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DreadKnight: most of the time it's lame white kids that bitch about seeing someone else using the n word being used, like wtf
DreadKnight: also not offended by being called white or cracker
DreadKnight: anyway, it's good you kid about it; I don't find terms like "black" or "nigger" racist at all, but about something else entirely different
DreadKnight: so Ruckus was black, yet talking smack on black people all the time, pretty funny
DreadKnight: assbot turned into a nazzy for some reason
DreadKnight: supposedly he was white and had a skin disorder that made him black
DreadKnight: cazalla, well, since you're not familiar with Boondocks cartoon and you only searched google images, Uncle Ruckus was a black racist
DreadKnight: it doesn't matter there are basically an infinite number of tracks possible, artists keep catering to the same known paths of patterns
DreadKnight: it's basically what a lot of people in the industry do
DreadKnight: that DMX rapper is strange, he's all violence and then he's all prayers in his music and then next track is all god/love/jesus bs
DreadKnight: since they're usually about church and gospels
DreadKnight: oh yeah, I didn't really got that; I was kinda "erm ok" with the paladin being one in diablo 2
DreadKnight: was talking with mircea on the blog about it
DreadKnight: actually I'm thinking about Diablo 3 overall; did too much HoMM3 in my life, not quite cutting it anymore as it should
DreadKnight: finished kingdom rush and the expansion; one of my favs :)
DreadKnight: had my share of td games, especially as custom maps in warcraft 3
DreadKnight: that reminds me of some 50 cent lyrics, something like "bitch get off the sidewalk into the street, bitch! the sidewalk is for pimpin', bitch!"
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, that little girl was really strange, she was like moving around, shouting, singing, dancing, all that stuff at once
DreadKnight: anyway, been thinking of playing some HoMM3 again soon, haven't done so in years
DreadKnight: cazalla, trying not to play because I fall into addiction; hooked on reading blog articles (many from mircea_popescu) and watching a bit of anime on the side
DreadKnight: not exactly sure what duties do barons have in this century
DreadKnight: benkay, life as a baron not more exciting? :\
DreadKnight: maybe she doesn't want a kid, just some action; less drama
DreadKnight: anyway, maybe your friend staying at your place didn't really mean the adoption thing, might have been an invitation, cazalla
DreadKnight: cazalla, I know a blonde who has a girl with a guy from Nigeria and it seems very possessed to me or something, scared the crap out of me; she turned out black
DreadKnight: there are no good hotseat games out there nowadays ffs
DreadKnight: until I make my game project awesome and get people to play together, it's all downhill
DreadKnight: there was a time kids would come together to connect nintendo's together using a wire to play pokemon
DreadKnight: I'm a single kid and I did just fine *flickers an eye*
DreadKnight: cazalla, it's like saying that smoking during pregnancy is also bunk
DreadKnight: you get her to do specific stuff* like eating certain food
DreadKnight: cazalla, I got that you want a boy, you do her to get specific habits to increase chances of having a boy
DreadKnight: cazalla, you don't gestate the baby, you just share seed with her
DreadKnight: cazalla, so you would take less chances with that dice hopefully
DreadKnight: cazalla, what she eats during early pregnancy, temperature... possibly very influential factors for the gender of the child; there are online articles about it and research done
DreadKnight: cazalla, there's some science in influencing the sex
DreadKnight: cazalla, well, she sounded pretty nice from your description
DreadKnight: buy gold and bury it somewhere, treasure map it as a nice game
DreadKnight: cazalla, too much money and afraid it would go to the government on your demise?
DreadKnight: cazalla, she had your baby because you thought you would die pretty soon, right?
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, was considering it might be the case
DreadKnight: chances of random event will increase with time
DreadKnight: bitcoinpete, what cazalla did is still peer pressure and reverse psychology ;)
DreadKnight: I thought he meant more like zerocoolnessIcantfindnickname
DreadKnight: bitcoinpete, are you looking for domain name too?
DreadKnight: some of the godfathers around add a name to the newborn as well, bitcoinpete
DreadKnight: bitcoinpete, I got experience with naming stuff; wouldn't mind being your godfather as well
DreadKnight: probably fun to make it rain since they're not worth much; kinda like it happens in #dogecoin channel
DreadKnight: guess not many banks and ATM's in that country
DreadKnight: either as a college graduate with huge debts or being in jail
DreadKnight: America likes to train slaves and tell them they're free
DreadKnight: "scamcoin" wonder if there would be people actually buying such a coin xD
DreadKnight: RebeccaBitcoin, it's not the issue if you value that crap, the issue is you don't get clients if you don't have one, unless in a few cases