#!/usr/bin/perl # (C) 2014 - 2018 The Bitcoin Foundation. You do not have, nor can you ever # acquire the right to use, copy or distribute this software ; Should you use # this software for any purpose, or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any # manner, you are breaking the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and # you promise to continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, # please always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures # that you use - for any purpose. # modified by Diana Coman to use vtools with keccak hashes (vpatch and ksum) # version no changed to 99992 use strict; my $version = "99992 K "; my $tdir = ""; my $graph; my %wot = (); my %map = (); my %tmp_map = (); my %banners = (); my %ante_map = (); my %desc_map = (); my %vp_map = (); my ($pdir, $sdir, $wdir) = ""; my (@pfiles, @sfiles, @wfiles) = (); my @dep_bins = ("cat", "echo", "gpg", "ls", "mkdir", "vpatch", "pwd", "rm", "ksum", "sort", "wget", "which", "mktemp"); sub check_required_bins { my (@bins) = @_; foreach my $bin (@bins) { my $res = `command -v $bin >&1`; chomp($res); death("Dependent program not found! : $bin\n") if $res eq ""; } } sub get_pwd { my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp($pwd); return $pwd; } sub set_files { my ($dir) = @_; if(!-d $dir) { my $msg = "$dir directory does not exist.\n" . "See 'init' or 'sync' commands in 'help'.\n"; death($msg); } my @a = `ls $dir | sort`; return wash(@a); } sub wash { my (@a)=@_; my @b; foreach(@a) {chomp($_); push @b, $_;} return @b; } sub init { my ($URL, $pd, $sd) = @_; if($URL && $pd && $sd) { if(!-d $pd) { `mkdir -p $pd`; sync_all_vpatches($URL, $pd); } else { print "$pd dir exists! Skipping initial Vpatch sync\n"; } if(!-d $sd) { `mkdir -p $sd`; sync_seals($URL, $sd); } else { print "$sd dir exists! Skipping initial Seal sync\n"; } } } sub build_wot { my $uid, my $banner, my $keyid, my $fp; foreach my $pubkey (@wfiles) { my $import = "gpg --homedir $tdir --logger-fd 1 --keyid-format=long " . "--import $wdir/$pubkey 2> /dev/null"; my $res = `$import`; $uid = $1 if $pubkey =~ /(.*)\.asc/; chomp($uid); $banner = $1 if $res =~ /\"(.*)\"/; chomp($banner); $keyid = $1 if $res =~ /key (.*)\:/; chomp($keyid); my $res_fp = `gpg --homedir $tdir --logger-fd 1 --fingerprint $keyid`; $fp = $1 if $res_fp =~ /Key fingerprint = (.*)/; $fp =~ s/\s+//g; $wot{$uid} = { fp => $fp, banner => $banner }; } } sub validate_seals { my $seal_key, my $seal_signatory, my $uid, my $fp, my $patch, my %sig; foreach my $patch (@pfiles) { foreach my $seal (@sfiles) { $seal_key = $1 if $seal =~ /^(.*)\..*\..*$/; $seal_signatory = $1 if $seal =~ /^.*\.(.*)\..*$/; if($patch =~ /^$seal_key$/) { if(exists $wot{$seal_signatory}) { if(not exists $banners{$patch} && $patch ne "") { $banners{$patch} = $patch; %sig = (); } my $verify = "gpg --homedir $tdir --logger-fd 1 --verify $sdir/$seal " . "$pdir/$patch"; my @res = `$verify`; foreach my $r (@res) { $fp = $1 if $r =~ /Primary key fingerprint: (.*)/; $fp =~ s/\s+//g; foreach my $uidkey (sort keys %wot) { if($wot{$uidkey}{fp} eq $fp) { $uid = $uidkey; last; } } } my $verified = ""; foreach my $r (@res) { if($r =~ /Good signature/ && $uid ne "") { $sig{$wot{$uid}{fp}} = $uid; $banners{$patch} = {%sig}; $verified = "true"; last; } } if($verified ne "true") { my $border = "-----------------------------------------" . "-----------------------------------------"; print "$border\n"; print "WARNING: $seal is an INVALID seal for $patch!\n"; my $msg = "Check that this user is in your WoT.\n" . "Otherwise remove the invalid seal from your SEALS directory."; print "$msg\n"; print "$border\n"; death(); } $verified = ""; } } } } } sub build_map { my %vpdata; @pfiles = (); foreach my $vpatch (keys %banners) { push @pfiles, $vpatch; } foreach my $pfile (@pfiles) { $map{$pfile} = $pfile; my @patch = `cat $pdir/$pfile`; my $src_file = "", my $ante_hash = "", my $desc_hash = ""; foreach my $p (@patch) { $src_file = $1, $ante_hash = $2 if $p =~ /^--- (.*) (.*)/; $desc_hash = $1 if $p =~ /^\+\+\+ .* (.*)/; if($src_file && $ante_hash && $desc_hash) { death("$pfile is an invalid vpatch!\n") if $ante_hash eq $desc_hash; $vpdata{$src_file} = { a => $ante_hash, b => $desc_hash }; $map{$pfile} = {%vpdata}; $src_file = "", $ante_hash = "", $desc_hash = ""; } } death("Error! $pfile is an invalid vpatch file.\n") if !%vpdata; %vpdata = (); } return %map; } sub roots { my @roots = (); my $is_root = "false"; foreach my $vpatch (keys %map) { my %ante = antecedents($vpatch); if(!%ante) { foreach my $src_file_name (keys %{$map{$vpatch}}) { if($map{$vpatch}{$src_file_name}->{a} eq "false") { $is_root = "true"; next; } else { $is_root = "false"; last; } } push @roots, $vpatch if $is_root eq "true"; } } return @roots; } sub leafs { my @leafs; foreach my $vpatch (keys %map) { my %desc = descendants($vpatch); push @leafs, $vpatch if !%desc; } return @leafs; } sub traverse_desc { my (%st) = @_; my %desc; foreach my $k (keys %map) { my @tmp = (); foreach my $src_file_name (keys %{$map{$k}}) { my $src_file = $map{$k}{$src_file_name}; foreach my $sf_name (keys %st) { my $sf = $st{$sf_name}; if($src_file_name eq $sf_name && $src_file->{a} eq $sf->{b} && $src_file->{a} ne "false") { push @tmp, $sf_name; $desc{$k} = [@tmp]; } } } } return %desc; } sub traverse_ante { my (%st) = @_; my %ante; foreach my $k (keys %map) { my @tmp = (); foreach my $src_file_name (keys %{$map{$k}}) { my $src_file = $map{$k}{$src_file_name}; foreach my $sf_name (keys %st) { my $sf = $st{$sf_name}; if($src_file_name eq $sf_name && $src_file->{b} eq $sf->{a} && $src_file->{b} ne "false") { push @tmp, $sf_name; $ante{$k} = [@tmp]; } } } } return %ante; } sub search_map { my ($search_key) = @_; if(exists $map{$search_key}) { return %{$map{$search_key}}; } else { death("Error! Could not find vpatch \"$search_key\" in $pdir\n"); } } sub antecedents { my ($vpatch) = @_; return traverse_ante(search_map($vpatch)); } sub descendants { my ($vpatch) = @_; return traverse_desc(search_map($vpatch)); } sub get_signatories { my ($vpatch) = @_; my @sigs; foreach my $k (keys %banners) { foreach my $fp (keys %{$banners{$k}}) { my $uid = $banners{$k}{$fp}; push @sigs, $uid if $vpatch eq $k; } } push @sigs, "WILD" if !@sigs; return "(" . join(', ', sort @sigs) . ")"; } sub build_flow { my @flow = (); my @roots = roots(); %tmp_map = %map; foreach my $root (@roots) { my %desc = descendants($root); if(%desc) { $desc_map{$root} = [keys %desc]; get_all_descendant_nodes(sort keys %desc); verify_ante($root); } else { $desc_map{$root} = []; } } @flow = toposort(%desc_map); %map = scrub_map(@flow); return reverse @flow; } sub calc_press_path { my ($head) = @_; traverse_press_path($head); return toposort(%ante_map); } sub traverse_press_path { my ($vp) = @_; my %ante = antecedents($vp); if(%ante) { $ante_map{$vp} = [keys %ante]; foreach my $a (keys %ante) { traverse_press_path($a); } } else { $ante_map{$vp} = []; } } sub scrub_map { my (@flow) = @_; foreach my $k (keys %tmp_map) { if(!grep {/$k/} @flow) { delete $tmp_map{$k} if exists $tmp_map{$k}; } } return %tmp_map; } sub verify_ante { my (@vpatch) = @_; my %desc = (); foreach my $vp (@vpatch) { %desc = descendants($vp); if(%desc) { foreach my $a (sort keys %desc) { check_ante($a); } } } if(%desc) { verify_ante(sort keys %desc); } } sub check_ante { my ($vp) = @_; my @curr_node_edge_hashes = (); my @verified_hashes = (); my %ante = antecedents($vp); foreach my $curr_node_edge (keys %{$tmp_map{$vp}}) { if($tmp_map{$vp}{$curr_node_edge}->{a} ne "false") { push @curr_node_edge_hashes, $tmp_map{$vp}{$curr_node_edge}->{a}; } foreach my $ante_node (keys %ante) { foreach my $ante_node_edge (keys %{$tmp_map{$ante_node}}) { next if $curr_node_edge ne $ante_node_edge; if($tmp_map{$vp}{$curr_node_edge}->{a} eq $tmp_map{$ante_node}{$ante_node_edge}->{b}) { push @verified_hashes, $tmp_map{$vp}{$curr_node_edge}->{a}; } } } } if(@curr_node_edge_hashes != @verified_hashes) { remove_desc($vp); } } sub remove_desc { my (@vp) = @_; my %desc = (); foreach my $v (@vp) { delete $desc_map{$v} if exists $desc_map{$v}; delete $tmp_map{$v} if exists $tmp_map{$v}; my %desc = descendants($v); next if !%desc; foreach my $d (keys %desc) { foreach my $dkeys (keys %desc_map) { my @tmp = @{$desc_map{$dkeys}}; if(@tmp) { my $offset = 0; foreach my $t (@tmp) { if($t eq $d) { splice @tmp, $offset, 1; } $offset++; } $desc_map{$dkeys} = [@tmp]; } } } remove_desc(sort keys %desc) if %desc; } } sub get_all_descendant_nodes { my (@vpatch) = @_; my %desc = (); foreach my $vp (@vpatch) { %desc = descendants($vp); if(keys %desc) { my @dkeys = keys %desc; $desc_map{$vp} = [@dkeys]; get_all_descendant_nodes(sort @dkeys); } if(!%desc) { $desc_map{$vp} = []; } } return %desc_map; } sub toposort { my (%unsorted) = @_; my $acyclic = "", my $flag = "f", my @flow = (); while(%unsorted) { $acyclic = "false"; foreach my $node (sort keys %unsorted) { my @edges = @{$unsorted{$node}}; foreach my $edge (@edges) { $flag = "t" and last if exists $unsorted{$edge}; } if($flag ne "t") { $acyclic = "true"; delete $unsorted{$node}; push @flow, $node; } $flag = ""; } if(!$acyclic eq "true") { death("Cyclic Graph!\n"); } } return @flow; } sub press_vpatches { my ($p, @flow) = @_; my @press = @{$p}; my $v = 1 and shift @press if $press[0] =~ /^v$|^verbose$/i; death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/, @flow; my @pp = calc_press_path($press[1]); death("Directory $press[0] already exists! Halting press.\n") if -d $press[0]; `mkdir -p $press[0]`; foreach my $vp (@pp) { if($v) { my @out = `cd $press[0] && vpatch < $pdir/$vp 2>&1`; print "$vp\n"; foreach my $o (@out) { print " $o"; } } else { `cd $press[0] && vpatch < $pdir/$vp`; } %vp_map = (); verify_pressed($press[0], add_pressed($vp)); last if $vp eq $press[1]; } } sub add_pressed { my ($vpatch) = @_; $vp_map{$vpatch} = $map{$vpatch}; return %vp_map; } sub get_filepath { my ($fp) = @_; $fp =~ /^[a|b]\/(.*)$/; return $1; } sub verify_pressed { my ($press_dir, %vp_map) = @_; foreach my $vp (keys %vp_map) { foreach my $src_file_name (keys %{$vp_map{$vp}}) { my $file_hash = $vp_map{$vp}{$src_file_name}{b}; if($file_hash ne "false") { my $fp = $press_dir . "/" . get_filepath($src_file_name); my $hashed = `ksum $fp`; $hashed =~ /^(.*) .*$/; my $pressed_hash = $1; if($file_hash ne $pressed_hash) { print " File: $fp\n" . "Expected: $file_hash\n" . " Actual: $pressed_hash\n"; death("Pressed file hash did not match expected!\n"); } } } } } sub sync_seals { my ($URL, $out) = @_; if(!-d $out) { `mkdir -p $out`; } my $wget = "wget -q -r -nd -N --no-parent " . "--reject \"index.html*\" $URL/v/seals/ -P $out"; `$wget`; print "Seal sync complete to \"$out\"\n"; } sub sync_vpatches { my ($URL, $out, @sync) = @_; my $wget = ""; if(!-d $out) { `mkdir -p $out`; } foreach my $vpatch (@sync) { $wget = "wget -q -r -nd -N --no-parent " . "--reject \"index.html*\" $URL/v/patches/$vpatch -P $out"; `$wget`; print "$vpatch sync complete to \"$out\"\n"; } } sub sync_all_vpatches { my ($URL, $out) = @_; if(!-d $out) { `mkdir -p $out`; } my $wget = "wget -q -r -nd -N --no-parent " . "--reject \"index.html*\" $URL/v/patches/ -P $out"; `$wget`; print "Full vpatch sync complete to \"$out\"\n"; } sub sync_everything { my ($URL, $pd, $sd) = @_; sync_all_vpatches($URL, $pd); sync_seals($URL, $sd); } sub build_desc_full_graph { $graph->set_attributes("graph", { font => "monospace", label => "..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: Vpatch Graph ]::.." }); $graph->set_attributes("node", { linkbase => "http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/patches/", autolink => "name", color => "blue" }); my @roots = roots(); foreach my $root (@roots) { my $node = $graph->add_node($root); $node->set_attribute("title", "Signed By: " . get_signatories($root)); my %desc = descendants($root); my @dkeys = keys %desc; add_desc_edges($root, @dkeys); my @sn = $graph->source_nodes(); add_desc_src_files($sn[0]); } } sub add_desc_edges { my ($origin, @vpatch) = @_; my %desc = (); foreach my $vp (@vpatch) { %desc = descendants($vp); my $node = $graph->add_node($vp); my $sigs = get_signatories($vp); $node->set_attribute("title", "Signed By: $sigs"); $graph->add_edge_once($origin, $vp); if(keys %desc) { my @dkeys = sort keys %desc; add_desc_edges($vp, @dkeys); } } } sub add_desc_src_files { my ($node) = @_; if($node != "") { my %desc = descendants($node->name()); my @suc = $node->successors(); foreach my $s (@suc) { my $name = $s->name(); my @edges = $node->edges_to($s); foreach my $e (@edges) { $e->set_attribute("title", "[ " . join('; ', sort @{$desc{$name}}) . " ]"); add_desc_src_files($s); } } } } sub rank_leafs_gviz { build_desc_full_graph(); my $gviz = $graph->as_graphviz(); my @leafs = leafs(); $gviz =~ s/GRAPH_0/VPATCH_GRAPH/; $gviz =~ s/rankdir=LR/rankdir=BT,ranksep=1.00,nodesep=.50/; $gviz =~ s/}$//; $gviz .= " { rank=same; "; foreach my $l (@leafs) { $gviz .= "\"$l\" "; } $gviz .= "}\n}"; return $gviz; } sub make_tmpdir { if(-d "/tmp") { $tdir = `mktemp -d`; } else { $tdir = `mktemp -d -p .`; } chomp($tdir); death("Failed to create tempdir!\n") if $tdir eq ""; } sub death { my ($msg) = @_; remove_tmpdir($tdir); die "$msg"; } sub remove_tmpdir { my ($dir) = @_; `rm -rf $dir` if -d $dir; } sub print_graph { my ($graph, @gv) = @_; if(!@gv) { print "$graph\n"; } elsif($#gv eq 1) { open FH, ">$gv[0]"; print FH "$graph\n"; close FH; print "Printed Graphviz dot file to $gv[0]\n"; my @which = `which dot`; chomp($which[0]); if($which[0] =~ /dot/) { `$which[0] -Tsvg $gv[0] > $gv[1]`; } else { print "`dot` binary not found, check if 'graphviz' is installed\n"; } print "Executed `dot` and built svg html output file: $gv[1]\n"; } else { open FH, ">$gv[0]"; print FH "$graph\n"; close FH; print "Printed Graphviz dot file to $gv[0]\n"; } } sub get_mirrors { my ($out) = @_; my @mirror_sigs = (); if(!-d $out) { `mkdir -p $out`; } my $wget = "wget -q -r -nd -N --no-parent " . "--reject \"index.html*\" -A 'mirrors.*' " . "http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/ -P $out"; `$wget`; my @sigs = `ls $out | sort`; @sigs = wash(@sigs); foreach my $sig (@sigs) { my $who = $1 if $sig =~ /.*\..*\.(.*)\..*/; my $verify = "gpg --homedir $tdir --logger-fd 1 --verify $out/$sig " . "$out/mirrors.txt"; my @res = `$verify`; foreach my $r (@res) { if($r =~ /Good signature/) { push @mirror_sigs, $who; next; } } } return @mirror_sigs; } sub print_mirrors { my ($out) = @_; my @mirror_sigs = get_mirrors($out); if(-d $out) { my @mirrors = `cat $out/mirrors.txt`; print "Mirrors signed by (" . join(', ', sort @mirror_sigs) . "):\n"; foreach(@mirrors) { chomp($_); print "$_\n"; } } } sub print_roots { my @r = roots(); foreach(@r) { print "Root: $_ " . get_signatories($_) . "\n"; } } sub print_leafs { my @l = leafs(); foreach(@l) { print "Leaf: $_ " . get_signatories($_) . "\n"; } } sub print_wot { my ($finger) = @_; if(%wot) { foreach my $uid (sort keys %wot) { if(!$finger) { print "$uid:$wot{$uid}{fp}:$wot{$uid}{banner}\n"; } else { print "$uid-" . substr($wot{$uid}{fp}, -16) . ":$wot{$uid}{fp}:$wot{$uid}{banner}\n"; } } } } sub print_antecedents { my ($vpatch) = @_; my %ante = antecedents($vpatch); my $sigs; foreach my $a (sort keys %ante) { $sigs = get_signatories($a); print "Antecedent: $a $sigs [ " . join('; ', sort @{$ante{$a}}) . " ]\n"; } } sub print_descendants { my ($vpatch) = @_; my %desc = descendants($vpatch); my $sigs; foreach my $d (sort keys %desc) { $sigs = get_signatories($d); print "Descendant: $d $sigs [ " . join('; ', sort @{$desc{$d}}) . " ]\n"; } } sub print_origin { my ($hash) = @_; my $found = "f"; foreach my $k (keys %map) { foreach my $sf (keys %{$map{$k}}) { if($map{$k}{$sf}{b} eq $hash) { $found = "t"; print "Origin: $k " . get_signatories($k) . "\n"; } } } print "No Origin Found by Hash: $hash\n" if $found ne "t"; } sub print_flow { my (@flow) = @_; foreach(@flow) { print "$_ " . get_signatories($_) . "\n"; } } sub print_press_path { my ($head) = @_; my @pp = calc_press_path($head); foreach(@pp) { print "$_ " . get_signatories($_) . "\n"; } } sub get_version { my $version_text = << "END_VERSION_TEXT"; ################################################################################ # ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: V ]::.. # # # # Version: $version # # Author: mod6 # # Fingerprint: 0x027A8D7C0FB8A16643720F40721705A8B71EADAF # # # ################################################################################ END_VERSION_TEXT return $version_text; } sub short_help { my ($flag) = @_; my $short_help = << "END_SHORT_HELP"; ################################################################################ # ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: V ]::.. # # # # Version: $version # # Author: mod6 # # Fingerprint: 0x027A8D7C0FB8A16643720F40721705A8B71EADAF # # # # Usage: v.pl # # (m | mirrors) () # # (i | init) (mirror_url) [( )] # # (wd | wotdir) () # # (pd | patchdir) () # # (sd | sealdir) () # # (w | wot) [ finger ] # # (r | roots) # # (l | leafs) # # (f | flow) # # (p | press) ( ) # # (pp | press-path) () # # (ss | sync-seals) ( ) # # (sv | sync-vpatches) ( ... ) # # (sa | sync-all-vpatches) ( ) # # (se | sync-everything) ( ) # # (a | ante | antecedents) () # # (d | desc | descendants) () # # (o | origin) () # # (g | graph) ( []) # # (v | version) # # (h | help) # # # END_SHORT_HELP my $l = "########################################" . "########################################\n"; if($flag) { $short_help .= $l; } return $short_help; } sub long_help { print short_help(); my $long_help = << "END_LONG_HELP"; # Commands: # # m, mirrors () # # Will attempt to retrieve, cryptographically verify and print entries # # in this list for usage in other commands. Mirrors command may only # # be invoked by itself. [See: sync-seals, sync-vpatches, # # sync-everything] # # # # i, init () [( )] # # init should be run as the first command executed with V. init only # # requires one option: . The and options are # # optional. Use these if you want to override the default Vpatches and # # Seals directories in that exact order. # # # # Defaults: "~/.wot", "patches" (in present working directory) and # # "~/.seals" will be used as defaults. WoTs pubkeys can not be sync'd # # these need to be placed in the WoT directory manually. # # # # Set to one of the signed URLs in the PGP signed mirrors # # list at: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/mirrors.txt # # # # wd, wotdir () # # Given the required option , overrides the default wotdir # # ( .wot in the current working directory ) containing PGP public keys. # # # # pd, patchdir () # # Given required option of , overrides the default # # patchdir ( ./patches ) containing vpatch files. # # # # sd, sealdir () # # Given required option of , overrides the default sealdir # # ( .seals in the current working directory ) containing PGP detached # # signatures of vpatch files. # # # # w, wot [ finger ] # # Loads PGP public keys from wotdir and prints the WoT to stdout # # # # r, roots # # Finds the root vpatches (which have no antecedents) and prints them # # to stdout. # # # # l, leafs # # Finds the leaf vpatches (which have no descendants) and prints them # # to stdout. # # # # f, flow # # Prints the topological flow of vpatches based on precedence. # # # # p, press ( ) # # Given required options output directory and # # press will apply vpatches in topologicial order up through the # # supplied (head) vpatch. Will print patching output if 'verbose' flag # # is supplied immediately after ( p | press ) option. # # See: ( f | flow ) to view the topological ordering. # # # # pp, press-path () # # Print the actual path to be pressed, given a found in the # # flow. # # # # ss, sync-seals ( ) # # Given required options of and output directory # # will pull all of the available seal files from the given mirror into # # output directory. # # # # sv, sync-vpatches ( ... ) # # Given required options of and output directory # # will pull the requested vpatch(s) from the given mirror into output # # directory. # # # # sa, sync-all-vpatches ( ) # # Given required options of and output directory # # will pull all available vpatches from the given mirror into output # # directory. # # # # se, sync-everything ( ) # # Given required options of , , and ; # # sync-everything will pull all of the available seals and vpatches # # available at the given mirror. # # # # a, ante, antecedents () # # Finds the antecedents of a given vpatch and prints the results to # # stdout # # # # d, desc, descendants () # # Finds the descendants of a given vpatch and prints the results to # # stdout # # # # o, origin () # # Returns the vpatch and signatories where the given hash originated in # # the source tree. # # # # g, graph ( []) # # Builds a complete directed GraphViz graph of all vpatches from a # # topological flow and prints the Dot language output to file. If the # # output_svg_html_file argument is supplied the V will attempt to parse # # the output_dotfile into an html file; Requires having separately # # installed 'graphviz' ahead of time. # # # # v, version # # Prints the version message. # # # # h, help # # Prints this full help message. # # # ################################################################################ END_LONG_HELP return $long_help; } sub main { check_required_bins(@dep_bins); my $cmd; if(@ARGV > 0) { $cmd = shift @ARGV; } else { print "Unknown or missing option!\n"; print short_help("t"); return; } my $pwd = get_pwd(); $wdir = "$pwd/.wot"; $pdir = "$pwd/patches"; $sdir = "$pwd/.seals"; if(($cmd =~ /^m$|^mirrors$/i || $cmd =~ /^i$|^init$/i || $cmd =~ /^wd$|^wotdir$/i || $cmd =~ /^pd$|^patchdir$/i || $cmd =~ /^sd$|^sealdir$/i || $cmd =~ /^p$|^press$/i || $cmd =~ /^ss$|^sync-seals$/i || $cmd =~ /^sv$|^sync-vpatches$/i || $cmd =~ /^sa$|^sync-all-vpatches$/i || $cmd =~ /^sa$|^sync-all-vpatches$/i || $cmd =~ /^se$|^sync-everything$/i || $cmd =~ /^a$|^ante$|^antecedents$/i || $cmd =~ /^d$|^desc$|^descendants$/i || $cmd =~ /^o$|^origin$/i || $cmd =~ /^g$|^graph$/i) && !@ARGV) { print "Option \"$cmd\" requires arguments!\n"; print short_help("t"); return; } my @tmp = (); while(@ARGV > 0) { if($ARGV[0] =~ /^wd$|^wotdir$/) { shift @ARGV; $wdir = shift @ARGV; next; } elsif($ARGV[0] =~ /^pd$|^patchdir$/) { shift @ARGV; $pdir = shift @ARGV; next; } elsif($ARGV[0] =~ /^sd$|^sealdir$/) { shift @ARGV; $sdir = shift @ARGV; next; } else { push @tmp, shift @ARGV; } } @ARGV = @tmp; @wfiles = set_files($wdir); build_wot(); if($cmd =~ /^h$|^help$/) { print long_help(); return; } if($cmd =~ /^i$|^init$/) { if(@ARGV == 1) { init(@ARGV, $pdir, $sdir); return; } elsif(@ARGV == 3) { $sdir = pop @ARGV; $pdir = pop @ARGV; init(@ARGV, $pdir, $sdir); return; } else { print "Incorrect number of arguments passed to init!\n"; print short_help("t"); return; } } if($cmd =~ /^m$|^mirrors$/) { print_mirrors(@ARGV); return; } if($cmd =~ /^w$|^wot$/) { print_wot(@ARGV); return; } if($cmd =~ /^v$|^version$/) { print get_version(); return; } @pfiles = set_files($pdir); @sfiles = set_files($sdir); validate_seals(); build_map(); my @flow = build_flow(); if ($cmd =~ /^r$|^roots$/) { print_roots(); } elsif($cmd =~ /^l$|^leafs$/) { print_leafs(); } elsif($cmd =~ /^f$|^flow$/) { print_flow(@flow); } elsif($cmd =~ /^pp$|^press-path$/) { print_press_path(@ARGV); } elsif($cmd =~ /^p$|^press$/) { if(@ARGV < 2) { print "$cmd requires two arguments: ( )\n\n"; print short_help("t"); } else { press_vpatches(\@ARGV, @flow); } } elsif($cmd =~ /^ss$|^sync-seals$/) { if(@ARGV < 2) { print "$cmd requires two arguments: ( )\n\n"; print short_help("t"); } else { sync_seals(@ARGV); } } elsif($cmd =~ /^sv$|^sync-vpatches$/) { if(@ARGV < 3) { print "$cmd requires three arguments: " . "( ... )\n\n"; print short_help("t"); } else { sync_vpatches(@ARGV); } } elsif($cmd =~ /^sa$|^sync-all-vpatches$/) { if(@ARGV < 2) { print "$cmd requires two arguments: " . "( )\n\n"; print short_help("t"); } else { sync_all_vpatches(@ARGV); } } elsif($cmd =~ /^se$|^sync-everything$/) { if(@ARGV < 3) { print "$cmd requires three arguments: " . "( )\n\n"; print short_help("t"); } else { sync_everything(@ARGV); } } elsif($cmd =~ /^a$|^ante$|^antecedents$/) { print_antecedents(@ARGV); } elsif($cmd =~ /^d$|^desc$|^descendants$/) { print_descendants(@ARGV); } elsif($cmd =~ /^o$|^origin$/) { print_origin(@ARGV); } elsif($cmd =~ /^g$|^graph$/) { my $mod = "Graph::Easy"; (my $req = $mod . ".pm") =~ s{::}{/}g; require $req; $graph = $mod->new(); print_graph(rank_leafs_gviz(), @ARGV); } else { print "Unknown option: \"$cmd\"\n"; print short_help("t"); } } make_tmpdir(); main(); remove_tmpdir($tdir);