#include "diff.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Read the directory named by |dir| and store into |dirdata| a sorted vector of filenames for its contents. |dir->desc == -1| means this directory is known to be nonexistent, so set |dirdata| to an empty vector. Return -1 (setting |errno|) if error, 0 otherwise. */ struct dirdata { size_t nnames; /* Number of names. */ char const **names; /* Sorted names of files in dir, followed by 0. */ char *data; /* Allocated storage for file names. */ }; static bool dir_loop(struct comparison const *, int); /* Read a directory and get its vector of names. */ static bool dir_read(struct file_data const *dir, struct dirdata *dirdata) { register struct dirent *next; register size_t i; /* Address of block containing the files that are described. */ char const **names; /* Number of files in directory. */ size_t nnames; /* Allocated and used storage for file name data. */ char *data; size_t data_alloc, data_used; dirdata->names = 0; dirdata->data = 0; nnames = 0; data = 0; if (dir->desc != -1) { /* Open the directory and check for errors. */ register DIR *reading = opendir(dir->name); if (!reading) return false; /* Initialize the table of filenames. */ data_alloc = 512; data_used = 0; dirdata->data = data = xmalloc(data_alloc); /* Read the directory entries, and insert the subfiles into the |data| table. */ while ((errno = 0, (next = readdir(reading)) != 0)) { char *d_name = next->d_name; size_t d_size = strlen (next->d_name) + 1; /* Ignore "." and "..". */ if (d_name[0] == '.' && (d_name[1] == 0 || (d_name[1] == '.' && d_name[2] == 0))) continue; while (data_alloc < data_used + d_size) { if (PTRDIFF_MAX / 2 <= data_alloc) xalloc_die(); dirdata->data = data = xrealloc(data, data_alloc *= 2); } memcpy (data + data_used, d_name, d_size); data_used += d_size; nnames++; } if (errno) { int e = errno; closedir(reading); errno = e; return false; } if (closedir(reading) != 0) return false; } /* Create the |names| table from the |data| table. */ if (PTRDIFF_MAX / sizeof *names - 1 <= nnames) xalloc_die(); dirdata->names = names = xmalloc((nnames + 1) * sizeof *names); dirdata->nnames = nnames; for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) { names[i] = data; data += strlen(data) + 1; } names[nnames] = 0; return true; } /* Compare file names, returning a value compatible with strcmp. */ #define compare_names strcmp /* Compare names FILE1 and FILE2 when sorting a directory. */ static int compare_names_for_qsort(void const *file1, void const *file2) { char const *const *f1 = file1; char const *const *f2 = file2; char const *name1 = *f1; char const *name2 = *f2; return compare_names(name1, name2); } /* Compare the contents of two directories named in |cmp|. This is a top-level routine; it does everything necessary for diff on two directories. |cmp->file[0].desc == -1| says directory |cmp->file[0]| doesn't exist, but pretend it is empty. Likewise for |cmp->file[1]|. |handle_file| is a caller-provided subroutine called to handle each file. It gets three operands: |cmp|, name of file in dir 0, name of file in dir 1. These names are relative to the original working directory. For a file that appears in only one of the dirs, one of the name-args to |handle_file| is zero. Returns the maximum of all the values returned by |handle_file|, or |exit_trouble| if trouble is encountered in opening files. */ int diff_dirs(struct comparison const *cmp, int (*handle_file)(struct comparison const *, char const *, char const *)) { struct dirdata dirdata[2]; int volatile val = EXIT_SUCCESS; int i; if ((cmp->file[0].desc == -1 || dir_loop(cmp, 0)) && (cmp->file[1].desc == -1 || dir_loop(cmp, 1))) { error(0, 0, "%s: recursive directory loop", cmp->file[cmp->file[0].desc == -1].name); return EXIT_TROUBLE; } /* Get contents of both dirs. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (!dir_read(&cmp->file[i], &dirdata[i])) { perror_with_name(cmp->file[i].name); val = EXIT_TROUBLE; } if (val == EXIT_SUCCESS) { char const **volatile names[2]; names[0] = dirdata[0].names; names[1] = dirdata[1].names; /* Sort the directories. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) qsort(names[i], dirdata[i].nnames, sizeof *dirdata[i].names, compare_names_for_qsort); /* If |-S name| was given, and this is the topmost level of comparison, ignore all file names less than the specified starting name. */ if (starting_file && !cmp->parent) { while (*names[0] && compare_names(*names[0], starting_file) < 0) names[0]++; while (*names[1] && compare_names(*names[1], starting_file) < 0) names[1]++; } /* Loop while files remain in one or both dirs. */ while (*names[0] || *names[1]) { /* Compare next name in dir 0 with next name in dir 1. At the end of a dir, pretend the "next name" in that dir is very large. */ int nameorder = (!*names[0] ? 1 : !*names[1] ? -1 : compare_names(*names[0], *names[1])); int v1 = (*handle_file)(cmp, 0 < nameorder ? 0 : *names[0]++, nameorder < 0 ? 0 : *names[1]++); if (val < v1) val = v1; } } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { free(dirdata[i].names); free(dirdata[i].data); } return val; } /* Return nonzero if $cmp$ is looping recursively in argument $i$. */ static bool dir_loop(struct comparison const *cmp, int i) { struct comparison const *p = cmp; while ((p = p->parent)) if (0 < same_file (&p->file[i].stat, &cmp->file[i].stat)) return true; return false; } /* Find a matching filename in a directory. */ char * find_dir_file_pathname(char const *dir, char const *file) { const char *match = file; return file_name_concat(dir, match, NULL); }