3100+ entries in 0.028s
BingoBoingo: "No nos vamos
a perder lo mejor" was the losing campaign slogan.
BingoBoingo: What seemed to have happened after that turd got passed was
a lot of live in domestic servants got kicked into the street if their employer wasn't fucking them. Derps who could afford it instead went to cleaning agencies.
A handful of folks who aren't braindamaged simply have more girlfriends. Overall the number of bipeds getting compensation for doing something dropped.
BingoBoingo: No one does outside of some retards. There's
a whole bunch of cancer that made it in print that might as well come off because... Really?
BingoBoingo: lol, there's
a bunch of these piled up derpations
BingoBoingo: It's apparently how Antel refers to certified telegrams. Derps had to use Antel for this because they apparently aren't
a sufficiently complete telecom to have their own telegraph service.
mp_en_viaje: you know, like
a sort of contemporaneous archeology.
BingoBoingo: "Rechazamos el TCCPC recibido el 22/10/19 y las imputaciones alli realizadas. Asimismo, intimamos pago de pago de precio convenido segun clausula 8 y anexos del contrato marco de servicios de technologia,"... Wank, wank, wank they want paid on
a schedule now FASTER than spec'd in the contract for not doing what they promised in the contract.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 16:04:39 BingoBoingo: Apologies for the delay. I had to step away from the inventorying task to pick up
a telegram at the Cowork. Dated Friday 18:16 hours... They want money and they want it on
a schedule incompatible with the contract they've breached to hell! This is going to be very fun!
diana_coman: aha; and here appointment online but then queue anyway... outside the building too and
a guy giving frantic directions, it was something.
mp_en_viaje: working really hard at earning
a bad name for romania, what.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: no, in london but the romanian consulate is 200%
a piece of romania indeed
diana_coman: it's
a romanian example of applying eu rules I suppose; I guess I'll have to write-it up as it's too surreal, only the old italian-embassy experience beats it.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I went to make child's passport - also
a sort of ..european experience!!
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: I suspect the lack of pings is
a shortcoming of the way I set up the LAMP on the lifeboat. I will investigate it, probably later this week.
BingoBoingo: Apologies for the delay. I had to step away from the inventorying task to pick up
a telegram at the Cowork. Dated Friday 18:16 hours... They want money and they want it on
a schedule incompatible with the contract they've breached to hell! This is going to be very fun!
mp_en_viaje: are you so ahead in the management of your own affairs you now wish to undertake
a portion of mine, or what exactly is it ?
a derpy "corporation' that's been trying to rest on laurels for 50 months ? some child's inept toyplay "parents & school permitting", we'll play datacenter this fri after school ?
mp_en_viaje: now take all that effort wasted in the protection of
a futile self-image, and put it in the making of
a proper thing you can live with for years to come, namely the closing inventory of s.nsa
mp_en_viaje: i'd much rather not have to link
a logline -- or five.
mp_en_viaje: write an item, "this is what s.nsa owns in my hands as things stand", puybluish it , in one piece, somewhere you can answer for being accesdsible in
a few weeks and there you go.
mp_en_viaje: you could publish the damned thing on your own blog, like
a sane person.
mp_en_viaje: yeah, that'll be
a sight to behold, the only gossipd node.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 15:42:42 mp_en_viaje: i barfed at the line quoted ; the loper-os page is still loaded in the browser but i guess ima get to it in
a year or w/e. like with newspapers, you know, antiquarian interest.
mp_en_viaje: nor is there much cause to keep up the s.nsa pretense, it is, by your own words now completing your own actions,
a hollow shell.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The lesson of this month is that the non-performance of the derps in the basement didn't have to be
a fatal blow to Pizarro. Our failures to sell and find some leverage in the selling by expanding the l2, created the conditions that turned into into
a coup de grace.
mp_en_viaje: i barfed at the line quoted ; the loper-os page is still loaded in the browser but i guess ima get to it in
a year or w/e. like with newspapers, you know, antiquarian interest.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 12:30:42 BingoBoingo: Now "I refuse to take outside capital until the rack's current cost basis is covered and
a conversion engine is running" is
a different position.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 13:39:53 mp_en_viaje: ~this~ is
the discriminant ; it's not
a matter of how great you can do at the hobby of this, when "real life" permits. it's not how impressive, or above-others, or anything else your amateur effort might come to be.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 12:02:14 mp_en_viaje: <mp_en_viaje> if you're just looking for
a coupla week's amateur entertainment, i got
a whole line of hookers looking for same pounding down my door.
BingoBoingo: Now "I refuse to take outside capital until the rack's current cost basis is covered and
a conversion engine is running" is
a different position.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Even the most independent "muh seeds, muh land, muh guns" farmers know they can't completely cut themselves off from outside capital. They might not like taking debt, but they gotta be open to the possibility. If the neighbor's farm fall due to low commodity prices, as
a farmer you have to at least try to buy his fields for the scale as your position isn't much better without growing.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 16:25:05 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there's 2 separate qs.:
a) whether it is possible to run
a comfortably +ev miniature isp for use of l1/l2. b) is how to run large isp, hosting 1000 heathens, to make 100k's. presently it would be
a lie if asciilifeform said that knows how to (b) , and suicidal if tried to (
a) + (b) simultaneously right off .
mp_en_viaje: normally i'd recommend either
a lord take you in or, in the case of more retarded, that they themselves find
a lord to take them in. in your case though, i don't tjhink there's any point in wasting anyone's time, you're just getting washed out and that'sthat.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-13 18:03:01 mp_en_viaje: anyway, unrelatedly : for the folk awaiting trilema publication of divers reports, as were implicitly due for q3 sometime early october : i had every intention of doing them, if not by the 5th day as trad. absolute value at least sorta by 15th (as scaled value, 3x the months, 3x5 days) or something. but then, whole pizaro debacle, adding to the fact that i'm traveling and that's never so fixed
a schedule (for inst
mp_en_viaje: now, i can't take out the old style js-select, because i have
a bunch of these that haven't been altered out yet ; but why the hell do they not use the new style, and why the hell do they create monsters when told to ?
BingoBoingo: So far quiet. some youth without obvious affiliation gathered on the Rambla as they tend to do, tomando mate. Some fireworks (not
a metaphor) on the beach.
A *very* few cars with flags of varying sizes making rounds.
BingoBoingo: I did see the economist identifying candidate riding around the neighborhood in
a compact car followed by
a motorcycle news team
diana_coman: rise to plan or not, at least
a draft to publish there, maybe it gets some feedback to make it rise slowly?
diana_coman: asciilifeform: no, my question is: are *you* going to actively look for that someone to put in an order for such
a thing or are you just waiting for them if/when they come?
BingoBoingo: This was routinely
a sub-10 minute affair in my part of old country. These people manage to form lines with half hour to several hour waits to stuff envelopes with either their chosen lists to vote or sliced deli meats to annul their vote
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-26 18:41:41 asciilifeform: presently dun know why there is
a limo, or for that matter the similarly painted apc. they normally live in the parking lot, and each eats 6 spaces... i assumed they were props, engineless. evidently not
BingoBoingo: Seasonally tractors towing field equipment that doesn't nicely fold up at 2x walking speed was
a hazard
BingoBoingo: That's...
a slow drive. In my part of old country the mile
a minute rule of thumb held for most drives of an hour's length.
BingoBoingo: At present they are contained in the hard plastic former bilge box exerting
a kilo or two of pressure against the boxes closure tabs. It kinda seems like
a waste of perfectly good box.
BingoBoingo: I suspect most of the cabling including the surprisingly cheap for their weight C13/14 power cables will be disposed of via the "Free to
a good home" device more commonly used with puppies
BingoBoingo: But RK health seems
a low priority at present
BingoBoingo: In the roman law system the law is clear, and more time can be spent on the facts. There are appelate courts to consider corner cases and weird not contemplated or ambiguously handled by the codes, but... the incentive to derp your way into rewriting law in
a particular case is nearly non-existent.
BingoBoingo: Common law systems allow entering precendent all the way back to when the Anglo fuckers on retard island decided to make their law
a sort of talmudic type study done sloppily.
BingoBoingo: The Civil Code may be
a man clumsily trying to make sense of the world, but it was the work of one man living in
a country that had
a population under 100,000. Previously dispute resolution happened through dueling and feuding.
BingoBoingo: Only parts of it are still loaded into the brain, but doing that was
a big Holy Shit moment.
BingoBoingo: Which means counsel in this case so far is within about 20-25 ish percent of what was spent on
a laser printer
BingoBoingo: I am confident their spending in legal costs and their own payroll hours has already crossed into the low 4 figures. The expenses related to the ginger if hired from outside their own organization was at least 150 US for the time I was there. He wasn't the typical Securitas et al put on
a uniform and walk around or sit in
a guard booth type.
BingoBoingo: If I fuck up too bad LATAM is
a big place. One of the dictatorship/military fellows facing "Operation Condor" charges from the 1970s routinely goes in and out of the country much to the chargrin of local competent authorities.
BingoBoingo: Before the actual suits hit the docket there's
a mandatory arbitration attempt stage where their suit would almost certainly die.
BingoBoingo: trinque: It is indeed. As mentioned in the post however, defending
a very unlikely suit from them would be very inexpensive in monetary terms to me. Pursuing
a suit is the expensive direction.
trinque: probably best outcome is to bring it quickly to
a close, and then see if you can work for the best of the lawyers you met.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 01:12:27 trinque: in my case
a chap stole from me, gave to an enemy. I was enraged.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-19 08:01:31 mp_en_viaje:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946702 << let it be observed, since we're here, the INTRICATE way in which socialism perpetuates itself. by getting you to believe the whole "intelectual property" claptrap, it gets you to ~volunteer~ for tax in one of its principal tax halls. and it's not even the money tax that's interesting, all the personal service tax, where you pay homage and pay court upon
a BingoBoingo: My only reservation about defending against
a potential suit from them is locating
a very traditional, Southern, and genteel seersucker suit to wear while vamping about the courtroom.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Their pretense to that seems empty at this point. The question seems to be more along the lines of what they will pay to not have
a ready baked fraud case delivered to the local prosecutors.
trinque: cool, if they have any sense they won't want to duke it out over
a few months of 1 rack.
BingoBoingo: Thanks to the papers left with their apparent counsel on Wednesday they have the long narrative I brough to the police which was summarized into the officer's much shorter "hecho policial."
A narrative in which I spent hours making absolutely sure I did not perjure myself, referencing our correspondence and their marketing materials thoroughly.
BingoBoingo: trinque: I want to thank you again for the kick into action
a week ago. I have had limited direct contact with damned this week, but it seems that Yesterday is the day it clicked for them as to just how absolutely fucked they can be.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Now the big problem Uruguay's had is that the Fat Foreheads are
a coalition. This means that while each constituent sector has socialisms they want to push and areas they want to give room for takeable money to build up, the coalition aspect and retard bias towards hugging means that when they go to deal... Internally as
a coalition they sacrifice the breathing room for business entirely and instead do
a little bit of each kind
BingoBoingo: It slows down getting from point
A to point B, and this mostly puts me in contact with older 40 to retired-ish folks. However, the big effect is it sucks all the energy out of the nearby socialists trying to hand out their lists.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Well, why would I close the gap with Commies, socialists, Maoists, and Pol Potists when there's
a servicable party which is both "Orgulloso blanco" and nationalist
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: It hard for me to tell at this point if that is because the sort of work in this environment is new. There may also be an element of "these derps went from freely spreading their derpligion to forming
a crowd and hiding in
a glass box.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: The prospect does seem interesting. I'd need to actually apprentice, but so far it seems paralegal may be
a great fit which could keep me in LATAM. I do feel more effective in LATAM than I would anywhere the derps *have to* English
mp_en_viaje: ie, this is also
a practicable avenue for you, if the dc thing doesn't sound out.
mp_en_viaje: that's also
a practicable avenue, erryone eg owning property will need one, the paralegal's the natural budding form of everything paperwork related, from real estate administration to govt lobbying, and the law's ~same from ag to cr.