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ThickAsThieves: Strauss spoke at Bitcoin 2013, and published his writing in American Banker. He was also quoted in The Hill’s regulation blog."
ThickAsThieves: "Friedberg has spoken at industry conferences including Bitcoin London and Bitcoin 2013, and has been quoted in major publications such as Fox Business, Tech Cocktail, and Business Insider. Friedberg has also published his work on the Bitcoin Foundation blog.
ThickAsThieves: He ended the announcement by saying “We look forward to resuming operations soon.”'
ThickAsThieves: Tradehill CEO Jered Kenna has posted an announcement on reddit noting that the IAFCU ”has experienced operational and regulatory issues and we are no longer able to continue our relationship at this time.”
ThickAsThieves: 'The San Francisco based company made the news last week when it announced it was opening an account with the Internet Archive Federal Credit Union. In the emails shared by customers on Wednesday, Tradehill stated that it was “suspending its relationship” with the IAFCU'
ThickAsThieves: 'One day after customers reported receiving emails indicating that Bitcoin exchange Tradehill was closing shop for the second time in as many years, the trading service confirmed on its website that it had “temporarily suspended trading.” '
ThickAsThieves: because there are only two possible answers and both amount to bitcoin being broken
ThickAsThieves: jorash is the guy who had me asking similar questions the other day
ThickAsThieves: there was a retracted article from thegenesisblock pointing out gox might have serious issues\
ThickAsThieves: if it really is a liquidity problem, then I expect we'll see more pronounced symptoms
ThickAsThieves: <San1ty_> ThickAsThieves: Maybe a Derp question, but what happens with your assets if Havelock would have an irrecoverable DB crash? <<< there are backups
ThickAsThieves: always more problems than they are worth in my experience