with Interfaces; use Interfaces; package body Bits is -- helper functions procedure ToBitstream(S: in String; B: out Bitstream ) is V : Unsigned_8; Pos : Natural; begin Pos := B'First; for C of S loop V := Character'Pos( C ); B( Pos ) := Bit( V and 1 ); B( Pos + 1 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 1 ) and 1 ); B( Pos + 2 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 2 ) and 1 ); B( Pos + 3 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 3 ) and 1 ); B( Pos + 4 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 4 ) and 1 ); B( Pos + 5 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 5 ) and 1 ); B( Pos + 6 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 6 ) and 1 ); B( Pos + 7 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 7 ) and 1 ); Pos := Pos + 8; end loop; end ToBitstream; procedure ToString(B: in Bitstream; S: out String ) is N : Natural; Pos : Natural; begin Pos := B'First; for I in S'Range loop N := Natural( B( Pos ) ) + Natural( B( Pos + 1 ) ) * 2 + Natural( B( Pos + 2 ) ) * 4 + Natural( B( Pos + 3 ) ) * 8 + Natural( B( Pos + 4 ) ) * 16 + Natural( B( Pos + 5 ) ) * 32 + Natural( B( Pos + 6 ) ) * 64 + Natural( B( Pos + 7 ) ) * 128; Pos := Pos + 8; S( I ) := Character'Val( N ); end loop; end ToString; -- direction translation of C function from vdiff procedure ToHex(B: in Bitstream; S: out String) is Bytes: String(1..B'Length/8); Hex_Digits: constant String := "0123456789abcdef"; I: Positive := 1; V: Unsigned_8; X: Positive := 1; begin ToString(B, Bytes); for C of Bytes loop V := Character'Pos(C); S(I) := Hex_Digits(Integer(Shift_Right(V, 4) + 1)); I := I + 1; S(I) := Hex_Digits(Integer((V and 16#F#) + 1)); I := I + 1; end loop; end; function ToHex(B: in Bitstream) return String is S: String(1..B'Length/4); begin ToHex(B, S); return S; end; end Bits;