- EDE2E19DD0CE3D03F54689CBEDA30B4B36152F7E532B3D34F0F8C55BB292F7D25C149B88162D96A8208997237A32566D0E555AA7105BFED8175983D80AD892E6
+ 84193F267FE20CDD9BC3A525CA206D4C00AB8B732AB386E4582E77E96E2574B08DA2916E927839C8C1247867E42C9B9124F48546626F675F1D8CEA705AC87B3A
(2139 . 12)(2139 . 12)
5 vnThreadsRunning[4]--;
6 PrintException(NULL, "ThreadRPCServer()");
7 }
8 printf("ThreadRPCServer exiting\n");
9 printf(SINF SNET "rpc server thread exiting\n");
10 }
12 void ThreadRPCServer2(void* parg)
13 {
14 printf("ThreadRPCServer started\n");
15 printf(SINF SNET "rpc server thread started\n");
17 strRPCUserColonPass = mapArgs["-rpcuser"] + ":" + mapArgs["-rpcpassword"];
18 if (strRPCUserColonPass == ":")
(2207 . 7)(2207 . 7)
20 if (!api_caller.timed_join(boost::posix_time::seconds(GetArg("-rpctimeout", 30))))
21 { // Timed out:
22 acceptor.cancel();
23 printf("ThreadRPCServer ReadHTTP timeout\n");
24 printf(SINF SNET "rpc server thread timeout\n");
25 continue;
26 }
(2219 . 7)(2219 . 7)
29 }
30 if (!HTTPAuthorized(mapHeaders))
31 {
32 printf("ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from %s\n",peer.address().to_string().c_str());
33 printf(SWAR SNET "incorrect rpc password attempt from %s\n",peer.address().to_string().c_str());
34 /* Deter brute-forcing short passwords.
35 If this results in a DOS the user really
36 shouldn't have their RPC port exposed.*/
(2250 . 7)(2250 . 7)
38 throw JSONRPCError(-32600, "Method must be a string");
39 string strMethod = valMethod.get_str();
40 if (strMethod != "getwork" && strMethod != "getmemorypool")
41 printf("ThreadRPCServer method=%s\n", strMethod.c_str());
42 printf(SINF SNET "rpc server received request using method %s\n", strMethod.c_str());
44 // Parse params
45 Value valParams = find_value(request, "params");