31100+ entries in 0.106s
ThickAsThieves: has to start somewhere
ThickAsThieves: then it wont getbetter
ThickAsThieves: if you dont trade there
ThickAsThieves: its one of those things where
ThickAsThieves: I have about 300 shares on the way in
ThickAsThieves: itll get better over time
ThickAsThieves: so it affects all the exchanges
ThickAsThieves: people seem to use BTCT as the price index for AM now
ThickAsThieves: if one sells off, the other book thins
ThickAsThieves: so if people have bids on both AM-PT and TAT.AM
ThickAsThieves: remember that BTCT does soft bids
ThickAsThieves: any notable selloff could tumble the price everywhere,
ThickAsThieves: not a lot of people filling asks for a week now
ThickAsThieves: they even growl when cars pull up
ThickAsThieves: I have cats, what do i have to fear?
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: i stole the term
ThickAsThieves: scam or no scam
ThickAsThieves: last thing i'd want is these crazed forum superstars knocking on my door
ThickAsThieves: they have balls i guess
ThickAsThieves: I wonder if AMC will end up being the highest cash-value scam in the history of bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: AMC is taking preorders, get em while theyre not http://virtualminingcorp.com/shop1/index.php?id_product=10&controller=product#/fh_one_m256_256_gh_s_module-1_fh_one_m256_256_gh_s_module/fh_exp_case_16_pcie_slots-no_expansion_case
ThickAsThieves: said the "investor"
ThickAsThieves: other people's money! scams!
ThickAsThieves: all their arguments amount to "but, me!"
ThickAsThieves: they focus on the most irrelevant problems
ThickAsThieves: [15:31] <pox2> http://i.imgur.com/ImEX0Tc.png <<< people are so retarded
ThickAsThieves: i doubt they are related
ThickAsThieves: no idea
ThickAsThieves: yeah that
ThickAsThieves: and one that died trying to make asics?
ThickAsThieves: one is just a mining fund
ThickAsThieves: arent there two BASICs?
ThickAsThieves: many*
ThickAsThieves: I don't think you'll find manty BASIC-MINING owners in here
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
ThickAsThieves: 2013 Elections: Board of Directors
ThickAsThieves: https://bitcoinfoundation.org/blog/?p=226
ThickAsThieves: i'm open to it
ThickAsThieves: some, yes
ThickAsThieves: ;;later tell topace Please pm when you are available, 2 topics to discuss
ThickAsThieves: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23286901
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
ThickAsThieves: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Your buddy Max preaching the word of the lord http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NASDY-fy_q0
ThickAsThieves: yep
ThickAsThieves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NASDY-fy_q0
ThickAsThieves: http://www.theverge.com/2013/7/11/4515788/darpa-unveils-6-foot-tall-humanoid-robot-atlas
ThickAsThieves: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2013/07/11/201075339/where-the-jobs-are-and-where-they-arent-in-1-graph?utm_source=npr&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=20130711
ThickAsThieves: prorfit
ThickAsThieves: thatll get them like 20 AM shares
ThickAsThieves: buys stuff for you
ThickAsThieves: or at least the issuer
ThickAsThieves: so this actually hurts the fund itself
ThickAsThieves: what's funny is that Havelock issuers pay based on market cap
ThickAsThieves: wtf
ThickAsThieves: only 779%
ThickAsThieves: timberrrrr
ThickAsThieves: it was at 200,000 like 2 days ago
ThickAsThieves: np
ThickAsThieves: ;;bcstats
ThickAsThieves: ;;nethash
ThickAsThieves: wow btc hit almost 100
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: okay he did announce 1am as IPO time
ThickAsThieves: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhkfI_u94nYydFRIaTlBNE14aHBZNzIxRlBLWlhzTlE&usp=sharing
ThickAsThieves: ready for his spreadsheet?
ThickAsThieves: "It is aimed at people within the BTC community searching for a relatively low risk investment with high rewards."
ThickAsThieves: "Sandstorm plans to invest BTC in the smartest way possible to maximize profits to investors. Profits will be used to rewards shareholders and grow the company."
ThickAsThieves: "The creator of Sandstorm has been creating wealth through BTC related activities for a long time. "
ThickAsThieves: "Sandstorm will use sophisticated investment strategies to ensure that the goals are met and the company grows into a mature entity within the BTC community."
ThickAsThieves: wondering if I should call James
ThickAsThieves: world just got all retarded
ThickAsThieves: whoa
ThickAsThieves: i dont think it's supposed to be live at all
ThickAsThieves: f
ThickAsThieves: t
ThickAsThieves: w
ThickAsThieves: ...
ThickAsThieves: cuz they are retarded
ThickAsThieves: double price for some nobody's fund
ThickAsThieves: i dont think he intended for it to release right now
ThickAsThieves: man i wanted to help topace review this IPO text before releasing
ThickAsThieves: but kinda nice security measure
ThickAsThieves: it's lame,
ThickAsThieves: i'm indifferent
ThickAsThieves: i suspect something else is going on
ThickAsThieves: yeah but Havelock is EST
ThickAsThieves: let's IPO at 1am
ThickAsThieves: sigh
ThickAsThieves: it's like selling apocalypse insurance
ThickAsThieves: every insured person will want their money all at once
ThickAsThieves: with JD this is not the case
ThickAsThieves: only one person comes collecting at a time
ThickAsThieves: at least with health insurance and most types,
ThickAsThieves: it's retarded
ThickAsThieves: TF's fund on BitFunder includes borrowed BTC from CoinLenders
ThickAsThieves: why?
ThickAsThieves: i wonder if i can use bitcoins to buy the Winkelfund
ThickAsThieves: his books must be awesome
ThickAsThieves: more likely 20k in debt owed to him