-- S.MG, 2018 with System; use System; -- for Bit_Order package body SMG_Keccak is -- public function, sponge procedure Sponge( Input : in Bitstream; Output : out Bitstream; Block_Len : in Keccak_Rate := Default_Bitrate ) is Internal : State := (others => (others => 0)); begin --absorb input into sponge in a loop on available blocks, including padding declare -- number of input blocks after padding (between 2 and block_len bits pad) Padded_Blocks : constant Positive := 1 + (Input'Length + 1) / Block_Len; Padded : Bitstream ( 1 .. Padded_Blocks * Block_Len ); Block : Bitstream ( 1 .. Block_Len ); begin -- initialise Padded with 0 everywhere Padded := ( others => 0 ); -- copy and pad input with rule 10*1 Padded( Padded'First .. Padded'First + Input'Length - 1 ) := Input; Padded( Padded'First + Input'Length ) := 1; Padded( Padded'Last ) := 1; -- loop through padded input and absorb block by block into sponge -- padded input IS a multiple of blocks, so no stray bits left for B in 0 .. Padded_Blocks - 1 loop -- first get the current block to absorb Block := Padded( Padded'First + B * Block_Len .. Padded'First + (B+1) * Block_Len - 1 ); AbsorbBlock( Block, Internal ); -- scramble state with Keccak function Internal := Keccak_Function( Internal ); end loop; -- end absorb loop for blocks end; -- end absorb stage --squeeze required bits from sponge in a loop as needed declare -- full blocks per output BPO : constant Natural := Output'Length / Block_Len; -- stray bits per output SPO : constant Natural := Output'Length mod Block_Len; Block : Bitstream( 1 .. Block_Len ); begin -- squeeze block by block (if at least one full block is needed) for I in 0 .. BPO - 1 loop SqueezeBlock( Block, Internal ); Output( Output'First + I * Block_Len .. Output'First + (I + 1) * Block_Len -1) := Block; -- scramble state Internal := Keccak_Function( Internal ); end loop; -- end squeezing full blocks -- squeeze any partial block needed (stray bits) if SPO > 0 then SqueezeBlock( Block, Internal ); Output( Output'Last - SPO + 1 .. Output'Last ) := Block( Block'First .. Block'First + SPO - 1 ); end if; -- end squeezing partial last block (stray bits) end; -- end squeeze stage end Sponge; -- public interface, state based Sponge procedure KeccakBegin(Ctx : in out Keccak_Context) is begin Ctx.Internal := (others => (others => 0)); Ctx.Block := (others => 0); Ctx.Pos := Ctx.Block'First; end; procedure KeccakHash(Ctx : in out Keccak_Context; Input : Bitstream) is I0 : Natural; I1 : Natural; B0 : Natural; B1 : Natural; begin I0 := Input'First; <> I1 := Input'Last; B0 := Ctx.Pos; B1 := B0 + (I1-I0); if B1>Ctx.Block'Last then B1 := Ctx.Block'Last; I1 := I0 + (B1-B0); end if; Ctx.Block(B0..B1) := Input(I0..I1); Ctx.Pos := B1 + 1; -- we've filled up the buffer if Ctx.Pos > Ctx.Block'Last then AbsorbBlock(Ctx.Block, Ctx.Internal); Ctx.Internal := Keccak_Function(Ctx.Internal); Ctx.Pos := Ctx.Block'First; end if; -- we haven't processed entire input block, loop if I1 < Input'Last then I0 := I1 + 1; goto Block_Process_Loop; end if; end; procedure KeccakEnd(Ctx : in out Keccak_Context; Output : out Bitstream) is BlocksPerOutput : constant Natural := Output'Length / Ctx.Block_Len; StrayPerOutput : constant Natural := Output'Length mod Ctx.Block_Len; Block : Bitstream(1 .. Ctx.Block_Len); Need : Natural; begin if Ctx.Pos /= 0 then -- needs padding Block := (others => 0); Need := Ctx.Block'Last - Ctx.Pos; Block(Block'First) := 1; Block(Block'First+Need) := 1; KeccakHash(Ctx, Block(1..Need+1)); end if; -- squeez bits for I in 0 .. BlocksPerOutput - 1 loop SqueezeBlock(Block, Ctx.Internal); Output(Output'First + I * Ctx.Block_Len .. Output'First + (I + 1) * Ctx.Block_Len -1) := Block; Ctx.Internal := Keccak_Function(Ctx.Internal); end loop; if StrayPerOutput > 0 then SqueezeBlock(Block, Ctx.Internal); Output(Output'Last - StrayPerOutput + 1 .. Output'Last) := Block(Block'First .. Block'First + StrayPerOutput - 1); end if; end; -- convert from a bitstream of ZWord size to an actual ZWord number function BitsToWord( BWord: in Bitword ) return ZWord is W : ZWord; Bits: Bitword; begin -- just copy octets if machine is little endian -- flip octets if machine is big endian if Default_Bit_Order = Low_Order_First then Bits := BWord; else Bits := FlipOctets( BWord ); end if; -- actual bits to word conversion W := 0; -- LSB bit order (inside octet) as per Keccak spec for I in reverse Bitword'Range loop W := Shift_Left( W, 1 ) + ZWord( Bits( I ) ); end loop; return W; end BitsToWord; -- convert from a ZWord (lane of state) to a bitstream of ZWord size function WordToBits( Word: in ZWord ) return Bitword is Bits: Bitword := (others => 0); W: ZWord; begin W := Word; for I in Bitword'Range loop Bits( I ) := Bit( W mod 2 ); W := Shift_Right( W, 1 ); end loop; -- flip octets if machine is big endian if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then Bits := FlipOctets( Bits ); end if; return Bits; end WordToBits; -- flip given octets (i.e. groups of 8 bits) function FlipOctets( BWord : in Bitword ) return Bitword is Bits : Bitword; begin -- copy groups of 8 octets changing their order in the array -- i.e. 1st octet in BWord becomes last octet in Bits and so on for I in 0 .. ( Bitword'Length / 8 - 1 ) loop Bits ( Bits'First + I * 8 .. Bits'First + I * 8 + 7 ) := BWord( BWord'Last - I * 8 - 7 .. BWord'Last - I * 8); end loop; return Bits; end FlipOctets; -- helper procedures for sponge absorb/squeeze -- NO scramble here, this will absorb ALL given block, make sure it fits! procedure AbsorbBlock( Block: in Bitstream; S: in out State ) is WPB: constant Natural := Block'Length / Z_Length; -- words per block SBB: constant Natural := Block'Length mod Z_Length; -- stray bits FromPos, ToPos : Natural; X, Y : XYCoord; Word : ZWord; BWord : Bitword; begin -- xor current block into first Block'Length bits of state -- a block can consist in more than one word X := 0; Y := 0; for I in 0..WPB-1 loop FromPos := Block'First + I * Z_Length; ToPos := FromPos + Z_Length - 1; Word := BitsToWord( Block( FromPos .. ToPos ) ); S( X, Y ) := S( X, Y ) xor Word; -- move on to next word in state X := X + 1; if X = 0 then Y := Y + 1; end if; end loop; -- absorb also any remaining bits from block if SBB > 0 then ToPos := Block'Last; FromPos := ToPos - SBB + 1; BWord := (others => 0); BWord(Bitword'First .. Bitword'First + SBB - 1) := Block(ToPos..FromPos); Word := BitsToWord( BWord ); S( X, Y ) := S( X, Y ) xor Word; end if; end AbsorbBlock; -- NO scramble here, this will squeeze Block'Length bits out of *same* state S procedure SqueezeBlock( Block: out Bitstream; S: in State) is X, Y : XYCoord; BWord : Bitword; FromPos : Natural; Len : Natural; begin X := 0; Y := 0; FromPos := Block'First; while FromPos <= Block'Last loop BWord := WordToBits( S(X, Y) ); X := X + 1; if X = 0 then Y := Y + 1; end if; -- copy full word if it fits or -- only as many bits as are still needed to fill the block Len := Block'Last - FromPos + 1; if Len > Z_Length then Len := Z_Length; end if; Block(FromPos..FromPos+Len-1) := BWord(BWord'First..BWord'First+Len-1); FromPos := FromPos + Len; end loop; end SqueezeBlock; -- private, internal transformations function Theta(Input : in State) return State is Output : State; C : Plane; W : ZWord; begin for X in XYCoord loop C(X) := Input(X, 0); for Y in 1..XYCoord'Last loop C(X) := C(X) xor Input(X, Y); end loop; end loop; for X in XYCoord loop W := C(X-1) xor Rotate_Left(C(X+1), 1); for Y in XYCoord loop Output(X,Y) := Input(X,Y) xor W; end loop; end loop; return Output; end Theta; function Rho(Input : in State) return State is Output : State; X, Y, Old_Y : XYCoord; begin Output(0,0) := Input(0,0); X := 1; Y := 0; for T in 0..23 loop Output(X, Y) := Rotate_Left(Input(X,Y), ((T+1)*(T+2)/2) mod Z_Length); Old_Y := Y; Y := 2*X + 3*Y; X := Old_Y; end loop; return Output; end rho; function Pi(Input : in State) return State is Output: State; begin for X in XYCoord loop for Y in XYCoord loop Output(Y, 2*X + 3*Y) := Input(X, Y); end loop; end loop; return Output; end pi; function Chi(Input : in State) return State is Output: State; begin for Y in XYCoord loop for X in XYCoord loop Output(X, Y) := Input(X, Y) xor ( (not Input(X + 1, Y)) and Input(X + 2, Y) ); end loop; end loop; return Output; end chi; function Iota(Round_Const : in ZWord; Input : in State) return State is Output: State; begin Output := Input; Output(0,0) := Input(0,0) xor Round_Const; return Output; end iota; function Keccak_Function(Input: in State) return State is Output: State; begin Output := Input; for I in Round_Index loop Output := Iota(RC(I), Chi(Pi(Rho(Theta(Output))))); end loop; return Output; end Keccak_Function; end SMG_Keccak;