- 737F20496467F30D16567D63D809FE08641D524903AE5EB425A9D209DA2E9524195D7B3364BF723BCE428621344CC6C4861C58D601BFCD93B2AF50C537D5D038
+ 70BD2DEE99F74CBB32F47C741CF0381341A892379C46734FB108109B65DF2706694664AE63D69A9CAF21C6FB43D551B2A5B0231BCA6CF8561C962958CD310036
(142 . 11)(142 . 14)
1955 inline int OutputDebugStringF(const char* pszFormat, ...)
1956 {
1957 int ret = 0;
1958 const char* isodt = GetISODateTime().c_str();
1960 if (fPrintToConsole)
1961 {
1962 // print to console
1963 va_list arg_ptr;
1964 va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
1965 printf("%s ", isodt);
1966 ret = vprintf(pszFormat, arg_ptr);
1967 va_end(arg_ptr);
1968 }
(177 . 6)(180 . 7)
1971 va_list arg_ptr;
1972 va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
1973 fprintf(fileout, "%s ", isodt);
1974 ret = vfprintf(fileout, pszFormat, arg_ptr);
1975 va_end(arg_ptr);
1976 }
(246 . 7)(250 . 7)
1978 ret = limit - 1;
1979 buffer[limit-1] = 0;
1980 }
1981 printf("ERROR: %s\n", buffer);
1982 printf(SERR "%s\n", buffer);
1983 return false;
1984 }
(806 . 7)(810 . 8)
1987 if (vTimeOffsets.empty())
1988 vTimeOffsets.push_back(0);
1989 vTimeOffsets.push_back(nOffsetSample);
1990 printf("Added time data, samples %d, offset %+"PRI64d" (%+"PRI64d" minutes)\n", vTimeOffsets.size(), vTimeOffsets.back(), vTimeOffsets.back()/60);
1991 printf(SINF SPRC "added time data, samples %d, offset %+"PRI64d". (%+"PRI64d" minutes)\n",
1992 vTimeOffsets.size(), vTimeOffsets.back(), vTimeOffsets.back()/60);
1993 if (vTimeOffsets.size() >= 5 && vTimeOffsets.size() % 2 == 1)
1994 {
1995 sort(vTimeOffsets.begin(), vTimeOffsets.end());
(832 . 16)(837 . 10)
1997 if (!fMatch)
1998 {
1999 fDone = true;
2000 string strMessage = _("Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct. If your clock is wrong Bitcoin will not work properly.");
2001 strMiscWarning = strMessage;
2002 printf("*** %s\n", strMessage.c_str());
2003 boost::thread(boost::bind(ThreadSafeMessageBox, strMessage+" ", string("Bitcoin"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, (wxWindow*)NULL, -1, -1));
2004 printf(SWAR SPRC "please check that your computer's date and time are correct\n");
2005 }
2006 }
2007 }
2008 BOOST_FOREACH(int64 n, vTimeOffsets)
2009 printf("%+"PRI64d" ", n);
2010 printf("| nTimeOffset = %+"PRI64d" (%+"PRI64d" minutes)\n", nTimeOffset, nTimeOffset/60);
2011 }
2012 }