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ThickAsThieves: i almost told my wife she got goxxed when somehting unfortunate happened yesterday
ThickAsThieves: support from 100 and up went from 12000 coins to 8000 in the past hour
ThickAsThieves: i do agree with Bug that the air will be let out for real soon
ThickAsThieves: not without bad enough news that youll change your mind
ThickAsThieves: we have more businesses, easier ways to use coins, way more mining foundation
ThickAsThieves: i'm about as out as i can be anyway, unless i crash the stocks market for some assets...
ThickAsThieves: mircea_popescu, would you ever host a passthru on mpex?
ThickAsThieves: i dont think those formats would work for mining, but thats out of my area
ThickAsThieves: they dont need a big spread, but they will thank you for it
ThickAsThieves: bots will support any price that aggressive orders wanna create
ThickAsThieves: 50 is the lowest possible, but i think there is enough money in gox to keep us from there
ThickAsThieves: meh i dunno, but I do suspect hashing is well above what AM and avalon claim to have shipped
ThickAsThieves: he says he'll address this exact topic in his next post
ThickAsThieves: so if i understand correctly, he's roughly proving that 80% of hashing is done by 20% of miners
ThickAsThieves: if you break down AM, all the AValons possible, and more than modest GPU estimates, I'm pretty sure it leaves room for one asic maker to be cheating
ThickAsThieves: ive git a tx with 18 confsstill not showing in my havelock