+ AFD665D979FE64DFDCC2D99A515A887B8C32E961AFA20201755A80DCCB64713DB2942BF7828748A41C8B88859BE4BFA917CB50134A0D3F4FEF403FCFB26463EF
(0 . 0)(1 . 619)
207 with Bits; use Bits;
208 with Interfaces.C;
209 with Interfaces.C.Strings;
210 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
211 with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
212 with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
213 with Ada.Directories;
214 with Ada.Characters;
215 with Ada.Characters.Handling;
216 with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
217 with Ada.Sequential_IO;
218 with SMG_Keccak; use SMG_Keccak;
220 procedure VPatch is
221 package Latin_1 renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
222 package Dirs renames Ada.Directories;
224 -- Utilities
226 function Starts_With(S: String; Prefix: String) return Boolean is
227 begin
228 if S'Length < Prefix'Length then
229 return False;
230 end if;
231 return S(S'First..S'First+Prefix'Length-1) = Prefix;
232 end;
234 function Path_Prefix(Pathname: String;
235 Suffix: Positive) return String is
236 Pos: Natural := Pathname'Last;
237 begin
238 for I in 1..Suffix loop
239 Pos := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index(Pathname, "/",
240 From => Pos,
241 Going => Ada.Strings.Backward);
242 if Pos = 0 then
243 return Pathname;
244 end if;
245 Pos := Pos - 1;
246 end loop;
247 return Pathname(Pathname'First .. Pos);
248 end;
250 function Path_Without_Prefix(Pathname: String;
251 Prefix: Positive) return String is
252 Pos: Natural := 1;
253 begin
254 for I in 1..Prefix loop
255 Pos := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index(Pathname, "/", From => Pos);
256 if Pos = 0 then
257 return Pathname;
258 end if;
259 Pos := Pos + 1;
260 end loop;
261 return Pathname(Pos .. Pathname'Last);
262 end;
264 -- Temporary File
266 procedure MkTemp(Template: Interfaces.C.Strings.Chars_Ptr);
267 pragma Import(C, mktemp);
269 function Temp_File_Name(Template: String) return String is
270 X: Interfaces.C.Strings.Chars_Ptr
271 := Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String(Template);
272 begin
273 MkTemp(X);
274 declare
275 Result: String := Interfaces.C.Strings.Value(X);
276 begin
277 Interfaces.C.Strings.Free(X);
278 return Result;
279 end;
280 end;
282 procedure Create_Temp(File : in out File_Type;
283 Mode : in File_Mode := Out_File;
284 Template : in String := "vpatch.XXX";
285 Form : in String := "") is
286 Name: String := Temp_File_Name(Template);
287 begin
288 Create(File, Mode, Name, Form);
289 end;
291 -- VPatch data structures
293 type Patch_Op is (Op_Create, Op_Delete, Op_Patch);
295 Hash_Length: constant Positive := 128;
296 type Hash_Type is (Empty, Value);
297 type Hash(The_Type: Hash_Type := Empty) is record
298 case The_Type is
299 when Value =>
300 Value: String(1..Hash_Length);
301 when Empty =>
302 null;
303 end case;
304 end record;
306 function "=" (Left, Right: in Hash) return Boolean is
307 begin
308 if Left.The_Type = Empty and Right.The_Type = Empty then
309 return True;
310 elsif Left.The_Type = Empty or Right.The_Type = Empty then
311 return False;
312 elsif Left.Value /= Right.Value then
313 return False;
314 else
315 return True;
316 end if;
317 end "=";
319 type Header (From_L, To_L: Natural) Is record
320 From_Hash: Hash;
321 From_File: String(1..From_L);
322 To_Hash: Hash;
323 To_File: String(1..To_L);
324 end record;
326 function Operation(A_Header: Header) return Patch_Op is
327 begin
328 if A_Header.From_Hash.The_Type = Empty then
329 return Op_Create;
330 elsif A_Header.To_Hash.The_Type = Empty then
331 return Op_Delete;
332 else
333 return Op_Patch;
334 end if;
335 end;
337 function Press_Name(A_Header: Header) return String is
338 begin
339 return Path_Without_Prefix(A_Header.From_File, 1);
340 end;
342 type Line_Numbers is record
343 Start: Natural;
344 Count: Natural;
345 end record;
347 type Hunk is record
348 From_File_Line_Numbers: Line_Numbers;
349 To_File_Line_Numbers: Line_Numbers;
350 end record;
352 -- VPatch debug output routines
354 procedure Put(A_Line_Numbers: Line_Numbers) is
355 begin
356 Put(A_Line_Numbers.Start);
357 Put(A_Line_Numbers.Count);
358 end;
360 procedure Put(A_Hash: Hash) is
361 begin
362 case A_Hash.The_Type is
363 when Value =>
364 Put(A_Hash.Value);
365 when Empty =>
366 Put("no value");
367 end case;
368 end;
370 procedure Put(A_Header: Header) is
371 begin
372 Put("from file: ");
373 Put(A_Header.From_File);
374 New_Line;
375 Put("to file: ");
376 Put(A_Header.To_File);
377 New_Line;
378 Put("from hash: ");
379 Put(A_Header.From_Hash);
380 New_Line;
381 Put("to hash: ");
382 Put(A_Header.To_Hash);
383 New_Line;
384 end;
386 procedure Put(A_Hunk: Hunk) is
387 begin
388 Put("from file line numbers: ");
389 Put(A_Hunk.From_File_Line_Numbers);
390 New_Line;
391 Put("to file line numbers: ");
392 Put(A_Hunk.To_File_Line_Numbers);
393 New_Line;
394 end;
396 -- VPatch parser
398 Parse, State: exception;
400 procedure Skip_Whitespace is
401 EOL: Boolean;
402 C: Character;
403 begin
404 Skip_Loop:
405 loop
406 Look_Ahead(C, EOL);
407 exit Skip_Loop when EOL;
408 exit Skip_Loop when
409 C /= Latin_1.Space and
410 C /= Latin_1.HT;
411 Get(C);
412 end loop Skip_Loop;
413 end;
415 procedure Looking_At(Expected: String) is
416 Actual: String(Expected'Range);
417 begin
418 Get(Actual);
419 if Expected /= Actual then
420 raise Parse with "expected " & Expected & ", got " & Actual;
421 end if;
422 end;
424 procedure Next_Line is
425 begin
426 if not End_Of_Line then
427 raise Parse with "expected end of line";
428 end if;
429 Skip_Line;
430 end;
432 procedure Get(A_Hash: out Hash) is
433 No_Hash_Label: constant String := "false";
434 V: String(1..Hash_Length);
435 begin
436 Get(V(1..No_Hash_Label'Length));
437 if V(1..No_Hash_Label'Length) = No_Hash_Label then
438 A_Hash := (The_Type => Empty);
439 return;
440 end if;
441 Get(V(No_Hash_Label'Length + 1..V'Last));
442 A_Hash := (The_Type => Value,
443 Value => V);
444 end;
446 procedure Get(A_Line_Numbers: out Line_Numbers) is
447 C: Character;
448 Eol: Boolean;
449 begin
450 Get(A_Line_Numbers.Start);
451 Look_Ahead(C, Eol);
452 if Eol then
453 raise Parse;
454 end if;
455 case C is
456 when ' ' =>
457 -- If a hunk contains just one line, only its start line
458 -- number appears.
459 A_Line_Numbers.Count := 1;
460 when ',' =>
461 -- Otherwise its line numbers look like `start,count'. An
462 -- empty hunk is considered to start at the line that
463 -- follows the hunk.
464 Get(C);
465 Get(A_Line_Numbers.Count);
466 when others =>
467 raise Parse;
468 end case;
469 end;
471 function Get_Header_Filename return String is
472 EOL: Boolean;
473 Buffer: String(1..1000);
474 C: Character;
475 I: Natural := 0;
476 begin
477 Read_Loop:
478 loop
479 Look_Ahead(C, EOL);
480 exit Read_Loop when EOL;
481 exit Read_Loop when
482 C = Latin_1.Space or C = Latin_1.HT;
483 Get(C);
484 I := I + 1;
485 Buffer(I) := C;
486 end loop Read_Loop;
487 return Buffer(1..I);
488 end;
490 function Get_Header return Header is
491 From_Hash: Hash;
492 To_Hash: Hash;
493 begin
494 Looking_At("--- ");
495 declare
496 From_File: String := Get_Header_Filename;
497 begin
498 Skip_Whitespace;
499 Get(From_Hash);
500 Looking_At("+++ ");
501 declare
502 To_File: String := Get_Header_Filename;
503 begin
504 Skip_Whitespace;
505 Get(To_Hash);
506 Next_Line;
507 declare
508 H: Header := (From_L => From_File'Length,
509 To_L => To_File'Length,
510 From_File => From_File,
511 To_File => To_File,
512 From_Hash => From_Hash,
513 To_Hash => To_Hash);
514 begin
515 return H;
516 end;
517 end;
518 end;
519 end;
521 procedure Get(A_Hunk: out Hunk) is
522 begin
523 Looking_At("@@ -");
524 Get(A_Hunk.From_File_Line_Numbers);
525 Looking_At(" +");
526 Get(A_Hunk.To_File_Line_Numbers);
527 Looking_At(" @@");
528 Next_Line;
529 end;
531 procedure Process_Hunks_For_Header(A_Header: Header) Is
532 EOL: Boolean;
533 C: Character;
534 A_Hunk: Hunk;
535 -- ensure valid line counts
536 From_Count: Natural := 0;
537 To_Count: Natural := 0;
538 Has_Input_File: Boolean;
539 In_F: File_Type;
540 To_F: File_Type;
541 Line: Positive := 1;
542 In_Ctx: Keccak_Context;
543 To_Ctx: Keccak_Context;
544 In_Hash: Bitstream(1..64*8);
545 To_Hash: Bitstream(1..64*8);
546 To_F_Name: constant String := Press_Name(A_Header);
547 Op: Patch_Op;
549 procedure Hash_Line(Ctx: in out Keccak_Context; S: String) is
550 B: Bitstream(1..S'Length*8);
551 LF_B: constant Bitstream(1..8) := (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
552 begin
553 ToBitstream(S, B);
554 KeccakHash(Ctx, B);
555 KeccakHash(Ctx, LF_B);
556 end;
558 procedure Check_Input_File_Hash is
559 begin
560 if Has_Input_File then
561 begin
562 Catch_Up_Loop:
563 loop
564 declare
565 In_Line: String := Get_Line(In_F);
566 begin
567 Put_Line(To_F, In_Line);
568 Hash_Line(In_Ctx, In_Line);
569 Hash_Line(To_Ctx, In_Line);
570 end;
571 end loop Catch_Up_Loop;
572 exception
573 when End_Error =>
574 null;
575 end;
576 KeccakEnd(In_Ctx, In_Hash);
578 declare
579 Hex_Hash: String := ToHex(In_Hash);
580 H: Hash := (Value => Hex_Hash,
581 The_Type => Value);
582 begin
583 if A_Header.From_Hash /= (Value => Hex_Hash,
584 The_Type => Value) then
585 raise State with "from hash doesn't match";
586 end if;
587 end;
588 end if;
589 end Check_Input_File_Hash;
591 procedure Check_Output_File_Hash is
592 begin
593 KeccakEnd(To_Ctx, To_Hash);
594 declare
595 H_Hex: String := ToHex(To_Hash);
596 H: Hash;
597 begin
598 case Op is
599 when Op_Create | Op_Patch =>
600 H := (Value => H_Hex,
601 The_Type => Value);
602 when Op_Delete =>
603 H := (The_Type => Empty);
604 end case;
605 if A_Header.To_Hash /= H then
606 raise State with "to hash doesn't match";
607 end if;
608 end;
609 end Check_Output_File_Hash;
611 procedure Cleanup is
612 begin
613 if Is_Open(To_F) then
614 Dirs.Delete_File(Name(To_F));
615 end if;
616 end Cleanup;
618 begin
619 Op := Operation(A_Header);
621 -- log
622 case Op is
623 when Op_Create => Put_Line("creating " & To_F_Name);
624 when Op_Delete => Put_Line("deleting " & To_F_Name);
625 when Op_Patch => Put_Line("patching " & To_F_Name);
626 end case;
628 -- check the file system state
629 case Op is
630 when Op_Delete | Op_Patch =>
631 if not Dirs.Exists(To_F_Name) then
632 raise State with "attempt to "
633 & Patch_Op'Image(Op)
634 & " non existing file " & To_F_Name;
635 end if;
636 when Op_Create =>
637 if Dirs.Exists(To_F_Name) then
638 raise State with "attempt to create a file, but file already exists";
639 end if;
640 end case;
642 -- prepare keccak and open files
643 KeccakBegin(To_Ctx);
644 Create_Temp(To_F, Out_File, "tmp.XXX");
645 case Op is
646 when Op_Create =>
647 Has_Input_File := False;
648 when Op_Delete | Op_Patch =>
649 Has_Input_File := True;
650 KeccakBegin(In_Ctx);
651 Open(In_F, In_File, To_F_Name);
652 end case;
654 Hunk_Loop:
655 loop
656 Look_Ahead(C, EOL);
657 exit Hunk_Loop when EOL;
658 exit Hunk_Loop when C /= '@';
659 Get(A_Hunk);
660 From_Count := A_Hunk.From_File_Line_Numbers.Count;
661 To_Count := A_Hunk.To_File_Line_Numbers.Count;
662 -- Hunk is not at the beginning of the file, copy lines up to
663 -- start.
664 if Line < A_Hunk.From_File_Line_Numbers.Start then
665 if not Has_Input_File then
666 raise State with "hunk requires before context lines, "
667 & "but there's no input file";
668 end if;
669 while Line < A_Hunk.From_File_Line_Numbers.Start loop
670 if End_Of_File(In_F) then
671 raise State with "hunk requires before context lines, "
672 & "but the file has ended";
673 end if;
674 declare
675 In_Line: String := Get_Line(In_F);
676 begin
677 Hash_Line(In_Ctx, In_Line);
678 Hash_Line(To_Ctx, In_Line);
679 Put_Line(To_F, In_Line);
680 Line := Line + 1;
681 end;
682 end loop;
683 end if;
684 Hunk_Body_Loop:
685 loop
686 exit Hunk_Body_Loop when From_Count = 0 and To_Count = 0;
687 Look_Ahead(C, EOL);
688 if EOL then
689 raise Parse with "blank line in hunk";
690 end if;
691 case C is
692 when '+' => -- line added
693 Get(C);
694 case Op is
695 when Op_Create | Op_Patch => null;
696 when Op_Delete => raise State with "hunk trying to add lines, "
697 & "but the operation is deletion";
698 end case;
699 if To_Count = 0 then
700 raise State with "hunk trying to add lines, "
701 & "but the line count is not valid";
702 end if;
703 declare
704 Patch_Line: String := Get_Line;
705 begin
706 Put_Line(To_F, Patch_Line);
707 Hash_Line(To_Ctx, Patch_Line);
708 end;
709 To_Count := To_Count - 1;
710 when '-' => -- line deleted
711 Get(C);
712 case Op is
713 when Op_Delete | Op_Patch => null;
714 when Op_Create => raise State;
715 end case;
716 if not Has_Input_File then
717 raise State with "hunk trying to remove lines, "
718 & "but the input file doesn't exist";
719 end if;
720 if From_Count = 0 then
721 raise State with "hunk trying to remove lines, "
722 & "when the input file already ended";
723 end if;
724 declare
725 In_Line: String := Get_Line(In_F);
726 Patch_Line: String := Get_Line;
727 begin
728 if In_Line /= Patch_Line then
729 raise State with "lines don't match";
730 end if;
731 Hash_Line(In_Ctx, In_Line);
732 end;
733 Line := Line + 1;
734 From_Count := From_Count - 1;
735 when ' ' => -- line stays the same
736 Get(C);
737 if not Has_Input_File then
738 raise State with "hunk claims identical lines, "
739 & "but the input file doesn't exist";
740 end if;
741 if End_Of_File(In_F) then
742 raise State with "hunk claims identical lines, "
743 & "but the input file has ended";
744 end if;
745 if From_Count = 0 then
746 raise State with "hunk claims identical lines, "
747 & "when input file already ended";
748 end if;
749 declare
750 In_Line: String := Get_Line(In_F);
751 Patch_Line: String := Get_Line;
752 begin
753 if In_Line /= Patch_Line then
754 raise State with "lines don't match";
755 end if;
756 Put_Line(To_F, Patch_Line);
757 Hash_Line(In_Ctx, In_Line);
758 Hash_Line(To_Ctx, In_Line);
759 end;
760 Line := Line + 1;
761 From_Count := From_Count - 1;
762 To_Count := To_Count - 1;
763 when others =>
764 raise Parse with "unexpected character "
765 & Character'Image(C)
766 & " at beginning of line in hunk body";
767 end case;
768 end loop Hunk_Body_Loop;
769 end loop Hunk_Loop;
771 Check_Input_File_Hash;
772 Check_Output_File_Hash;
774 declare
775 Tmp_Name: String := Name(To_F);
776 begin
777 Close(To_F);
778 if Has_Input_File then
779 Close(In_F);
780 Dirs.Delete_File(To_F_Name);
781 else
782 if not Dirs.Exists(Path_Prefix(To_F_Name, 1)) then
783 Dirs.Create_Path(Path_Prefix(To_F_Name, 1));
784 end if;
785 end if;
786 case Op is
787 when Op_Create | Op_Patch =>
788 Dirs.Rename(Tmp_Name, To_F_Name);
789 when Op_Delete =>
790 Dirs.Delete_File(Tmp_Name);
791 end case;
792 end;
794 exception
795 when E : State =>
796 -- we've encountered state issue,
797 -- check first that the input hash is valid
798 Cleanup;
799 Check_Input_File_Hash;
800 raise;
802 when E : others =>
803 Cleanup;
804 raise;
805 end Process_Hunks_For_Header;
807 begin
808 Read_Loop:
809 loop
810 declare
811 S: String := Get_Line;
812 begin
813 if Starts_With(S, "diff ") then
814 declare
815 H: Header := Get_Header;
816 begin
817 Process_Hunks_For_Header(H);
818 exit Read_Loop when End_Of_File;
819 end;
820 else
821 Put_Line("Prelude: " & S);
822 end if;
823 end;
824 end loop Read_Loop;
825 end;