19400+ entries in 0.01s
mircea_popescu: the
theory says,
that for any context
there exists in all cases a P-threshold epsilon, such
that if P>e W=0 whereas if P<e, W=q, where q is a quantified amount of productivity (because yes, W is quantified, like low-scale energies).
mircea_popescu: call
that P. meanwhile output, or productivity, is expressed as a different scalar, call it W.
mircea_popescu: work conditions (understood as available
toolset, and available paradigm, driving respectively a physical (ie,
time-cost, perceived as pain) and mental (also perceived as pain) cost sum
to a scalar describing
the "painfulness" of
the workplace.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-02 11:23:06 asciilifeform:
the 'postel's law' nonsense, of silently forgiving people who send liquishit at
the dusty disused corners of
the protocol, enabling
to even ~be~ such a
thing as dusty corners in a protocol!, MUST die.
trinque: I'm gonna go chase a girl around
the house a bit, bbl
trinque: lol, and my ping
thread was doing every 30sec!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-31 23:58:52 asciilifeform: (i.e. it is in fact possible
to fleanode with hands! via
trinque: the cuntoo experience really did some radiation damage
to my patience for
the oss stack.
trinque: "have you
tried installing it with up facing up?"
trinque: so
then, lets say freenode pings you if you haven't pinged in last x, and x happened
to resemble my ping interval closely.
trinque: and I was using chat.freenode.net, and lo,
the bot was better connected in certain sessions
than others.
trinque: to freenode, I'd be willing
to wager
trinque: god, unrelatedly, it suddenly becomes clear
that when I moved deedbot
to singapore, I increased his ping.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 15:52:02 asciilifeform:
tho possibly still isn't exactly what we
traditionally want. e.g.
this , possibly oughta match only space-bounded strings when quoted
term ?
trinque: heh,
this place needs a cartoonist so bad
trinque: I'm just glad
to hear it's still on
teh conveyor
trinque: so potentially could go for bigger process
than 65nm?
trinque: I'd just want
to know who we're selling
to. ourselves isn't enough
trinque: maybe at
that point a couple of us can muster a couple 100k
to see it baked
trinque: call
that a positive, less risk of prototype standing up and running away from your desk
trinque: if
there is any other mundanity in
the way feel free
throw it at me.
trinque: the slow prototype'd still be useful as
that, no?
trinque: I have been enamored of
this idea since
the first mircea_popescu and asciilifeform
threads on same.
trinque: the republic can't live correctly and expect folks
to line up.
the world's
too far gone. money has
to whip around in republic-shaped loops long enough
to retrain enough human heads.
trinque: I wouldn't propose building
thing without first identifying
the market.
trinque: that
thing has a market. everyone knows
tls is a lie.
trinque: this cuts
the world enough
to be useful, unless I'm stupid
trinque: so if you'll permit a dunce, imagine a device with a
trusted and untrusted interface.
trinque: i.e. inside I have w/e, naked women, dancing bears,
there's a membrane at
the edge of my lair run by
the ??? in question
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 22:06:40 asciilifeform: and wait ~1s
to multiply 1x1 ?
trinque: can an item be built
that functions at a network boundary quickly
trinque: perhaps
to establish session
trinque: what's next
there? how far is it from being bolted
to a network socket of some kind?
trinque: the existence of mod_php isn't much of an argument either.
there's mod_everything
trinque: seems like
the arms with least resistance
to being
torn off usefully are
the ones with shortest dependency chain.
trinque: being simplistic;
there's plenty of hybrid
to be had
trinque: the republic can do one of
things. it can eat a language including interpreter/compiler, or it can
the "tear-arms-off-and-beat-them-with" approach.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-14 10:55:56 asciilifeform: 'lamp' and
the influx of deskilled labour connected with its rise , is imho exactly basketball
tumour, and succinctly summarized by
naggum trinque: been
thinking of another angle on
the question.
these items are residue left by *money* flowing
trinque: heh, does
this become an even better case for apache+php. "you only need it for search/comments/etc"
trinque: iirc at one point also a block explorer was contemplated
that'd shit static html
trinque: sure, I'm not
take it away