-- Tests for SMG_Comms.Packing -- S.MG, 2018 with Packing; use Packing; with Raw_Types; use Raw_Types; with RSA_OAEP; use RSA_OAEP; with Serpent; use Serpent; with RNG; use RNG; with IO_RSA; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Test_Packing is procedure Print(Data: in Raw_Types.Octets; Msg: in String) is begin Put_Line(Msg); for I of Data loop Put(Unsigned_8'Image(I)); end loop; New_Line; end Print; procedure Test_Pack_Unpack_Serpent is InMsg : Serpent_Msg := (others => 0); OutMsg : Serpent_Msg := (others => 0); InPkt : Serpent_Pkt := (others => 0); OutPkt : Serpent_Pkt := (others => 0); K : Key := (others => 0); KS : Key_Schedule; Plain : Block := (others => 0); Encr : Block := (others => 0); Len : constant Natural := Raw_Types.SERPENT_OCTETS / Serpent.Block'Length; begin for I in 1 .. 128 loop OutPkt := Pack(InMsg, K); if OutPkt = InMsg then raise Test_Error; end if; OutMsg := Unpack(OutPkt, K); if OutMsg /= InMsg then raise Test_Error; end if; -- check result of pack Prepare_Key(K, KS); for J in 1 .. Len loop Plain := InMsg((J-1)*Block'Length + 1 .. J*Block'Length); Serpent.Encrypt(KS, Plain, Encr); if Encr /= OutPkt((J-1)*Block'Length + 1 .. J*Block'Length) then Put_Line("FAIL: pack/unpack with Serpent."); raise Test_Error; end if; end loop; -- iterate, re-packing as "message" the previous package InMsg := OutPkt; end loop; Put_Line("PASS: test pack/unpack with Serpent."); end Test_Pack_Unpack_Serpent; procedure Test_Pack_Unpack_RSA is Msg : RSA_Msg; Decr_Msg : RSA_Msg; PKey : RSA_pkey; SKey : RSA_skey; Success : Boolean; Pkt : RSA_Pkt; begin -- initialize with RSA pair previously generated IO_RSA.ReadRSAKey( "keys_rsa.txt", Raw_Types.RSA_KEY_OCTETS, Raw_Types.RSA_KEY_OCTETS*2, SKey ); -- copy n and e for public key PKey.n := SKey.n; PKey.e := SKey.e; -- get random data for "message" RNG.Get_Octets(Msg); -- pack the message into corresponding packet Pkt := Packing.Pack( Msg, PKey ); -- unpack and check the result Decr_Msg := Packing.Unpack( Pkt, SKey, Success ); if (not Success) or (Decr_Msg /= Msg) then Put_Line("FAIL: pack/unpack with RSA."); else Put_Line("PASS: pack/unpack with RSA."); end if; -- try to unpack a mangled package Pkt(Pkt'First + 3) := Pkt(Pkt'First + 3) + 1; Decr_Msg := (others => 0); Decr_Msg := Packing.Unpack( Pkt, SKey, Success ); if Success then Put_Line("FAIL: pack/unpack with RSA on mangled package."); else Put_Line("PASS: pack/unpack with RSA on mangled package."); end if; end Test_Pack_Unpack_RSA; end Test_Packing;