+ 680EFB9458A976F700A689A6B0678510172945E94D35207F07BEA280BB87B30EDC889968FBF6C922C8CC5C79B9193986AB66037CC36F47D52B49E91826C22FE4
(0 . 0)(1 . 89)
192 package body Keccak_C is
193 -- helper functions
194 procedure ToBitstream(S: in String; B: out Bitstream ) is
195 V : Unsigned_8;
196 Pos : Natural;
197 begin
198 Pos := B'First;
199 for C of S loop
200 V := Character'Pos( C );
201 B( Pos ) := Bit( V and 1 );
202 B( Pos + 1 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 1 ) and 1 );
203 B( Pos + 2 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 2 ) and 1 );
204 B( Pos + 3 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 3 ) and 1 );
205 B( Pos + 4 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 4 ) and 1 );
206 B( Pos + 5 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 5 ) and 1 );
207 B( Pos + 6 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 6 ) and 1 );
208 B( Pos + 7 ) := Bit( Shift_Right( V, 7 ) and 1 );
209 Pos := Pos + 8;
210 end loop;
211 end ToBitstream;
213 procedure ToString(B: in Bitstream; S: out String ) is
214 N : Natural;
215 Pos : Natural;
216 begin
217 Pos := B'First;
218 for I in S'Range loop
219 N := Natural( B( Pos ) ) +
220 Natural( B( Pos + 1 ) ) * 2 +
221 Natural( B( Pos + 2 ) ) * 4 +
222 Natural( B( Pos + 3 ) ) * 8 +
223 Natural( B( Pos + 4 ) ) * 16 +
224 Natural( B( Pos + 5 ) ) * 32 +
225 Natural( B( Pos + 6 ) ) * 64 +
226 Natural( B( Pos + 7 ) ) * 128;
227 Pos := Pos + 8;
228 S( I ) := Character'Val( N );
229 end loop;
230 end ToString;
232 -- C interface
234 procedure C_Get_Size(Size: out Interfaces.C.size_t) is
235 begin
236 Size := C_Context'Size / 8;
237 end C_Get_Size;
239 function C_Begin return C_Context_Access is
240 Result : C_Context_Access;
241 begin
242 Result := new C_Context;
243 KeccakBegin(Result.all);
244 return Result;
245 end C_Begin;
247 procedure C_Hash(Ctx: in C_Context_Access;
248 Input: Interfaces.C.Char_Array;
249 Len: Interfaces.C.Size_T) is
250 L: Natural := Natural(Len);
251 S: String(1..L);
252 B: Bitstream(1..S'Length*8);
253 begin
254 Interfaces.C.To_Ada(Input, S, L, Trim_Nul => False);
255 ToBitstream(S, B);
256 KeccakHash(Ctx.all, B);
257 end C_Hash;
259 procedure C_End(Ctx: C_Context_Access;
260 Output: out Interfaces.C.Char_Array;
261 Len: Interfaces.C.Size_T) is
262 L: Natural := Natural(Len);
263 S: String(1..L);
264 B: Bitstream(1..S'Length*8);
265 Count: Interfaces.C.Size_T;
266 begin
267 KeccakEnd(Ctx.all, B);
268 ToString(B, S);
269 Interfaces.C.To_C(S, Output(0..Len), Count, Append_Nul => False);
270 -- Len = Count
271 end C_End;
273 procedure C_Context_Deallocate is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
274 (C_Context, C_Context_Access);
276 procedure C_Deallocate(Ctx: in out C_Context_Access) is
277 begin
278 C_Context_Deallocate(Ctx);
279 end C_Deallocate;
280 end Keccak_C;