 BLACKOUT get some USG test firings and go on to market the round as things normally get marketed to jugalos,etc based on edgy/cool name
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 04:47:00 mp_en_viaje:
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1939070 << afaik 100% it. also the future borne them out, not because "nuclear war" but because yeast infection. pretty much ANY platoon will fall back in
a panic if you as much as hit one guy. and we're not talking here of domestic ra-ra-ra-i'm-so-bad-i-gotta-wear-
a-mask cowardlice. even "battle hardened" "afghanistan veterans" are the same shit.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 03:35:10 mp_en_viaje: which... i mean, for most of the 90s the koreans deeply believed that if one goes to sleep with
a working fan in the room, the mechanical movement will somehow magically "suck the oxygen out" of the room leading to asphyxia.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 04:02:09 mp_en_viaje: the very officers ranting about the evil jews wilfully respected jewish veterans, promoted jewish officers, threw
a fit if they were sidelined and so the fuck on.
https://archive.is/VERxz/ea03d0cd7f309d68285653e8626362cd2ec2d46e.png << wtf, the verbiage to go with that is "He had
a muscular body builders build and an attitude. His piercing brown eyes below dark bushy eyebrows and thick black mop of curly dark hair gave
a clear message, dont mess with me. He was quiet and intense with
a masked sense of humor until provoked, and then watch out" ? wasn't my read at all.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-29 19:30:51 asciilifeform: lotsa wasted joules in that fireball. the powder wants
a barrel to do its thing in.
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1939070 << afaik 100% it. also the future borne them out, not because "nuclear war" but because yeast infection. pretty much ANY platoon will fall back in
a panic if you as much as hit one guy. and we're not talking here of domestic ra-ra-ra-i'm-so-bad-i-gotta-wear-
a-mask cowardlice. even "battle hardened" "afghanistan veterans" are the same shit.
mp_en_viaje: "oh, any man's wrist will be stiff after emptying
a desert eagle magazine" "dude, if you've emptied the magazine you're
a war hero, wtf, you killed two platoons" "no you don't actually hit" "what ?" "you miss, see" "why the fuck are you shooting then ?!" "isn't that what you do ?" "yes dumbo, it's what i do. it's not what you do, get lost."
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1939063 << yup, entirely wouldn't change anything about it even today. .45 is perfectly fine for standard issue / crowd control, .50 in zirconium loadout is perfect for armored / hardened targets such as any moron self-centered enough to wear
a vest, helicopters / "armored vehicles" in urban settings etc.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-29 19:13:59 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: just about 100%
a basement-built , fire-from-open-bolt design ( these are Officially proscribed in usa even when half-auto , so unlikely to be industrially-baked )
mp_en_viaje: or, for that matter, even seemingly simpler questions :
why the fuck would
a man who was ~faslely~ accused of THE BAD by some schmuckturds barely perceptible above
that chick from fizesu' gherlii who also had prior fucked up his boss for marrying
a whore -- seriously now, I THOUGHT THE
mp_en_viaje: but it seems to the actually competent scholar self-obvious that there's equivocation in the source material : that the autors speak of "jews" in the general ~deliberately~ and ~awaredly of the fact~ that it's
a pars pro toto deal and they're specifically exclusing some if not most.
mp_en_viaje: c) the jews themselves are, obviously, as inconceivably stupid as always, i won't belabour the point of these morons, who finally got to make themselves
a country and made it red-tape sovok socialism atop turkish legal system ffs.
mp_en_viaje: the very officers ranting about the evil jews wilfully respected jewish veterans, promoted jewish officers, threw
a fit if they were sidelined and so the fuck on.
mp_en_viaje: b) at
a personal and microsocial level, jews were very well inserted, and well respected. even the most rabid of the [retrospectively read as] "antisemites" of the period make distinctions (very much on the pattern of "all the cunts are whores except for mom" ; "all tjhe jews are vermin except for my bff shclomo")
mp_en_viaje: but as factual matters :
a) jews had lived for
a long time in germany, and prospered there, and were throughout upstanding pillars of the community, unmistakably.
mp_en_viaje: it's not exactly clear to me what the fuck happened, to be honest. (then again i have
a score of these wonderments, "why the hell did the sovok intelligentsia give up" was even aired
a coupla times)
mp_en_viaje: at the time hitler was
a struggling painter / vagabond / corporal 1st class, this guy was an aristocratic military commander, deeply respected socially.
mp_en_viaje: this i think they mostly renouned meanwhile (or stopped admitting publicly, or whatever, people are weird), and it's obviously fallacious. nevertheless, at the time it was social consensus, and therefore
a very flimsy basis for either diagnosing insanity or "evil" in believers.
mp_en_viaje: which... i mean, for most of the 90s the koreans deeply believed that if one goes to sleep with
a working fan in the room, the mechanical movement will somehow magically "suck the oxygen out" of the room leading to asphyxia.
mp_en_viaje: item is just one of the lulziest bits of
a huge bundle of historical evidence deeply inconvenient to the pantsuit socialists, because it quite clearly proves hitler's purported antisemitism as not merely
a received idea, which didn't belong to him personally anymore than the notion that the string "sun" is how you describe the closest star belongs to you,
mp_en_viaje: and for the hebrew speaking club, here's
a little chortle : what's
a mishmishtara ?
BingoBoingo: Competing Argentine and Brasilero intervention resolved that domestic dispute. Then everyone got together and nearly genocided Paraguay as
a bonding exercise.
BingoBoingo: There's
a shop here that produces
a single shot .50 BMG bolt action for the local armed forces, because Ministry of Defense doesn't want to pay the tarrifs
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 17:41 mircea_popescu: ;;google Desert Eagle which is
a .5 hand cannon designed for shooting the idiots that made this mess, gold plated
BingoBoingo: Sure the Olympics use .22 rimfire or after London "simulated gun" toys, but .45 ACP is
a standard
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: .45 ACP is used here as
a sporting round.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Brasil has
a big regular industry that builds to specs competitive on the international market.
BingoBoingo: Well, this isn't the US. Could be
a Brasilero or Paraguayo product of Jungle Industry. Or could be Industria Defensa de Argentina
billymg: it's
a good comic, i sent it to my pet recently when she protested that my expectations were too high
BingoBoingo: And for the absence of
a professional managerial class in the US
BingoBoingo: I suspect the HR departments last
a bit longer than the drummers for reasons of Indian caste and tribal loyalties.
mp_en_viaje: this then is uncontroversial : wind blows. on
a long enough timespan, all man made things revert.
mp_en_viaje: i'm not even proposing
a closed form solution here ; but it seems to me that elementarily even english works ok in my hands, and in general the discussion will be more
a matter of how you do your sampling than of anything else.
mp_en_viaje: did bitcoin drift because
a buncha idiots do whatever the hell ?