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copumpkin: durr
copumpkin: http://xkcd.com/bitcoin/
copumpkin: he also accepts bitcoin donations, very subtly
copumpkin: the author of xkcd used to hang out in -otc
copumpkin: Smoovious: little do you know that I actually just made a massive version of goatse, tubgirl, and 2 girls 1 cup combined, and uploaded it for your benefit
copumpkin: he did another fairly large interactive one a while back
copumpkin: he doesn't do this sort of thing a lot, no
copumpkin: http://dagar.ca/xkcd_1110_combined_512.png -> http://libesyr.so/dump/montage.png
copumpkin: I then posted a 1/4 scale one, and then 1:1
copumpkin: nah, that was just the first of many
copumpkin: not that big of a deal
copumpkin: not the 1/4 scale one?
copumpkin: you downloaded the extra huge one?
copumpkin: why not?
copumpkin: I think photoshop's pretty good at it
copumpkin: good luck finding something that can load it though
copumpkin: curl shows me that it's 247 megs
copumpkin: coprompkin?
copumpkin: kakobreklaa: the overall distribution of letters should be roughly the same
copumpkin: yes!
copumpkin: I'm fairly correct at spelling things poorly
copumpkin: Smoovious: is that png good enough for you?
copumpkin: http://libesyr.so/dump/montage.png is the full one, I think
copumpkin: http://dagar.ca/xkcd_1110_combined_512.png is 1/4 scale
copumpkin: here's a medium-sized version http://www.wickedglitch.com/cheatsheets/xkcd_clickdrag_spoiler.png
copumpkin: At 165888 x 79872 pixels, or 1.3 terapixels, the image would fill the screens of 4212 iPads with retina displays in an 81 x 52 grid.
copumpkin: yahoo answers is super reputable! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101210045408AAx55yG
copumpkin: I hope you've seen the video, cause I've linked it enough times
copumpkin: nefario: he'd be hopping over other goats
copumpkin: lol
copumpkin: yay law
copumpkin: can't remember
copumpkin: didn't gmaxwell link to it at some point?
copumpkin: I think you can
copumpkin: aww why not
copumpkin: Chaang-Noi: you wishing pirate a happy birthday!??!
copumpkin: alright, I'm gonna drop off the internet
copumpkin: I can only deal with one form of disappoint at a time
copumpkin: shit, that's bad
copumpkin: Azelphur: are you disappointED or disappoint?
copumpkin: Chaang-Noi: you gonna tell me why you're disappointed in me?
copumpkin: wow
copumpkin: ...ironically
copumpkin: I bet he handcarved those before it was cool, too
copumpkin: oh man
copumpkin: I don't have a car or even a license
copumpkin: I'm sure they do
copumpkin: ironically, of course
copumpkin: do they ride fixed-gear bikes?
copumpkin: I guess it's just a redirect
copumpkin: it seems to be better now
copumpkin: that links to hub.vg, which has a bad cert
copumpkin: right above the "Apply to join" link
copumpkin: on their front page, they have a "Ven" hyperlink
copumpkin: lol
copumpkin: also, their site tells me remarkably little about what it actually is
copumpkin: the hub.vg one
copumpkin: they need to fix their certificate on their site
copumpkin: http://www.sec.gov/news/headlines/scamsites.htm
copumpkin: you are the joke!
copumpkin: ;;ud markac
copumpkin: aye
copumpkin: arr
copumpkin: avast!
copumpkin: o.O
copumpkin: lol
copumpkin: BTC-Mining: they can write "you sign away your firstborn" on that EULA, but it isn't actually valid
copumpkin: Casascius = bad
copumpkin: Tux = good
copumpkin: BTC-Mining: take casascius on the other hand, releasing pirateat40's home address
copumpkin: BTC-Mining: but it's shady as hell to release your customers' information without a court order. Note how MagicalTux refuses to give any information without a police report
copumpkin: BTC-Mining: sure, disclosing in private to justifiably interested parties is fine. Your shareholders/creditors should definitely be able to find out if any funny business happens
copumpkin: because I've interacted with him extensively, and he owes me thousands of bitcoins?
copumpkin: he's not 15
copumpkin: usagi: lol wtf
copumpkin: even then, I don't support publishing personal information except to law enforcement or people to serve him with papers
copumpkin: oh okay
copumpkin: talk about a witch hunt
copumpkin: wtf
copumpkin: "catch" hash king?
copumpkin: but publishing someone's personal information publicly is never okay
copumpkin: I never said that
copumpkin: they will summarize it and give you a rating
copumpkin: and you voluntarily provide information
copumpkin: you pay them to rate you
copumpkin: you can write a EULA that says "you sign away your firstborn" but that doesn't make it legit
copumpkin: yeah, then that's fucked
copumpkin: if it's to the public, it's fucked
copumpkin: nefario: to the public? or to shareholders who request it?
copumpkin: some asshole last year enjoyed doing it to ops in #bitcoin-otc who banned him
copumpkin: doxing typically has implications of posting all sorts of personal information in public places
copumpkin: yes, that doesn't mean you publish it publicly
copumpkin: well, depending on how it's done :)
copumpkin: doxing is never okay
copumpkin: usagi: why?
copumpkin: I've been doxed too!
copumpkin: (I haven't actually ever played it either)
copumpkin: omg EskimoBob doesn't know what minecraft is
copumpkin: ;;ud rusty trombone
copumpkin: like a rusty trombone