-- S.MG, 2018 -- basic tests for the prototype implementation of S.MG communication protocol -- http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/ with "../smg_comms.gpr"; project Test_comms is type Mode_Type is ("debug", "release"); Mode : Mode_Type := external ("mode", "release"); for Languages use ("Ada"); for Source_Dirs use ("."); for Ignore_Source_Sub_Dirs use (".svn", ".git", "@*"); for Object_Dir use "obj"; for Exec_Dir use "."; for Main use ("testall.adb"); package Compiler is case Mode is when "debug" => for Switches ("Ada") use ("-g"); when "release" => for Switches ("Ada") use ("-O2", "-fdump-scos", "-gnata", "-fstack-check", "-gnatyd", "-gnatym", "-fdata-sections", "-ffunction-sections", "-gnatwr", "-gnatw.d", "-gnatec=" & SMG_Comms'Project_Dir & "restrict.adc"); end case; end Compiler; package Builder is for Executable ("test_comms.adb") use "test_comms"; end Builder; package Binder is case Mode is when "debug" => for Switches ("Ada") use (); when "release" => for Switches ("Ada") use ("-static"); end case; end Binder; end Test_comms;