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ThickAsThieves: if Armory spits out this mz77WBQSpvYAiDFu9sCveYmzYQC5ZQpvq2 from a verification
ThickAsThieves: sounds like it was made by someone deep into the scammer/MLM/affiliate mktg world
ThickAsThieves: seems AM underestimats having a remotely usable ecommerce solution
ThickAsThieves: there are 3 rounds of pack openings, each time changing the direction they are passed
ThickAsThieves: this required designing a deck on the fly and making choices dynamically to what you were fed from the right
ThickAsThieves: basically you open a back, pick a card, and pass it to the left
ThickAsThieves: these days you have to pay out for the best cards the day they are released
ThickAsThieves: when i was a kid i used to play people on the terms that whomever won would get to pick a card at random from the opponents deck and keep it
ThickAsThieves: when someone excercises an option on BTCT (enabled for ALL assets), it shows the strike price in the bot
ThickAsThieves: i remember posting an auction at 2.6 which was like .1 over the previous auction
ThickAsThieves: meanwhile Burnside hasn't processed withdrawals for like 14 hours now :(
ThickAsThieves: well, regardless, I could've chosen a more convenient handle...
ThickAsThieves: if it MUST be, it won't be for lack of me trying to avoid it
ThickAsThieves: I think that in a few mos from now, it'll probably be me and Deprived drawing the most fire.
ThickAsThieves: <thestringpuller> you are one of the few successful asset managers <<<< appreciate that you see it that way. I have a lot more planned but I'm working on a more comprehensive strategy to make sure I do it right. Or at least, do my best to do it right.
ThickAsThieves: and anyone seeing me with such a shirt would be very confused