27100+ entries in 0.059s
ThickAsThieves: you distracted me of dreams of being the pied piper of Eve finance
ThickAsThieves: just show the addies of the top 5 most right, most wrong, most earned, most lost
ThickAsThieves: in this sentence: " am Red from China, currently working as a translator in a JV." what is a JV?
ThickAsThieves: is Bitfurystrikesback.com the same seller and pcb as the forum post/user you just linked?
ThickAsThieves: do they measure my discomfort when there is no better checkbox than "white" for me?
ThickAsThieves: what's the new weirdness, I order a mouse from Logitech and is says my order is under review and I'll be contacting in 24h?!
ThickAsThieves: maybe this results in me moving my securities to another exchange
ThickAsThieves: the hard evidence has literally been posted by Burnside himself
ThickAsThieves: <gecko_x2> just that one should have some evidence before accusing people of fraud <<< what evidence is missing?
ThickAsThieves: much, but we have to make sure people are not being tricked or misled into believing anything on the site is a real security."
ThickAsThieves: "Killed two birds with one stone. Wink The disclosure must now be agreed to before seeing the market or the individual assets. It's virtually the same disclosure as that in the registration agreement, but this way there's a periodic reminder that participants should only be using the site for education/entertainment/fun. I know a lot of people out there are not going to like this
ThickAsThieves: mircea_popescu, have you seen burnside's latest assertions that BTCT is all a game?
ThickAsThieves: maybe he can charge my account with some bitcoin credits then
ThickAsThieves: when burnside says "I know a lot of people out there are not going to like this much, but we have to make sure people are not being tricked or misled into believing anything on the site is a real security."
ThickAsThieves: yes but his tune in the forum posts is basically an active lie
ThickAsThieves: he is claiming the site is something that we all know it isn;t
ThickAsThieves: burnside says "I know a lot of people out there are not going to like this much, but we have to make sure people are not being tricked or misled into believing anything on the site is a real security."
ThickAsThieves: not sure whether to laugh or put him on ignore for shilling
ThickAsThieves: And honestly, as much as I liked the whole AM experience, I believe it was unprofessional from the ground up. AM has a big advantage by being the first in the business, but thinking it's impossible that we can reach 10% or more of what they got is probably underestimating LC's abilities.
ThickAsThieves: "And I believe we will go over the value of 10% of AM, because hell, why not? If everything plays out as planned, we got way better chips.
ThickAsThieves: "LC has 25x more shares, so if AM is valued at 3 BTC/share, that would put an equally big LC @ 0.12 BTC/share. If we reach just 10% of that: 0.012 BTC/share. I think comparisons like this are the best estimates you can make with this stock, because both AM and LC use the exact same business model."
ThickAsThieves: i honestly have yet to attempt to decipher what it is they do