30400+ entries in 0.095s
ThickAsThieves: "Please note that due to my vacation in Spain, the payout and buy back of the S.DICE shares will not happen until the 28th. I am sorry for this but I do not have my gpg key and such on my laptop they are on a dedicated computer of which I currently do not have access to. Best Regards, DeaDTerra"
ThickAsThieves: Headline of the Day: "Number of Britons raped abroad rises"
ThickAsThieves: i suppose dealing with me or Nam asking why is much less of a PITA than the people that would have accused you of scamming
ThickAsThieves: [20:34] <Namworld> I'm not sure why mircea canceled the MPEx orderbook. Doesn't sound like him to interfere. <<< I agree
ThickAsThieves: if the new buyer doesnt IPO the site, then there's no more risk of accusations about whaling
ThickAsThieves: if we're running with the pump n dump theory it's impossible to be a wash
ThickAsThieves: this asset termination will be distributed in full without any fee taken. "
ThickAsThieves: " Should the issuer of S.DICE terminate the asset, any funds received through
ThickAsThieves: although a gracious PT operator might not take a full 5%
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu>ok, all s.dice orders cancelled pending announcement from management.
ThickAsThieves: they had to close it to have time to run their new gambling company
ThickAsThieves: yes, I bought sdice with MJR and we're gonna change it to only accept decepticoins
ThickAsThieves: "Rivalhost, a leading provider of DDoS mitigation services and managed hosting, announced today that they will begin accepting Bitcoin for hosting services and domain registrations."
ThickAsThieves: hmm so this is cuz coinbr running from one account triggers hft prevention schemes sometimes?
ThickAsThieves: Hey my order won't cancel. Try again like it says, idiot.