1600+ entries in 0.051s
williamdunne: For reference, this is what they're talking about
williamdunne: Something something statistics something something customers something something viability
williamdunne: ben_vulpes: Not just airplanes, a whole airport
williamdunne: The idea I think is actually ok, Plymouth does need to be better connected, but they're definitely derping around with it
williamdunne: No, nor the advice "Social Enterprise is stupid" is the only thing I think he heard
williamdunne: Worth noting, I have no idea who any of you are. Missing from your website.
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Whats his number, I'll try and get him on here.
williamdunne: Lol, their testimonial is one of their employees saying how he is properly worked
williamdunne: flyplymouth: A bond is something that people with actual money can get behind
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Why? Anything I want to talk to you about I will talk to you about here
williamdunne: danielpbarron: Shhh, don't tell her we've seen it!
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Certainly talking about enough money to justify it..
williamdunne: flyplymouth: So once you've "stress tested" this business plan, rather than going for government money, why don't you become the first CIC to issue publicly traded bonds?
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Everyone on this channel understands what bonds are, dw about that
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Promise of interest in return for money today, I'm not too bothered by technicalities
williamdunne: flyplymouth: How would they generate returns? This is what we're asking. You can't pay dividends so..?
williamdunne: But speaking about NHS staff unhappy at their low wages, Mr Dawson suggested they could retrain and work in another industry."
williamdunne: "Mr Dawson said it was a Budget for everyone, that the prices of food and fuel had come down, and that thanks to the Budget he yesterday signed off a deal with a European country to build factories.
williamdunne: flyplymouth: I doubt Chris Dawson is too bothered about having to go to London to catch a flight
williamdunne: Have you spoken to Plymouth's sole billionaire?
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Anyhow, Social Enterprise makes profit but pays no dividends
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Most of our transport infrastructure is government owned
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Its not about if you're legally allowed to do it, its more I'm a billionaire, why the fuck do I give you money for a social program? While it can work with a small homeless shelter, you're talking about an airport. Not like there is one landlord who owns half of Plymouth and the surrounding area who wants to increase property values.
williamdunne: trinque: There are a couple of legal structures for it, like a community corporation or something of similar name
williamdunne: flyplymouth: You said you don't want to make money for shareholders
williamdunne: flyplymouth: You didn't answer the question at all
williamdunne: flyplymouth: And do you not think you could attract some actual investment if this wasn't a social enterprise?
williamdunne: flyplymouth: So, why do you need funding to do this?
williamdunne: More like an airport with a pet airline I think
williamdunne thinks bringing a business plan here is the best stress test available
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Not sure how that works, so I won't comment. Anyhow. How do you stress test a business plan?
williamdunne: flyplymouth: And I know business model is different, I meant more along the lines of bandwidth, plane size etc
williamdunne: flyplymouth: Key cities in.... UK or abroad? Tourism isn't much of a concern
williamdunne: flyplymouth: In comparison to Exeter how big was Plymouth? Exeter is kinda shit. I prefer just to go to London something
williamdunne: Seems unlikely that someone who wants to run a social-enterprise is qualified to do anything more than make coffee
williamdunne: Also, who is involved and how the hell are they qualified to run an airport?
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Biggest thing in their favour is that it was an airport that was closed, doesn't need 100% rebuilding
williamdunne: Someone is trying to crowdfund £150,000 to open an airport
williamdunne: ECUREX bragging about being FATCA compliant, top kek
williamdunne: So wouldn't be surprised if they just outright buy facebook's data
williamdunne: USG already pays good money to dell and the likes for information on who buys what from them, and what bitcoin addresses are involved in the transaction
williamdunne: trinque: IKR? Pretending that the NSA isn't already embedded 12 inches in their rectum
williamdunne has just been flagged to NSA by facebook as someone who uses PGP
williamdunne: Keyserver thing could be ...kinda useful I guess?
williamdunne: A new study has officially proved that French are smelly and Dutch, Germans and Scandinavians are the cleanest ones."
☟︎ williamdunne: "And the ‘stinkiest’ people in Europe are French
williamdunne: Its really amazing what we can do with proper scientific procedures..
williamdunne: Hence "For discussion of the bitcoin-xt potentialt"