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ThickAsThieves: yes it is related, at least in the context that we are talking to Luke, Luke wants to be on the board, and Luke sees the BF's purpose as to provide funding for these Devs
ThickAsThieves: i just dont like the concept that the Devs pretty much act as the keepers and drivers of bitcoin software
ThickAsThieves: and let bitcoin core be the bitcoin core it already is
ThickAsThieves: why cant we let for-profit service providers come up with the features
ThickAsThieves: when did we even accept that new features are a thing the community at large even wants
ThickAsThieves: <dub> they can't think for themselves <<< which why i dont want them voting on btc software features
ThickAsThieves: but he failed at differentiating that from some sort of affirmative action plea
ThickAsThieves: maybe, i think there is something to what Joerg is trying to say, on that it will be more respected as an international organization if it is diverse,
ThickAsThieves: if it 'feels' like an American thing, or VC club, or whatever, than anyone that doesnt like such will not respect it
ThickAsThieves: really that's more of a problem for the foundation itself
ThickAsThieves: or by local do you mean national instead of international groups
ThickAsThieves: i'm not versed on the lobbying world, but I suspect reality is the opposite of your vision
ThickAsThieves: if BF can be a force to mitigate the fumbling of goverments attempting to regulate bitcoin, then i might support it
ThickAsThieves: i dont think the Foundation should remotely exist in the ways you idealize
ThickAsThieves: when a problem feels unsolvable, you might be solving the wrong problem
ThickAsThieves: i'm generally of the opinion that, in most situations, the community at large is not qualified to make decisions
ThickAsThieves: in your system, the current Almighty Dev Team becomes a stronger and stronger centralized influence on bitocin dev
ThickAsThieves: and non-members are not disqualified from having influence
ThickAsThieves: does this not also filter out many other types of users?
ThickAsThieves: you also mention soliciting the opinion of the "community" to decide these things
ThickAsThieves: you mention that the FOundation should not influence software dev though
ThickAsThieves: maybe to something like The Foundation's purpose is to advocate for and solicit financial support for bitcoin software development?
ThickAsThieves: luke-jr can you see how your comment sounds a lot like a nicer version of mine?
ThickAsThieves: so you consider it to be a scheme to fool people into giving to dev of the software?
ThickAsThieves: i dont have to like or agree with their plot to acknowledge it
ThickAsThieves: i disagree that i'm the one they'll be influencing, and disagree that they will have no influence of note
ThickAsThieves: Joerg doesnt want Foundation to turn into a US bitcoin-business club
ThickAsThieves: because like it or not these guyse are gonna influence some things
ThickAsThieves: Luke says Foundation shouldnt be bought (references Ver donation)
ThickAsThieves: Liz says Foundation needs to better manage outward infighting so they dont look like derps
ThickAsThieves: Trace badmouths LukeJr for not allowing Jon Matonis as a press contact of bitcoin foundation
ThickAsThieves: he also likes idea of a super-majority consensus to decide new featyures
ThickAsThieves: Trace - Yes, Foundation should have role in deciding features
ThickAsThieves: Ben - No, Gavin shouldnt be paid by FOundation either (conflict of interest)
ThickAsThieves: Luke - No, but give community a way to vote, Liz - No, but we all know gavin works at the foundation
ThickAsThieves: Should the foundation have a role in Bitcoin software dev?
ThickAsThieves: maybe he let the neckbeard go our of control and chose to photochop his best pic on hand?