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RagnarDanneskjol: !up deedBot
MolokoDesk: back in a while. shuffling logins and uninstalling/reinstalling deedBot. I'll spare you further details.
MolokoDesk: I may simply make the deedBot register itself.
deedBot: (switching DEEDBOT_CHAN from #cex-squawk to #bitcoin-assets)
deedBot: DEEDBOT_CHAN=#cex-squawk ERROR_CHAN=MolokoDesk USING_API=bkchain.org scraping/API INTERVAL=3600
BingoBoingo: !up deedBot
MolokoDesk: that's interesting. (.join function for deedBot)
RagnarDanneskjol: requesting op please invite deedbot to chan
MolokoDesk: regarding the deedBot project: it's demonstratable now.