24900+ entries in 0.059s
ThickAsThieves: and how does one believe they have a chip when they do nothing but lie?
ThickAsThieves: something doesnt jive
ThickAsThieves: nah
ThickAsThieves: interesting
ThickAsThieves: how did non-hashing get proven?
ThickAsThieves: on news? or inevitability?
ThickAsThieves: aha! labcoin finally dying?
ThickAsThieves: sell all the things!
ThickAsThieves: ;;estimate
ThickAsThieves: etc
ThickAsThieves: and Pro Tools users
ThickAsThieves: graphic designers love their macs
ThickAsThieves: has*
ThickAsThieves: and Apple still had a hold on media market
ThickAsThieves: worked out fine for a while
ThickAsThieves: and PCs took the business market
ThickAsThieves: by giving units to schools, etc
ThickAsThieves: days*
ThickAsThieves: as i recall from some mktg textbook, Apple cornered the education and media creation users during the IIe dats
ThickAsThieves: well, giving it away at least
ThickAsThieves: pretty sure apple invented the concept
ThickAsThieves: horrible
ThickAsThieves: they are also buying ipads now
ThickAsThieves: http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/13/4727186/windows-phone-continues-crusade-against-apple-with-new-videos
ThickAsThieves: i guess they wanna lock down the idiots
ThickAsThieves: scroogled, etc
ThickAsThieves: and they keep doing it
ThickAsThieves: someone needs to create one about ASICMINER gen2 as well
ThickAsThieves: you can
ThickAsThieves: they really think marketing making fun of every better company will solve their problems?
ThickAsThieves: wtf is wrong with Microsoft
ThickAsThieves: cheap hamburgers?
ThickAsThieves: the best software tools are the ones that let people count money they dont have
ThickAsThieves: lol
ThickAsThieves: i do the maff on requirement
ThickAsThieves: just being dramatic
ThickAsThieves: provide!
ThickAsThieves: youre providing a service
ThickAsThieves: -e
ThickAsThieves: develope
ThickAsThieves: yknow
ThickAsThieves: add some features
ThickAsThieves: geez
ThickAsThieves: make a calc kako
ThickAsThieves: http://news.discovery.com/earth/oceans/hawaii-molasses-spill-130913.htm#mkcpgn=rssnws1
ThickAsThieves: boxes of fans
ThickAsThieves: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=170332.msg3145437#msg3145437
ThickAsThieves: god help us if he gets a nuke
ThickAsThieves: US should be less worried about Syria and more worried about mircea_popescu
ThickAsThieves: http://www.fastcompany.com/3017395/fast-feed/stay-safe-use-a-usb-condom
ThickAsThieves: funny coincidence
ThickAsThieves: dont ever go to Amsterdam
ThickAsThieves: ;;market bids 0
ThickAsThieves: dammit
ThickAsThieves: ;;market --bid 1
ThickAsThieves: ;;market --buy 1
ThickAsThieves: ah
ThickAsThieves: ;;market bid 0
ThickAsThieves: ;;market buy 1
ThickAsThieves: ;;market buy 0
ThickAsThieves: i'm thinking goxprice will break $152 in the next 7 days
ThickAsThieves: mpoe gem!
ThickAsThieves: it's all i got
ThickAsThieves: [12:57] <ThickAsThieves> via skype video
ThickAsThieves: [12:57] <ThickAsThieves> some board members have seen him
ThickAsThieves: no i said just the opposite
ThickAsThieves: but thats what some people think
ThickAsThieves: i have no idea whether it is
ThickAsThieves: (thats who the pic is sposed to be)
ThickAsThieves: i menat friedcat
ThickAsThieves: sorry
ThickAsThieves: via skype video
ThickAsThieves: some board members have seen him
ThickAsThieves: may we wall strive to be Satoshis in the eyes of the one true God
ThickAsThieves: in place of Saint (St)
ThickAsThieves: maybe it will become a title
ThickAsThieves: you may have just broken a channel non-rule
ThickAsThieves: sound logic
ThickAsThieves: no comment
ThickAsThieves: just for a laugh
ThickAsThieves: i wonder if he's ever lurked here
ThickAsThieves: friedcat is satoshi obv
ThickAsThieves: in case anyone missed it and wants something else to point at https://bitfunder.com/asset/DISCOVERY
ThickAsThieves: wtf i pasted 50 Shaded of Gay into Internet Explorer and it replaced it with Richard Branson
ThickAsThieves: surely this is already a name of a manporn
ThickAsThieves: 50 Shades of Gay
ThickAsThieves: dont we all
ThickAsThieves: hehe
ThickAsThieves: right
ThickAsThieves: and the meanie is the girl
ThickAsThieves: but what if the boy is the PR
ThickAsThieves: they say there is nothing new in the world
ThickAsThieves: aha ive got it! everyone thinks PR is MP, but it's really the reverse
ThickAsThieves: the joke was on us more than the girls
ThickAsThieves: well i was joking, but who?
ThickAsThieves: plus, no girls allowed in here!
ThickAsThieves: Kate."
ThickAsThieves: "I don't use IRC all that much, apart from with I2P. Plus, like you, I'm LTC Global oriented so hope this service will take off. :)
ThickAsThieves: the only real thing i have to say to her is that i dont understand how she intends to make profit for her shareholders
ThickAsThieves: surely she wont subject herself to a meanie like mp